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Levi Essen & The Mountain Man
Levi Essen & The Mountain Man
Levi Essen & The Mountain Man
Ebook47 pages40 minutes

Levi Essen & The Mountain Man

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Levi Essen polished his old rifle. It was the same rifle he had used so many years ago when he was still a trapper. The rifle was heavy, cumbersome and downright clunky to use by today's standards. It was loaded up the old fashioned way with a jammer stick, some powder and an iron ball for ammunition. The gun had to be fired one shot at a time and reloaded after each shot. Such a rifle was definitely made obsolete by the Winchesters and the other repeating rifles that were in use now. Levi had his own stock of guns that he used today that were far more useful than this old warhorse. However, he still kept it around in his cabin. It was the same rifle his father used, and it had been passed down to him. He couldn't use it now, but he could at least take care of it, just as a reminder of the old days.
For a few moments, such reminders came back in Levi's mind, like echoes of the past. 

Release dateDec 6, 2023

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    Levi Essen & The Mountain Man - John J. Law

    Levi Essen & The Mountain Man

    John J. Law

    Published by J.C. Hulsey Books, 2023.

    This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


    First edition. December 6, 2023.

    Copyright © 2023 John J. Law.

    ISBN: 979-8223592822

    Written by John J. Law.

    Table of Contents

    Title Page

    Copyright Page

    One: Echoes of the Past

    Two: Fear and Terror

    Three: Coming Back to the Cabin

    One: Echoes of the Past

    Levi Essen polished his old rifle. It was the same rifle he had used so many years ago when he was still a trapper. The rifle was heavy, cumbersome and downright clunky to use by today's standards. It was loaded up the old fashioned way with a jammer stick, some powder and an iron ball for ammunition. The gun had to be fired one shot at a time and reloaded after each shot. This was the old clunky method used by the first settlers who faced off with the French and the Indians back in the day. Such a rifle was definitely made obsolete by the Winchesters and the other repeating rifles that were in use now. Levi had his own stock of guns that he used today that were far more useful than this old warhorse. However, Levi still kept it around in his cabin. It was the same rifle his father used, and it had been passed down to him. He couldn't use it now, but he could at least take care of it, just as a reminder of the old days.

    For a few moments, such reminders came back in Levi's mind, like echoes of the past. Memories of meticulously constructing beaver traps and then setting them where the beavers would most likely be. Memories of waiting patiently until one of the beavers got a whiff of the pheromones gently and generously painted over the traps. The feeling of pure joy and satisfaction when one of the beavers actually got caught. That never truly got tiresome.

    The feeling of taking down a large bison and carving it up for the meat. The wonderful taste of its tongue, and how filling even that was. Or the sheer spectacle of seeing a large herd of the animals grazing on the plains and how rapidly such herds were wiped out.

    The feeling of excitement when rendezvous camp was due. The rush of anticipation for making a good trade in the camp and making some good money or losing it all on bad luck in a card game.

    All these memories and more danced around in Levi Essen's mind as he kept his musket shiny and clear of dust. Such memories were very near and dear to his heart, and they were all that were left to Levi of a perilous yet also wondrous time of his life.

    Levi finally finished cleaning the musket. When he had polished and dusted it off, he placed it over his fireplace, where it always hung. Levi took a moment to admire the piece for what it was. He was happy to still keep it in good shape. It was a nice reminder of the past, and it meant more to Levi than just a practical weapon. For Levi it

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