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Eclipsed Desires: To Love a Demon
Eclipsed Desires: To Love a Demon
Eclipsed Desires: To Love a Demon
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Eclipsed Desires: To Love a Demon

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In "Veiled Shadows," love and danger intertwine in a supernatural dance, challenging the boundaries of two worlds and unraveling secrets that could reshape the destiny of demons and humans alike.

In the shadowy realm where demons wield power and deceit thrives, Eleanor finds herself entangled in a perilous dance between desire and danger. When she becomes the unwitting target of a demonic prophecy, the powerful demon lord Azrael, with a dark and ancient past, steps into her world.

Drawn to her against his own sinister plans, Azrael fights a primal urge to protect Eleanor from the machinations of the underworld. As the blood moon approaches, marking a pivotal moment in demonic lore, Azrael's internal struggle intensifies. Little does Eleanor know that her captor harbors a secret—a demonic prophecy that could change their fates forever.

As the battle for dominance unfolds in the underworld, Eleanor grapples with conflicting emotions and a growing attraction to the demon who should be her enemy. Can love flourish amidst the shadows, or will the prophecy's dark truth shatter any hope for a future?

Release dateDec 5, 2023
Eclipsed Desires: To Love a Demon

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    Book preview

    Eclipsed Desires - Mahalia Bailey

    By Mahalia Bailey

    Chapter one

    In a cozy corner of a bustling coffee shop, Eleanor sat engrossed in her work, surrounded by the comforting aroma of freshly brewed coffee. Her laptop screen illuminated her focused expression as she typed away, capturing the last moments of the year in the rhythmic clatter of keys.

    Beside her, Sophia, her vivacious best friend, leaned over the small table, a mischievous glint in her eyes. Come on, Eleanor! It’s New Year’s Eve. You can’t spend the night buried in work, she exclaimed, waving her hands animatedly.

    Eleanor looked up, a faint smile playing on her lips as she glanced at Sophia. I’ve got deadlines, Soph. I can’t just drop everything, she replied, her dedication evident in the lines of concentration on her face.

    Sophia chuckled; her enthusiasm undeterred. One night won’t hurt. Let’s go out, celebrate, and welcome the new year with a bang! she insisted, her contagious energy contrasting with Eleanor’s more reserved demeanor.

    Sophia pouted, feigning a dramatic sigh. Eleanor, you’re like a work wizard, but even wizards need a break! Trust me, the magical wonders of New Year’s Eve await us. Plus, you’ve been cooped up in your wizard tower- aka this coffee shop- for too long.

    Eleanor chuckled appreciating Sophia’s theatrics. Wizard tower, huh? I guess I do need a break from my magical incantations, she teased, closing her laptop with a click.

    Sophia’s eyes widened in mock surprise. Did you just agree to leave the fortress of productivity? I must be dreaming! she clutched her chest dramatically.

    Eleanor rolled her eyes, unable to suppress a grin. Alright, alright. I’ll join you for a little while. But no guarantees on staying until midnight.

    Sophia beamed, her victory dance drawing the attention of nearby patrons. That’s the spirit! Trust me, this club is the hottest spot in town. It just opened, and I heard they have a dance floor that’ll make even your laptop jealous.

    Eleanor raised an eyebrow. My laptop gets jealous?

    Sophia nodded sagely. Absolutely. It’s been feeling neglected while you’ve been talking to me. Time to trade it in and show some love to the dance floor!

    As they gathered their things, Eleanor couldn’t help but be grateful for Sophia’s infectious enthusiasm.

    Chapter Two

    The downtown club’s neon lights bathed the street in vibrant hues of Eleanor and Sophia approached, the thumping bass audible even from the sidewalk. The line snaked around the corner, a mix of excited chatter and anticipation filling the air. Eleanor couldn’t help but feel a twinge of excitement, her earlier reluctance fading away in the pulsating energy of the crowd.

    As they neared the entrance, the line momentarily stalled. A sleek black limo glided to a stop in front of the club, catching everyone’s attention. The car door opened, one by one, impeccably dressed men emerged, each accompanied by stunning women who seemed to glow in the neon lights.

    They were barely dressed in almost see through cashmere dresses. If they could even be called dresses. Not bothering to look down at her own dress Eleanor pulled at the hem of her short black dress. Eleanor couldn’t even remember the last time she had gone out like this so when she had been scanning through her closet this was all that was left from her college days.

    Sophia nudged Eleanor, whispering with a mischievous grin, Looks like we’ve got some competition for the ‘best-dressed’ award tonight!

    Eleanor chuckled, scanning the glamorous entourage. As her gaze traveled down the line of striking men one after the other, her eyes locked onto the last man stepping out of the limo. His features were sharp, and an undeniable air of danger surrounded him. His dark, tousled hair and piercing gaze suggested a captivating enigma.

    He wasn’t her usual type but when his eyes met Eleanor’s time froze. Warmth and wetness instantly spread between her thighs. The lively atmosphere of the club entrance faded into the background, leaving only the two of them in an unspoken exchange. Eleanor felt an inexplicable connection, her heart quickening as if recognizing something beyond the visible.

    Sophia nudged her again, breaking the spell. Earth to Eleanor! Looks like someone caught your eye, she teased, oblivious to the magnetic pull that had just transpired. It is about time someone did I was starting to think my best friend had converted into becoming a Nun there for a while.

    Eleanor shook her head, trying to regain her composure. It’s nothing. Let’s just get inside and enjoy the night.

    Who was the last guy you dated anyway. Sophia looked off as if trying to remember. Eleanor wished she could forget. Her last relationship had been with Bryan. Her college sweetheart. Things between them had been great for the first year, but when Eleanor had come back from Christmas break to find him in bed with a random chick, he had meet on campus she hadn’t even stayed to hear his words. What could he possibly have to say worth listening to anyway.

    Bryan! Sophia exclaimed as if she was in a games show. Has it really been since college the last time you have gotten laid?

    Eleanor rolled her eyes and tried to hide her face. Soph, please just drop it. Sophia giggled and wrapped her arms around Eleanor’s arm.

    Don’t worry I will definitely find you a good fuck tonight!

    As they finally reached the entrance, the mysterious man and his entourage had already disappeared into the club’s vibrant interior.

    Entering the club, the pulsating beats and vibrant lights enveloped Eleanor and Sophia. The dance floor was alive with energetic movements, and the atmosphere was charged with excitement. Determined to embrace the night, they navigated through the crowd, making their way to the bustling bar.

    As the approached the bar, a lively mix of laughter and clinking glasses surrounded them. Eleanor and Sophia secured a couple of stools, eager to indulge in the festivities. Before they could even order their drinks, however, a group of guys, emboldened by the lively atmosphere, approached with confident grins.

    Hey, ladies! What brings you to the hottest spot in town? one of them chimed, his attempt at charm lacking as he attempted a playful wink.

    Sophia laughed exchanging glances with Eleanor. Just out to have a good time and welcome the New Year with style.

    The banter continued as the

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