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Us: The Greatest Game on Earth
Us: The Greatest Game on Earth
Us: The Greatest Game on Earth
Ebook288 pages4 hours

Us: The Greatest Game on Earth

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Us: The Greatest Game on Earth explores the two most important realities on Earth. One is the reality of the true nature of the soul where there is clarity and unity, and the other is the reality of the human body, which is tailored by society and material desire. Blind, disconnected, and in judgment, we can spend all our lives trying to return to our true nature and unity consciousness.

Like training wheels to help build a relationship with God, Us teaches readers to choose their own path through progress and personal growth in union with God. Every one of us is God.
Release dateNov 29, 2023
Us: The Greatest Game on Earth

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    Us - Inna Tesler


    In the world of Us, there is a place where humans come from and a place where they go when they die. They do not just fall from the sky, nor do they just appear on earth. Humans, after death, do not live in the other realm as mortals with flesh; neither do they live there like humans as they were on Earth. They are spirits who come down to Earth into the wombs of women, form as humans covered in flesh, and then are born as mortals. This place where they come from is called HEAVEN.

    Heaven is a place where all things were and are created; where all beings once lived and probably go back to after life on Earth, a place filled with peace, love, kindness, and joy; a place of no sorrow, no worries, and no reason to cry. It is a place of pure originality, positivity, creation, and perfection; a place beautified with gold and crystals, designed with magical colors; a place where evil and death cannot exist, the magnificent residence of the Creator.

    Everyone has their own description of Heaven, although nobody can surely say that they have seen it or have been there before. Some say it is up in the sky. Some say it is where our loved ones go when they depart this world, while some believe it does not exist. Well, one would say that Heaven is the other world where humans, souls, and deities outside the tangible world get to exist again and also the place where they originate.

    Heaven is a place where souls are created and prepared to be sent down to Earth as humans. Man cannot leave Heaven with the memories of it in his head. He comes down to Earth as a baby with no knowledge and grows with what he sees, hears, and acquires from the environment in which he is born.

    All souls in Heaven are organized in groups depending on their level of consciousness and how many times they have been to Earth. People who die get the chance to come back to Earth as another person with no knowledge of their past life. The reason is because Earth is like a school for the souls to have an experience and return home. A person dies and the soul reincarnates as another person in another place, another society, and at a different time to get a new experience.

    Some souls are meant to go back to Earth in pairs, over and over again. These sent back souls do not play the same role which they previously played when they are sent to Earth again. For instance, the soul who was someone else’s parent might come back to Earth swapping roles with their child. Everything in Creation was made perfect for every lesson to be learned and for one to understand that to judge others is to judge oneself.

    These souls exist in Heaven with their unchallenged nature and duties till a perfect family is chosen for them. They then go down to Earth and acquire more experience to move their consciousness to a higher level—a level where they can become a creator of their own universe, angels to humans, fairies, or warriors. They can also choose to come back to Earth as a master to help people of the planet on their journey. All souls are sent down to Earth to bring light into the world of darkness and to gain better understanding of how consciousness and energy work. When souls are trapped in the machine called the body, they become heavy and attracted to the works of evil; live wrongly and give room for darkness in their soul.

    The only test we must overcome is our lust, greediness, and all manner of impurities that come crawling to us when we enter the machine. If we let the evil in, we become everything that is against the rules of Heaven. An increase in hatred, revenge, and pure evil slowly succumbs to the soul, eating deep down like a parasite. Those who can find themselves before death are saved and are able to return to Heaven; while the ones who were not able to find themselves are sent back again to repeat the same test as another person at another time. The Creator loves all his creations unconditionally and would never let them suffer, even if they do wrong. He does not judge—rather he pardons the soul and gives him another chance to prove himself. The good or bad action carried out by a person awakens the emotion to stir up the energies. Then these energies get into the consciousness of a human being and make his soul learn what it is supposed to learn while it is in the body. If it does not in this lifetime, there are many more lifetimes for this soul to come back and evolve to the highest realm.

    The ones who stay true to the rules of creation and carry their light all the way, get upgraded to the highest realms of wisdom and find their Heaven on Earth. All these abound in the world of Us.

    Furthermore, none of the souls in Heaven are named. They are only numbered from one to fifty in different badges according to their level of consciousness. The level of their consciousness is something that only a quantum field of Creation could measure. It is based on how many lives each soul has lived on Earth and the experiences each of them has had, the level of thinking that they developed, and how all these are connected to this quantum field. According to this knowledge, each badge is to go down to Earth daily into different timelines all over the world.

    There lived five souls in the world of Us who paired up immediately when they were created. They are numbered 048, 049, 050, 051, and 052 in the badge of 1009 and 1010. These souls did not have many duties. There was no dirt to clean; no dish to wash; nothing scattered to arrange; nor was there a need to cook because they do not need food to exist. Heaven is a magical place where everything is done by itself. It is anything you can think of and describe as perfect. It is peaceful, calm, and has no darkness. Everyone is allowed to do whatever they like in the positive sense and have everything they want.

    All souls look the same. They can transform into different shapes and sizes and grow as big as they wish. They can create an enormous structure of anything they can imagine and get destroyed items back into their original shapes. They have a white sparkling nature, shining with different colors, and an ability to go through everything and each other. They can play anywhere they want and are allowed to go to the world of worlds as they wish.

    The Creator is aware of all his souls and their records. He chooses a family and a timeline for every soul to be born into. The most significant soul’s experiences are carefully planned from the beginning to the end. Living in the body, they can change the plans of Creation as they wish and experience whatever they want, which depends on the decision they make in life.

    Our five souls spent most of their time in the world of worlds watching how humans live their lives on Earth, which they call a playground. They are only allowed to see the happy side of it because negativity does not exist in Heaven. They always wish something can challenge their perfect existence and get to change their routine sometimes. They hoped to get to the playground called Earth as soon as possible. They had the feeling that they would be happier in the playground than in Heaven because being separated from one another would give them a lot of choices to create whatever they wanted on their own.

    I would want to be in this family, 051 said while they were in the house of a couple who lives happily with their only daughter. She is loved and cared for deeply. He wishes to be like her because he feels like it is a form of true happiness when you get to meet someone who gives you what you want without having to get it from yourself. He has become bored of the repeated activities done in Heaven and craves the experience of being a little child in the arms of two people.

    You don’t have to wish that, 051, it’s a waste of time, 053 replies, trying to prevent further imaginations from him.

    Why? 051 asks, surprised.

    Have you forgotten that we can’t choose the family we go to? 050 replies without hesitation.

    Can’t something be done about that policy? I mean, we should get to make our own choices too, 049 says in support of 051.

    Well, we are created and bound to obey rules and principles. Nothing can be done about it. Just stop dreaming, 053 replies, reminding them of the rules they may have forgotten.

    It’s time we go back, since we are doing nothing here. I don’t even know why we come here regularly, 052 said in a daring tone.

    Why don’t we try visiting somewhere else, probably another home? 050 suggests.

    I don’t think it is a good idea. I think we should limit the way we come here because it increases our desire of wanting to go to the playground and it is not yet our turn. Why don’t we try doing something else? 053 insists. They all agreed to go and play at the pool.

    Does anyone know what it will be like being separated from one another? Like, not having to do everything with someone beside you? 049 asked in the pool.

    Not really, 051 said. But some of Us who experienced that said it’s fun because we will be joined with that special machine called Body and be called Humans. We can do whatever we want without always being attached to Us. We can live separately and even grow. We can taste those things we see in the world of worlds and get anything we want without having to be around anyone.

    Really?! O52 screamed. Wow! That is so cool! I have always thought of what I would do if I had the chance to be separated from Us. I will go to that big place where everything is and get all of them, that would be so cool.

    Don’t you know you would need money to get those things on the playground? 051 asked 052.

    I will definitely have money. Creator will give me money, 052 replied as everyone burst into laughter.

    052, to get money down there, you will have to work. Nothing is free there, 049 said.

    Well, I already know what I would do when I get inside the machine called Body. I would do everything in my power to find you all, 053 said, smiling. I believe that ‘Us’ is the best place. Since we are peaceful naturally, I will always make sure that Us and the Body are connected so that we will understand one another. Also, I really want to explore Earth, know what it’s about, why all our kind travel there and come back happy, and also, what makes them wish that they went back to their machines. They always want to know how the people they left behind are doing without even remembering why.

    I really hope I will get down there as soon as possible, 049 said.

    As the time for batch 1009 and 1010 grew closer, excitement and feelings of great enthusiasm overflowed in them. They knew that whatever happened in Heaven stays in Heaven. They will forget who they are, but they are also sure of one thing: the bond all souls share is unbreakable.

    The Creation, with the Angels and Wizards, is getting ready each soul, one by one, in the special room—asking them questions, analyzing their answers, and measuring the level of their wisdom in order to pair each soul with the particular mother who will increase their level of thinking and be able to bring more light to the world with their next arrival. The more wisdom a soul has, the more light it brings with it.

    All five of them have a collective idea of their next moment. They are all standing looking down. It is like they are looking into a round circle in the sky that is located between Heaven and Earth. They speak happy words to one another before leaving with the hope and wishes of getting to meet on Earth, even if their memories are gone. The next thing they feel is going down the tunnel as five flickering lights into the unknown.


    Y ou have a meeting at 2:00 p.m., Sir, the personal assistant of Mr. Richard, CEO of All-Stars movie production company, reported in.

    Cancel it. I have an appointment with my wife, Mr. Richard replied, rounding off his work.

    It’s very important, Sir. It’s the meeting with your business partners. You said it was important, the assistant said in a convincing tone.

    Oh! Yeah, I forgot. He hit the table with his fist. Okay, it’s 1:45 p.m. right now, he said, checking the time. I will be at the meeting room in ten minutes.

    Okay, Sir, the assistant replied, walking out of his office.

    Mrs. Jane Richard, the young and elegant wife of Mr. Richard, was already at their reserved spot at one of the most classy and expensive local restaurants by 1:45 p.m. She was waiting for her husband. She was a beautiful young lady who Mr. Richard married when she was nineteen. He was way older than her, but they were both in love. Like the heart kind of love, it didn’t really show physically because Mr. Richard was always busy with work and didn’t have enough time to shower attention on his young wife. Of course, he bought her expensive gifts because the money was there, but it was usually whenever he broke a promise or disappointed her. He was never that way before they got married.

    She ordered a drink and checked the time at intervals. It was going on an hour and he hadn’t shown up yet. No, she wasn’t disappointed; she was used to it. Eventually, it was 3:50 p.m., so she picked up her bag and left. She was sad that it happened again after he promised that it wouldn’t.

    Richard arrived home from work at exactly 7:00 p.m. He had never been earlier than that and was usually later due to traffic.

    Jane! he called as he walked in. He didn’t get any response.

    Baby, I got you something you will love. he said, walking to the room where she was. He found her sitting near the window. Jane, are you okay? he asked, walking closer to her.

    I thought I heard you say that we were going to have lunch today at the restaurant near your company. I didn’t know I was already going crazy, and I went there waiting for . .

    Baby, I’m sorry. I said so but I had an emergency meeting that I couldn’t cancel or postpone. I am sorry, he interrupted.

    And you couldn’t call to inform me? she fired, looking straight into his eyes.

    I forgot . . . I forgot. Shit! I forgot! I am so sorry, baby. I will make it up to you, I promise! He went down on his knees.

    Another empty promise? Look, I think . . .

    He interrupted, Shhh . . . placing a finger on her lips. It’s okay, baby. I am sorry. It won’t happen again. He kissed her.

    She kissed him back and replied, I wasn’t mad. I was just sad.

    Don’t be, baby. It’s okay. I promise this time that it won’t happen again. He stood up and hugged her.

    I think you should quit using the word ‘promise’ because it’s not nice the way you treat it. Just say you’ll try your best, she replied with a funny face.

    No, I mean it this time, he said, smiling.

    No! You never mean anything that doesn’t look like work but it’s fine, no more arguing, she said, touching his nose.

    Yes, Ma, he replied as they both burst into laughter.

    You said you got me something; where is it? she asked.

    Oh, yeah! I got you a new phone, the new one that just came out. I saw the way you were admiring the advert yesterday, he said happily.

    Oh! Okay. Thank you! But baby, you changed my phone last month, and you got another, she replied in confusion.

    Yeah! I’m aware of that. It’s not bad if you change it again. I just want to give you everything you want even before you look at it twice. I don’t mind buying it for you hundred times in a year. I just want to make you happy, he explained.

    That’s sweet, Richard, thanks. She kissed him. Okay, you should change and let me fix something for us to eat. You must be hungry, she said, walking out of the room.

    No! He pulled her back and held her waist.

    Aren’t you hungry? Did you eat before coming home? she asked.

    No, I’m hungry, but I don’t want to eat what you want to fix. He looked straight into her eyes.

    What do you want? She bit her lips flirtatiously.

    You! he said, undressing her.

    Okay, I’m all yours, baby, she said, kissing him.

    That has always been the way their issues ended. Always in bed. The relationship was strong and weak at the same time, yet they had a perfect understanding of one other.

    A week later, Jane started feeling odd about her health. She had a kind of weird feeling. She was scared that she might be pregnant because she had made love with her husband without protection, and she totally forgot to take her contraceptives. They always used protection because she was not ready for a baby.

    You would make a great mum, he once said. She was twenty-one years old while Richard was thirty-two. He was a young, handsome, rich, and busy man who barely had time for himself. He met Jane when he went to Berthford College for a business contract at the school. She was a student there. They got along and were married.

    She went to their family doctor that morning and was praying that the test did not turn out positive. She waited a bit until she was called by the doctor.

    You are pregnant, Ma’am, congratulations! the doctor said, smiling while handing over her test result.

    What? Pregnant? No! she said in confusion.

    Why? It’s good news. Mr. Richard will be happy, the doctor replied.

    Yeah! Thank you. She collected the result and left.

    You’re welcome, Mrs. Richard.

    With a lot on her mind, she walked out of the doctor’s office feeling sad and depressed. She didn’t want a baby yet. She wasn’t ready to raise a baby all by herself. She walked past her car unconsciously and her driver called her attention.

    Over here, Ma’am, he said, noticing the look on her face. Is everything okay, Mrs. Richard? he asked with concern.

    I’m fine, thank you, she said as she walked back and got into the car. She was driven in the latest model Lexus SUV at the time. Her husband upgraded her car once every six months to a newer model.

    During the drive home, she opened the test result and read it again. What should I do now? she asked herself. She was sad. Should I tell Richard about this or should I . . . She shook her head to distract herself from negative thoughts. No, no, no . . . I won’t do that. I’ll let Richard know about this, she said in dismay.

    She got home that evening and decided to surprise her husband with the news. Even if she were not certain about what she wanted, it would make her husband happy.

    She came home and waited for her husband to get back from work. Richard arrived home that evening feeling very tired.

    Hey, you! she said, smiling as she walked toward him. How was your day? She hugged him.

    I had a really long day. So, how are you feeling? Did you go to the doctor? he asked, giving her a forehead kiss.

    Yes, I did, she replied in a low tone.

    Okay, what did the doctor say? he asked curiously, as if he was expecting something.

    We’re having a plus one in our home, she said, smiling, expecting a corresponding reaction from him.

    I don’t understand, he replied, confused. What do you mean?

    She touched her stomach and he immediately understood.

    What! Wait, are you serious? he asked in doubt.

    Yes, baby! She burst into laughter.

    Richard was overjoyed. He really wanted a child—not actually because he wanted a child—but because he wanted something that would keep his wife busy so she wouldn’t have time to complain about his lack of attention towards her. It was also another reason for her to be happy. She became happy because he was, so she prepared herself for the journey, hoping that there would be some positive changes in Mr. Richard.

    This was her worst time; he was never around. He didn’t realize that she would need his time and presence more than before. He had the mindset that ladies are fine alone when they are pregnant because of what his mum had told him. He was told that when his father died while his mum was pregnant for him, she was able to give birth and raise him alone. He had to employ two house employees, not for the house maintenance, but for Jane’s company because she complained of being bored when she was home alone. Jane didn’t have any married friends and she was restricted from visiting her college friends who were still single. Richard felt insecure with their presence around his wife, and he felt like they were the ones who gave her crazy pieces of advice which they constantly quarreled about.

    She once packed her things and went to her mum’s place because of pregnancy issues and loneliness.

    You should get used to it, baby, Laura, Jane’s mum, said.

    It’s not as easy as you think, Mama. Richard is supposed to understand that it’s our first baby and I would need him more. He thinks it is easy sitting home all day, just eating and sleeping, no friends. Please let me stay here with you, she pleaded.

    "Oh yes, Jane, you’re

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