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Beautiful Intentions: Healing One Soul at a Time
Beautiful Intentions: Healing One Soul at a Time
Beautiful Intentions: Healing One Soul at a Time
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Beautiful Intentions: Healing One Soul at a Time

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We have all asked ourselves "Who am I" and "What is my purpose". The knowledge we are searching for is within each one of us. My soul has been called to share my gift of spiritual awakening with those on a quest for clarity.

Our journey of revelation begins with a concrete plan on how to heal our deepest fears and emotional trauma. Through resolving daily life challenges with an alternative perspective, we will explore how intention can create an inspiring view of healing. When we are given the tools to work through fear and grief, the path to peace and joy becomes attainable.

When our hearts are open to embracing self-love and forgiveness, we unlock the portal to our true Higher Soul Self. This elevates our personal energy which attracts positive people and experiences into our life.

I will share inspirational spiritual experiences as a nurse and personally, that may alleviate the fear around our soul's transition into the Afterlife. I will also entrust you with how communication exists between us and our loved ones in the Heavenly realm.

When we approach these concepts with an open heart and mind, we witness how seamlessly our journey flows. I invite you to share this Divine adventure with me through all of life's Beautiful Intentions.

Release dateNov 30, 2023
Beautiful Intentions: Healing One Soul at a Time

Michele Schrader

Michele recalls receiving messages from a Higher Power since her childhood. After her father crossed over to the Heavenly realm, the intent of these messages opened a path to spiritual clarity.As a nurse in a palliative care setting, Michele had many transformational spiritual experiences. Throughout her life, she began to understand that personal repetitive challenging life events held underlying critical lessons. The connection of all these experiences came together to create this Divinely inspired book.

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    Beautiful Intentions - Michele Schrader

    Our Spirituality Revealed

    Who am I? and What is my purpose? are questions we have asked ourselves since the dawn of human existence. There is a palpable shift in our world energy that is creating the ideal environment for us to unearth the answers we seek. The knowledge we are searching for is within each one of us. My soul has been called to share my gift of spiritual awakening with those who are on a quest for clarity. I have been blessed with the ability to receive messages from a Higher Power and to communicate this knowledge through my writing. The journey we will embark on together will empower each one of us to discover who we are on a deep soul level. As the truth is revealed, we will witness how beautifully and seamlessly our journey flows.

    We are all spiritual beings having a spiritual experience in a human body. When we are aware of this truth, we open ourselves to discover our purpose in this lifetime. We are never alone on this journey and are always surrounded by Divine Love. We are blessed to have been the chosen souls who came to Earth at this critical time. There has never been a moment in our Earth’s existence where the veil that separates us from the Heavenly Realm has been thinner. This allows us to access awareness of ourselves as the spiritual beings we are.

    Our greatest purpose on Earth is to heal our deepest fears and emotional pain so that we may become aware of who we are at a soul level. When our hearts are open to embracing love and forgiveness, we unlock the portal to our true Higher Soul Self. Our Higher Soul Self is our most intimate selves at the core of our being. My intention is to help guide you in rediscovering your Higher Soul Self and life purpose.

    We are the privileged generation who have been blessed with the gift of enlightenment. If we choose not to acknowledge this revelation, we are forfeiting one of the greatest opportunities to heal ourselves and in turn contribute to the healing of the Universe.

    We are the brave souls who have chosen to be present during this renaissance of renewed spiritual awakening. We have been empowered with this divine knowledge from Source so that we can become aware of our purpose. Source is an energy that radiates love and forgiveness at the highest state of consciousness in all the Universe. As we realize who we are at a soul level, we are blessed with the understanding of a Higher Power. Source, or the Highest Power, is that greatest love that resonates within us and around us at all times.

    The path to realizing who we are and what our purpose is will be challenging yet incredibly rewarding. To fulfill our destiny, we must confront and release the traumatic and painful emotions that hold us captive in this life. This requires becoming aware of and healing all aspects of ourselves: mind, body, and soul. I will provide you with a foundation of knowledge, tools and empowerment to guide you along this path.

    My main motivation for writing this book is to share an important message of love and hope. I have been reassured by Higher Powers that this information will benefit many on their spiritual journey. I pray that you embrace the healing messages so that you are alerted to your higher purpose. I am offering a new perspective on how to deal with the challenges of life and unlock some of the mysteries of our journey into the Afterlife.

    Even if you are a skeptic, which is a good place to start from, my hope is to present an alternative perspective on healing and our life purpose. I only ask that you approach the material with an open heart and mind. Take what resonates within you and allow the rest to marinate in your soul.

    In the past we have forfeited our spiritual awareness to the distractions of the human experience. We are blessed to now have the opportunity to become the enlightened souls who can change the trajectory of universal consciousness. We create positive change simply by alerting the Universe to our intention to grow and learn at a deep spiritual level, one soul at a time. When we initiate this process, there is a perceptible shift in our consciousness that triggers our soul to begin remembering our purpose in this lifetime. A critical step is to process our fear, pain and hurt so we can heal our soul and contribute to healing the souls of humanity. When we release our fear and pain, we open a space for forgiveness and love to enter. The purpose of this love is to alert us to what requires deeper healing so that we may come back to our Highest Spiritual Self. When we rediscover our Higher Soul Self, we are gifted with the ability to fully comprehend our soul’s journey and life purpose. Through this process, we are elevating our personal energy, which contributes to raising favorable energy throughout the Universe. This positive energy shift gives us the opportunity to experience life with a renewed sense of joy and self-love. I will empower you with the knowledge and tools to assist you on your personal healing journey.

    The information I am sharing with you is an expression of my truth. It originates from the most intimate aspects of my heart and soul. My spirit has been called to share my personal experiences with you and to communicate messages sent to me from a Higher Power. This venture has been both terrifying and exhilarating. It exposes aspects of myself that I have never shared with anyone. It has been and continues to be an authentic and inspirational labor of love.

    From my earliest memories, I have always had the ability to communicate with family members and friends who had crossed over into the Afterlife. I refer to these souls as Spirit or spiritual beings. As a young child, I felt a powerful and reassuring energy outside of myself and yet a part of me. It was an elusive knowing that my purpose extended beyond my immediate reality. I sensed energies around me that I could not explain. When I began writing, I was able to channel thoughts and feelings from loved ones who had crossed over to the Heavenly Realm. Initially, I did this through poems and creative writing.

    Instinctually as a child, I sensed that my abilities would not be accepted by my family or friends. When I innocently spoke of crossed-over loved ones, my messages were received with skepticism and silence. I quickly learned to keep my experiences to myself. In my youth, I did not share my abilities and revelations with many people, as I did not fully understand them at that time. At some level I knew these abilities were a beautiful part of who I was, yet fear held me back for many years.

    After my father crossed over to the Heavenly Realm in 2016, my abilities could no longer be muted. The veil to the Higher Realm thinned and a portal to the Afterlife began to open. I was soon receiving messages from my father and Higher Powers at an accelerated rate. I could no longer deny the strength of my abilities. What my father could not grant me in this earthly life, he more than rectified from the Afterlife. My purpose took off in a radically prophetic direction. I began to embrace my revelations with a renewed passion and slowly started sharing my truth with those I trusted. Meditation and prayer were instrumental in initiating my discovery of my Higher Spiritual Self. A common theme of love and being of service to others wove its way into my consciousness. I was directed by Spirit and my personal insights to share what I have learned and experienced through my gift of writing and channeling.

    If anyone had told me that my life would take this spiritual path eight years ago, I would have been extremely skeptical. My awareness and faith has grown with every challenge I have experienced in my journey. I have dedicated an enormous amount of time and energy into discovering who I am at a soul level and strengthening my spiritual knowledge. My intention is to assist you in navigating your journey through a more purposeful and joyful life passageway.

    As with many of us, my journey was not a smooth one. I have had to battle insecurities and vulnerabilities in writing my story and embracing my abilities. Since every challenge has led me to this pivotal moment in my life, I now sit in gratitude for all my critical life experiences. I am dedicated to assist you in finding your truth through a renewed perspective. My intention is not for you to deny your experiences, but to grant you the tools to navigate your journey in a purposeful and enlightened way.

    It is my calling to be of service to others, so I welcome the opportunity to share my truth with you. I am confident that my message and the wisdom of my spiritual supports must be presented to those outside my inner circle. I understand that my message will not resonate with everyone, but I strongly feel in my heart that the messages contained in my writing are key for the healing of many people. I have also been shown by Higher Powers that by healing ourselves, we empower the Universe to mend collectively.

    Changing Our Perspective

    Discovering the answers to our questions of immortality, life purpose, who-am-I-and why-is-life-so-challenging are all within our grasp. The concept is simple but requires shedding some aspects of what we have been taught throughout life. This may include releasing some societal ideologies and organized religious dogma. My goal is not to negate the positive aspects of your belief system, but to enhance your knowledge through an enlightened spiritual view on faith and forgiveness. There is power in knowledge, and my message comes from a place of love from a Higher Power.

    The first step is opening our hearts and minds to a new perspective on how to achieve this awareness. We are on this Earth to learn through life experiences and to grow in spiritual awakening. As a human race, our most impactful life lessons are learned through experiencing opposites. To fully appreciate happiness, we must first encounter sadness. To understand acceptance, we must first be rejected. To truly know love, we would have been exposed to hate. To appreciate peace, we must endure times of conflict. We are given this knowledge to understand that every challenging experience is actually an opportunity for optimum growth. We will explore this concept in great detail, as it is difficult to comprehend why our souls would choose suffering and pain for us to learn our most profound lessons. There is no growth in neutrality. It is imperative to understand this perspective for us to embrace the lessons required for growth and learning.

    Earth is the classroom and life is the learning center for our soul. We are currently living the story of our spiritual existence on this planet. Use any tool presented to create a narrative you are proud of. The challenges of each individual involve learning the lessons needed to progress on Earth and into the Afterlife. Take advantage of all the knowledge available so you may advance in this lifetime to a level beyond all your aspirations.

    My life’s purpose is to share what I have discovered in my soul as truth. You will hopefully gain knowledge to grow and experience life in a more positive light. Allow that glimmer of hope to help expand your belief in yourself and in the potential greatness of humanity. Be patient and kind with yourself. Allow your soul to view life with a new perspective. The concepts introduced are straightforward but will take commitment and effort on your part. During the process you will begin your journey towards self-love and inner joy. When you internalize your truth, you are empowered to release love and peace into the Universe. This gives you the opportunity to heal and live a higher awakened life. When we open our hearts and allow love into our lives, we are creating an opening for a fulfilling existence. The lesson for us to discover collectively is to know love through forgiveness and gratitude.

    For us to open ourselves to discovering our purpose and truth, we must step out of the myopic view we currently experience life through. Changing our perspective can help us visualize life with a much broader lens. We are given the answers every day; we have just lost the faith to trust.

    Accepting a Higher Power in our life is a key factor in our spiritual journey. This Highest Power goes by many names and concepts. I will be referring to this Highest Power as Source, Creator, or God. Labeling this divine essence is not what we should focus on. God is not a concept granted to us from some elusive entity. The Divine Love of Source is a state of consciousness or a state of being that resonates within us and encapsulates all life within the Universe. When we accept the unconditional love of Source, we are on the path to rediscover our Higher Soul Self. When we embrace ourselves as the loving souls we are, we become aware of our life purpose and soul journey.

    When we open ourselves to reframe our spirituality to the true meaning of love instead of what we have been taught, we open ourselves to the pure essence of spiritual love. When we are alerted to the unifying aspects of spiritual love, we empower ourselves to eliminate fear from our lives. Every decision originates from a place of either love or fear, and we have the power to always choose love. I will help you become aware of the tools required for you to embrace love and eliminate fear from your life. When we release our fear and pain to a Higher Power, we are granting ourselves the opportunity for awareness and understanding towards the meaning of our existence on this Earth.

    As a society, we do not openly discuss or understand what role spirituality has in our lives. My calling is to present the information I have been shown in a clear and concise manner. Spiritual growth is a lifelong journey that builds on each learning venture. Do not feel rushed in getting to the next level before fully experiencing this level. Be patient. We are spiritual beings having a human experience. Embrace the pleasures and pain of our humanness. All of life’s challenges are necessary for growth and are part of a divine plan. When we can reframe challenges as blessings, we are another step closer to embracing our life purpose. It is within our power to work through all our challenges and transform our mistakes into learning experiences. In the spiritual sense, these perceived mistakes are imperative for growth and every misstep is viewed as an opportunity. There is truly no downside to embracing this inspired view on spirituality and discovering our life purpose. Our spirit is strong and needs to learn the lessons at its own pace. Above all, be kind, loving, patient and forgiving of yourself and towards others.

    Life is the school for our soul. We learn lessons in the Afterlife, but our greatest progress occurs in this classroom called Earth. Life as we know it here on Earth is the catalyst we require to accelerate our awareness and growth. As enlightened souls, we have chosen the most challenging learning center in all the Universe. Our true home exists within the Heavenly Realm. Our life here on Earth is a practice ground to accelerate our knowledge of who we truly are on a deep soul level.

    Rediscovering Our Purpose

    There are millions of people all over the world searching for awareness of their life purpose. As a society, we have become distracted from understanding the meaning of our existence. We have relinquished our spiritual selves to the ego-driven temptations of the Earthly Realm. Once we are able to return to our Higher Spiritual Selves, our purpose becomes clear and we are awakened to the true meaning of our soul’s path.

    I have been directed by my spiritual guides to assist in returning us to a state of understanding and knowledge that we all possess on a deep soul level. As we rediscover these answers, we will become aware that this has always been our truth.

    By simply committing to the process, we are activating a shift in our consciousness and alerting the Universe to our intention for soul growth and learning. The Universe reciprocates by elevating our vibrational energy, which results in placing positive experiences and people in our life.

    Our purpose on Earth is to embrace and learn the lessons we came here to fulfill. These goals may include working through jealousy, low self-worth, shame, guilt, greed, anger, selfishness and many other human frailties. This entails confronting these painful emotions, working through each feeling as it emerges, and releasing our sentiments that do not serve a higher purpose into the Universe. Our next critical step is to forgive those that have harmed us so we may create space for love to enter our hearts. This level of forgiveness is for personal self-growth and is very different from society’s definition of forgiveness. Embracing this fundamental sentiment will inspire your journey towards spiritual enlightenment. We will explore this concept of forgiveness in great detail, as it is the most challenging aspect of this process to comprehend. Through this awakening, we begin to rediscover our Higher Soul Self. When our hearts are open to this truth, we embrace Divine Love, which is the highest state of consciousness that is within us and surrounds us at all times. As we become aware of our Higher Soul Self, we are empowered to process the lessons we came to Earth to learn. Our purpose in living this challenging life on Earth is to work through critical lessons our soul agreed to embrace in our pre-life plan. All efforts towards this goal are rewarded and any setback is viewed as a necessary aspect for growth. With every lesson learned we achieve spiritual advancement on our soul journey. Earth presents the greatest and most challenging opportunity to achieve these goals. Shedding our feelings of fear, anger, guilt, judgment, shame and all other debilitating emotions are crucial for our journey to progress on a forward trajectory. This is the foundation for embracing every lesson we commit to encounter on Earth. With every goal accomplished we achieve a higher vibrational frequency, which affords us increased opportunities for favorable life experiences. Through this process we are also projecting elevated positive energy into the world and are contributing to the enlightened shift in the universal experience for the collective.

    Our Soul’s Intention

    For us to fully embrace our life challenges, it is imperative to be aware of our soul journey in the Afterlife. As we explore this concept throughout the book, attempt to open your heart to the flow and beauty of our spiritual path. When our soul is planning for our life on Earth, we do so in conjunction with our soul family in the Heavenly Realm. This collaboration creates a pre-birth soul plan that we all agree to incorporate into our earthly existence. We have spent many lives with this soul group and our intention is always from a love-centered approach. Our Higher Soul Self is highly motivated to experience the hardships of life because it is able to view the entire process of our spiritual journey from an elevated perspective. In Heaven, our soul is free from all the restrictive emotions we experience on Earth. This allows us to optimistically plan for a life that may be very challenging. Our soul understands that with every accomplishment we achieve on Earth we are rewarded with an elevated station in Heaven. As we embrace our lessons on Earth and in the Afterlife, we graduate in the spiritual energy levels towards our greatest heavenly rewards.

    We are given many opportunities to accomplish the goals we set out to learn in our pre-birth plan. We are also gifted many lives to work through these challenges. We are continually working towards the ultimate reward in the Heavenly Realm. It is important to note that whatever stage we are working on during our soul’s journey, we are all welcomed into Source’s Kingdom with forgiveness and unconditional love. This includes every single person regardless of race, religion or any societal ideology of the time.

    Source resonates in the highest energy frequency level in the entire Universe. Our greatest achievement is to become enlightened spiritual beings or Ascended Masters who reside in Source’s inner circle of light and love. At this stage, we have achieved our soul goals of learning all the lessons we agreed to fulfill on Earth and in other realms or galaxies. Our primary mission then involves being of service at the highest level to assist other souls on their spiritual journey. This process may take many lifetimes to achieve, so it is imperative we are alerted to all the aspects of this grand adventure.

    As humans, it is extremely difficult to understand the challenges in life without being aware of the purpose for all our hardships. Through an incredible spiritual experience as well as messages I have received from crossed-over loved ones and guides, I have become enlightened to of one of the greatest rewards we are blessed with from Source. Immediately upon crossing over to the Heavenly Realm, our soul witnesses the most immense abundance of Source’s love that far exceeds any emotion felt on Earth. Our earthly selves could not endure this extremely intense emotion for more than an instant, as it is the most powerfully exquisite state of being within the entire Universe. On a deep soul level, we are always striving for that perfect state of being, or Highest Love, that resides in the Heavenly Realm.

    My personal experience occurred shortly after my father crossed over from this Earthly Realm. He gifted me with a miraculous glimpse into that most powerful and profound feeling of Heavenly Love. I will share that experience with you in greater detail in the following chapters, as this event created exciting revelations for me. I was only present in this love for a brief moment, yet I was astonished when I felt my soul absorb this incredible infusion of Divine Love that resides in me to this day.

    When we become aware of the eternal life of our soul being, our fear of death of this body drastically decreases. We can then embrace the truth that our core essence, who we truly are on a deep soul level, continues on forever. Our fear of death may diminish so we are able to experience this lifetime for the amazing journey it is meant to be. I have also been shown that our life in the Heavenly Realm is exciting and reflective of the joyful aspects of our life on Earth. Our options are greater and beyond our imagination for all the adventures awaiting us in the Afterlife.

    Our ultimate reward for all these intense life lessons is beyond our capacity to fully comprehend from the perspective of this Earthly Realm. When we achieve our earthly goals, we are blessed with a more joyous and meaningful life. With each accomplishment, our soul is rewarded with achieving a higher elevation level in the next realm. The exquisite consciousness that exists in the Heavenly Realm is even more powerful than what anyone can grasp on Earth. This awareness of Source’s encapsulating Higher Love for each one of us becomes a primary motivation to achieve our earthly goals and challenges. When we have faith that this is a universal truth, we open ourselves to experience our life in a more optimistic and enlightened state of being. We are also given insight into what our life purpose is and the incentive we require to accomplish our soul mission.

    We Are Energy

    Understanding energy is a key element towards embracing our soul journey. All matter consists of energy. Once energy is created it cannot be destroyed. This is not only a spiritual truth, but also a scientific fact.

    Our soul energy is created from the highest energy source in the Universe. When our soul enters our earthly bodies, we must conform to a low energy state or realm. Just as we are energy, so is the atmosphere surrounding us. Our bodies keep us grounded in a lower vibration. All our emotions are part of this dense energy state that only exists on this Earthly Realm. One of our greatest challenges is to clear this heavy lower energy to attain a lighter and positive state of being through forgiveness and love. All around us are progressively elevated realms or layers of increasing energy states. Once we shed our earthly body, the tether to our confining low energy shell is severed, and we are transported into a heightened energy state. Some refer to this state as Heaven or the Afterlife. Heaven is not some elusive place thousands of miles away, but is an energy surrounding us in a beautiful warm embrace at all times. This foundation of knowledge helps us understand how we begin to gain awareness of our spiritual journey and how to access the Higher Realms while residing in our earthly bodies.

    The veil between our Earthly Realm and the Afterlife is thinning. The portal, or opening, to the Spiritual Realm is becoming available for us to access so that we may enlighten ourselves to our true purpose. We are witness to this evidence every day. Thousands of people all over the world are speaking of their Near-Death Experiences (NDEs) and are sharing the message of a divine Higher Love beyond anything we can imagine. Children and adults are talking about their past-lives and spiritual encounters with crossed-over loved ones in significantly greater numbers. Psychic and mediumship abilities are stronger and more prevalent than ever before. I will be presenting a variety of methods for you to recognize messages from your crossed-over loved ones, and how communication exists between these realms. Simply by elevating our spiritual energy and awareness, we are creating an opportunity for connection to the Heavenly Realm.

    For us to learn and grow, we must be aware of how energy contributes to our daily lives and greatly influences our experiences. The energy we put out into the Universe is reflected back at the same vibrational level. Like reflects like. When we reside in the past, we sit in a depressed and regretful state of being. Our energy vibration is lowered, and we attract other people and experiences that share similar adverse energies. When we are consumed with the future, we live in an anxious and fearful state of impending doom. When we project fear into the Universe, we increase the likelihood of unfavorable experiences reflecting back on us. Living in the moment creates a state of awareness for us to achieve optimum opportunities for learning and growth. It is imperative we ground ourselves in the present, so that we create a balance in our energy center. We become grounded when we immerse ourselves in the here and now. Allow all distractions to flow through you and sit in the moment with peace and love in your heart. We are all capable of grounding ourselves during our daily lives to reconnect and balance our energy center. This practice may take only seconds during our busy day, or we can choose to dedicate more time later in the evening or early morning. We will explore many methods of grounding ourselves to elevate our soul energy throughout the book.

    This knowledge on energy is a tool for us to begin our healing journey. Everyone and everything on this Earth has their own vibrational pattern. Our soul and emotions carry their unique frequency into all aspects of life. When we are filled with love, our vibrational frequency is very high. When we stray from love, we vibrate at a lower frequency. We attract people and experiences with similar frequencies as our own. Happiness and peace attract those that are joyous and reflect an optimistic vibration. Pain and sadness attract people and experiences that reinforce a lower vibration. Grief

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