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The Kingdom of Forever: God's Story For Today's People
The Kingdom of Forever: God's Story For Today's People
The Kingdom of Forever: God's Story For Today's People
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The Kingdom of Forever: God's Story For Today's People

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God’s story. The most amazing story that has ever been told. It began a forever ago as God surveyed the endless space. He foresaw the future which was soon to appear. With the power of his will, he spoke. Angels filled the skies. Innumerable angels, all singing praise to their creator. Imagine the angels’ surprise when they heard God’s words call forth numerous amazing creations. Seas and creeks. Trees and plants. Mountains and valleys. Animals, some so tiny they could hardly be seen. Others, massive. 

Then, God paused. He would now create the crown jewel of creation. The reason for which he created the world. But this time he would not use words. He would form this creature using his own hands. God gathered some dirt. Worked it with his hands, shaping it carefully. And then the moment came. God lifted the lifeless creature to himself and breathed his own breath into this first ever person, Adam. God’s heart, pleased.

God observed his world. He saw creatures of all sizes and shapes. Male and female. God then paused, realizing that he was not yet done. He put Adam into a deep sleep and removed one of his ribs. Using it, he created a woman. When Adam awoke, he was amazed. A creature so like him yet different in such interesting ways. Together they explored their new world and each other, experiencing a thrill beyond description.

God’s amazing world. Perfect in every way. That is, until…

Release dateDec 7, 2023
The Kingdom of Forever: God's Story For Today's People

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    The Kingdom of Forever - Sheri Dunham Haan


    The Kingdom of Forever

    God's Story For Today's People

    Sheri Dunham Haan

    ISBN 979-8-88943-598-3 (paperback)

    ISBN 979-8-88943-599-0 (digital)

    Copyright © 2023 by Sheri Dunham Haan

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Christian Faith Publishing

    832 Park Avenue

    Meadville, PA 16335

    All Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Wheaton, Illinois 60189. All rights reserved.

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents



    Crown Jewels of Creation


    Evil Corrupts


    The Earth Is Cleansed


    Abraham, Father of the Faithful


    Brotherly Love Is Challenged


    Joseph, from Dreamer to Redeemer


    Moses, a Man with a Mission


    The Journey Begins


    At Last, the Promised Land


    Disobedience and Devotion


    Kings You Shall Have


    The Kingdom Divided


    Prophets, Priests, and Kings


    Return, Repair, and Rebuild




    The Promised One


    Choosing the Team


    Heading toward Jerusalem


    From Death to Life


    The Power of the Holy Spirit


    God's Word to the World


    Paul, Christ's Emissary through Letters


    The Revelation of the Future


    The Story Continues

    Primary Bible Sources

    Secondary Resources

    About the Author

    I could have no greater joy than to hear that my children live in the truth.

    —3 John 4


    The kingdom of forever is God's story. I am just the storyteller. At a young age, I gave my life to Christ at the Gull Lake Bible Conference in Hickory Corners, Michigan. But I heard the story first from my parents later from preachers and teachers, eventually from Bible study leaders and professors. And, of course, from books. As I write, numerous volumes are open, piled on my desk and nearby on the floor. Commentaries, books on Bible customs, atlases, several translations of Scripture, and countless books by Bible scholars, theologians, and others with years of study and keen insights into God's Word.

    My life has been blessed by people with whom I've had both casual and deeply moving conversations about God and his story. Some have numerous questions, wanting to believe yet unsure about its truth. Others believe every word exactly as written. Some believe yet admit to—rarely, if ever—reading the Bible. And then there are those who readily admit their struggle to understand this one-of-a-kind, best-selling book but wonder if it's relevant for today. These varying thoughts have settled in my heart, sometimes creating questions, yet also leaving me increasingly eager to tell God's story in today's language for today's adults.

    My own life has had both ups and downs. My husband and I buried our daughter when cancer claimed her life at the age of ten. Years later, my husband and son were in a car accident on Christmas Day. Though they both needed immediate surgery, the surgeon, who was called away from his family's Christmas dinner, told me that he was not sure that he would be able to save our son's life. Thankfully, with God's help and months in the hospital, he did. There were other losses, the most recent burying my husband of fifty-two years.

    Yet I also have overwhelming joy. I have two very dear sons who married wonderful Christian women for whom I thank God daily. I have five precious grandchildren, all of whom love the Lord. I am richly blessed. Like many of you, I've had highs which drew me close to God, and I experienced undeserved blessings; and lows, when the road was rocky and steep, and I stumbled. And through it all, God's love and gift of salvation have surrounded and sustained me.

    Several years ago, I came across a few verses in Scripture that I had surely read many times. Yet this time, they captured my attention in a way that caused me to set the Bible aside and quietly reflect on the words. The message settled in my mind and heart. I read the verses again. And then again. This text soon became one of my life verses, also placing in my heart the seeds of the kingdom of forever.

    Long ago, even before he made the world, God loved us and chose us in Christ to be holy and without fault in his eyes. His unchanging plan has always been to adopt us into his own family by bringing us to himself through Jesus Christ. And this gave him great pleasure. (Ephesians 1:4–5)

    God's love story. Think about it. God did this because he wanted to. Doing it gave the Creator of the universe pleasure. God's amazing plan to create the world in which all people, including you and me, would be his clear and central focus. In fact, the sole purpose. People whom he would love in ways deeper than I can imagine. People who would constantly disappoint him in disgusting, petty little ways. People who would disappoint him in ways that would break his heart. A love so deep, so immovable that he was willing to sacrifice his only Son so we could live with him forever. To be sure, I cannot comprehend the intensity and depth of God's love. Yet I believe. I believe absolutely, even though questions occasionally pester, questions for which I often find no answers.

    This overwhelming belief in God's compelling love for each of us places me in front of my computer, sometimes searching for words but always praying for guidance as I struggle to tell God's story in a way that is true to the Bible and will open hearts to God's love. Words. Ordinary words. Nonetheless, with them, I begin.

    Sheri Dunham Haan


    Crown Jewels of Creation

    It was a timeless time. There was no beginning. No end. No before. No after. No clock ticking in a faraway place. There was nothing to give even the slightest hint of time because there was no time.

    But there was space, lots of space. Endless space that went on forever and ever. Space that had always been; watery and sloppy; without purpose.

    Some might think that there could be no one living in this timeless, messy space. And, indeed, no one was. But hovering over all of it and master of all of it was the Spirit of God. God who had always been. His Son, Jesus, who had always been. The Holy Spirit, who had always been. Three people but one team. Three-in-one, as unusual as that seems. They work together, though each has a different job. Yet they always know each other's heart and mind because they are one. They looked forward to the time they would bring the forever plan into being. In fact, this forever plan had always been held close in their hearts.

    But before that would happen, there was something God wanted to do. There would be witnesses to this marvelous plan as it sprang to life. Other beings would behold the wonder, the mystery, and marvel of what was about to happen. With that in mind, God unleashed his creative power and brought angels into being. Hundreds. Thousands upon thousands of spirit creatures. A number so large that counting them would be impossible.

    As the angel spirits came to life and beheld their creator, they burst into choruses of praise, praise that echoed throughout the kingdom. They knew they were in the presence of someone far greater than they. It was a grand and endless celebration of worship.

    And then the time came. God was ready to bring the forever plan to life. Did the angels think that something far greater than their own creation was about to happen? Did they wonder if God had something important on his mind? Something that was all-consuming? Everything was so new to the angels. This place. God himself. Of course, the angels were wide-eyed with wonder and excitement. They certainly didn't know what to expect. But they did seem to sense that this amazing God could do anything.

    Suddenly it happened. God said, Let there be light. The angels knew that God was not speaking to them. But to whom was he speaking? Did they wonder what these strange words meant? Besides, what was light? They had no way of knowing.

    The angels' wondering ended suddenly because a brilliant, almost blinding light appeared out of nowhere and lit up every inch of the endless space. When light arrived, it sent the darkness running, scattering willy-nilly in every direction. The angels watched, speechless. They were in awe of God and his power.

    One thing the angels couldn't help but notice was that God looked pleased. A hint of joy was on his face. The angels saw him wave his arms in such a way that seemed to indicate that this light and this night were to follow each other in a forever kind of way. But wait. God spoke again. "The light will be called day, and the darkness will be called night."

    Now what? The angels stayed right where they were, waiting for what amazing things would come next. They waited and waited but soon realized that perhaps this was all God was going to do. When they realized that, they burst out in songs of praise. They bowed down in joy before the Creator. A true celebration.

    God accepted their praise. He was also pleased with what he had made. It was exactly what he planned it to be. Day and night. In his heart, he knew. God was not making this for himself. Nor was he making it for the angels. No. God was making this for the kingdom of the forever.

    Yet the angels couldn't help but wonder. This was likely a consuming mystery to them. Thoughts kept tickling their minds. Questions popping up. Who is God? What else can God do? What else will he do? Besides, what was the purpose of this day and this night? The angels were just fine without it. God certainly didn't need it. Besides, how long would it last? And even though they wondered, they certainly would not ask. All of this was so new to them.

    It wasn't long, and God again had that look that something was on his mind. The angels noticed it immediately. But even before they had time to whisper about it, God surprised them all by saying, Let the watery space separate.

    The response was immediate. Those powerful words caused the watery stuff to pull apart. Some of it rose to great heights and some fell to the lowest depths. In between, a great dome grew, keeping the watery masses separate. God called the dome sky. God looked at what he had made. The angels couldn't help but notice again this hint of joy on his face. Oh the power of his words! He spoke, and unimaginable things happened. The angels were drawn into the growing mystery. As it grew, their songs of praise and worship increased.

    Even so, there was one angel who was especially overcome by the spectacular display. While he sang songs of praise along with the other angels, questions began to form in his mind. How did God become so powerful? How could he create by speaking? Where did he get this amazing ability? Questions were a jumble in his mind. He wondered if he could have this power. If he did, would the angels sing praise to him? Worship him? What could he make? As he thought about it, he felt a strange sense of pleasure slowly overcoming him. His mind was alert in new ways. So much to think about. So many possibilities.

    Life in the kingdom had settled down a bit. What had already happened was still amazing the angels. But, without warning, they heard God's words echo throughout creation. Let the water under the sky be gathered into one place, and let dry ground appear. Let the land produce vegetation, seed-bearing plants and trees.

    Immediately, brown appeared. The ground heaved up, displaying numerous shades of dark colors. Browns in different textures began to pile itself into mounds of enormous heights. It was as though God's words had bulldozed huge holes and piled the dirt into mountains. The holes left behind were as deep as the mountains were high.

    Colors. New amazing colors. From the ground, greens seemed to explode creating trees, some with leaves and others with needles. Short trees and tall trees, all stretching their arms upward and outward. Trees grouping themselves into forests. Trees growing here and over there. Bushes appeared, fat and shaggy. Grasses, tall and slender, sprang up, waving their wisps in the breeze. Short fuzzy grasses hugged the ground, covering it like a blanket.

    Sprouting out of the ground came more surprises. Plants, tall and skinny, short and fat, some with flowers, so many colors that counting them would be impossible. Plants with tasty-looking fruits. Plants with seeds inside, making sure that fruits and flowers would continue to grow year after year. All of it creating a pleasing aroma, adding to this wonderful garden God was creating for the creatures who would enjoy them.

    As this was happening, shades of blue appeared. It was as if the Creator took a giant brush and painted the sky awash in blue. The ceiling of God's world seemed endless. And yet there were curious puffs of white floating amongst the hues of blue, drifting slowly, in no rush at all, exploring the heavens, their new home.

    At the same time, there was a loud sound as enormous oceans burst from the deep. Salt spray misted over them. Foam danced on the tops of enormous waves. Small lakes pushed their way up from the ground. Brooks zigzagged, forcing their way down hills and mountains, playing piccolo tunes as they went. Lily pads decorated small ponds. Tiny streams wiggled their way around while rivers, big and bold, made wide paths in hills and mountains.

    The angels continued singing and praising the Creator, even as they were captivated by the amazing new sights around them. Colors were everywhere. Brand-new things appeared from nowhere. There were strange new sounds, some loud and boisterous, others delicate and soft. There were curious new aromas. Some sweet and some pungent. Some delicate, others almost overwhelming.

    But there were other amazing things happening underground that the angels could not see. God also buried the beginnings of great riches deep in the earth. A time far in the future would reveal precious metals, gold and silver, rich minerals of many kinds and colors. Rocks, slate, marble, limestone, sandstone, coal, and so much more—treasures that someday would be discovered.

    The Creator looked around and named the dry ground land and the water seas. Then, with the power of his will, he hurled the giant ball of earth into the high regions of the heavens. Even with its massive size, some twenty-five thousand miles around it, this giant ball slipped into the exact spot the Creator had intended for it.

    The angels caught their breath yet continued to praise the Creator, singing songs of joy. There was just no way they could miss the look on God's face. His smile was broader. His look of pleasure bolder. This was likely a reflection of God's heart because that was where he held the forever plan. In fact. It consumed his heart and mind.

    Had the Creator become a bit of an enigma to the angels? What came to be by the power of his words was stunning. They couldn't decipher the path this was taking, where it was headed, or what would be next. Perhaps they wondered what might be added to the massive ball that now had a home in the heavens. But their thoughts were interrupted by the words of the Creator.

    Let there be lights in the sky to separate day from night. Let them serve as signs to mark seasons, days, and years. Let these lights give light to the earth.

    Barely a second separated the words from action. Incandescent gases came together, swirling around forming a brilliant ball. Those simple words created a light so piercing and a temperature so fierce that it both warmed and provided light to the earth. Following the Creator's design and words, that enormous ball of heat flew into the heavens, landing some 92 million miles away from the earth in just the perfect place to provide both heat and light in just the right measure.

    As the sun was forming, the moon, a smaller ball, was also taking shape, this one so different. It was a crusty ball with huge craters stretching across it. There were valleys, peaks, mountains, and dark plains. Together they created an eerie mysterious glow of night shadows. Someday, children, not yet ready for sleep, would study it, wondering if there might be someone living on the mysterious night-light. Without audible words from the Creator, the moon flew into its God-assigned orbit nearly 240,000 miles from the earth.

    The earth and the moon began moving together around the sun, creating an enormous solar system. Seasons, too, were permanently etched into the rhythm of time. Different seasons for different places. Dry seasons and wet seasons, cold seasons and hot seasons. Seasons of severe snow and ice. Seasons of intense, nearly unbearable heat.

    As the drama unfolded, the night sky exploded with millions, perhaps billions of tiny lights, twinkling, playing hide-and-seek in the night sky, winking capriciously. Children yet to be born would try to count them and fall into a deep sleep while trying. All the while, the moon kept a steady night watch.

    The Creator watched his words become reality. He saw it unfold through the eyes of the forever plan. The world was now filled with color, texture, sounds, and warmth. Day and night. Oh the comfort and pleasure it would provide to the creatures yet to be created. The creatures who would be the recipients of his love. As he viewed the majesty and beauty of it all, the pleasure of his heart was reflected on his face. So many of the things he planned he now saw.

    The angels basked in the beauty of this new world while also keeping an eye on the Creator. Was there more to come? More to this marvel? They had no way of knowing that he had life on his mind, a new kind of life. Creatures who would breathe fresh air. Creatures with fins and feathers. Creatures that would add new sounds and depth to the symphony that was taking place. The angels watched expectantly.

    There was no mistaking the voice of God when he spoke. The angels heard it clearly. Let the water teem with living creatures. Let birds fly above the earth and throughout the sky. Immediately, a parade of new sights and sounds appeared before those who watched. Massive creatures sprang to life in the seas, diving deeply then propelling upward to break the water's surface with playful abandon. And tiny creatures, some so small that only the eyes of the Creator could see them, some with scales, some with hairlike appendages carefully hidden in the depths of the sea.

    New shades of color burst forth. Colors shimmering as the sun threw its rays into the waters. Creatures swimming playfully, exploring both the depths and shallow edges. But in the deepest parts of the lower region were hidden dark shades of blue, gray, green, and black. Darkness paired with cold depths, little sun and little food, activity that only God could see.

    As the waters teemed with life, the heavens became alive with wings. Birds, large and strong, eager to find homes in the higher reaches of the heavens, built nests in high places, in jutting rocks and crevices; other birds, tall and fast, able to run thirty miles an hour but unable to fly; little birds so small that they could fit in a nutshell and fly in place, others simply eager to show off their stunning plumage. Some birds ran along the open ground, making no attempt at nest building. They were at home sleeping on the dusty ground, free to travel wherever their instincts would take them.

    The angels couldn't help but notice that variety was everywhere, in everything the Creator brought into being. But it likely surprised them to hear him speak a blessing over these new creatures. Be fruitful. Increase in number and fill the waters. Let birds increase on the earth. The angels couldn't miss seeing that these creatures were different from everything else the Creator spoke into being. These creatures breathed. They moved at will, decided where to go, when and where to stop and sleep, how and where to hunt for food, find the perfect places to build their homes, places where their young could grow.

    The angel. Yes, the curious one, became increasingly wide-eyed, impressed by what the Creator continued to add to this world. Thoughts of being like him were now becoming less occasional and more consuming. Each day, envy increased as the Creator created new marvels. Oh the power of being in charge, being ruler of creation. The curious angel's thoughts were once only playful daydreams. But reality was starting to set in, to solidify. He, yes, he could be the powerful ruler of it all. He liked the idea, liked it a lot. Nonetheless, he continued to join the chorus of angels praising the Creator. He was careful to sing with vigor, though his words were empty, his songs pure deception.

    Did he really think that the King of creation was unaware of the thoughts that filled his mind and heart? Jealousy nearly made him crazy. That caused him to wonder whether other angels might be interested in joining him in forming another kingdom, a competing one. With him, of course, as ruler of all. Hmmm. He'd have to think more about that.

    The angels may have wondered if the Creator was done or whether there was more to come. But the Creator knew exactly what was about to happen. It would be the grand finale of creation. The heart and soul of the forever plan. The beauty of this new world was not for the angels. So it was with joy that the Creator stepped forward and spoke. Let the land produce living creatures of all kinds: livestock, creatures that move along the ground and wild animals too.

    Immediately, creatures appeared. Some wore hides, furs, leathers, and scales. They were two-legged, four-legged, and multiple-legged creatures, hopping, running, racing, and slithering, scampering, and burrowing; others were slow and clumsy. Yet all set out, eagerly exploring what their bodies could do and what this amazing world had to offer.

    Some were wild and bold, rushing off to find solitary places. Others stepped out timidly, careful to observe their new surroundings. But there were also those who simply rushed off to explore, feeling an inner certitude that there would be a perfect place for them in this strange new place to which they awoke. A place to call home. A place to discover who they were. To find out how they fit into this world of wonder.

    There were creatures with hooves, paws, horns, spots, stripes, trunks, and tails. Some moved silently through the grasses. Some hunted for mud to wallow in. Some, massive and clumsy, plodded along in no rush at all, each according to the Creator's design and purpose, animal bodies created to adapt perfectly to the different places each would live.

    There were animals with eyes alert and keen, perfectly designed to pierce the darkness, some with ears on ready alert to detect barely audible sounds, others with noses fully aware of the presence of unseen creatures, each one alert to the nuances of aromas that played in the air around them, each one designed to live in a particular part of God's big world.

    Some would eat all day to satisfy their appetites. Others would eat only when hunger gnawed. Many creatures sensed that the lush greenery on the ground and bushes would provide plenty for them. They began to spread out into the mountains, forests, flatlands and grasslands, seeking the perfect banquet to fit their tastes and provide homes of safety and comfort.

    As the animals wandered off, the Creator observed them in their grand variety. He listened and enjoyed the music of their voices. It was the perfect symphony he had imagined as he formed the forever plan. The earth was filled with breath, sounds, movement, and a magnificent chorus. As the Creator observed the vast landscape, he was pleased.

    Finally, it was time to complete his world. The Creator paused. He had purposely saved this to be the last act of creation, the crowning glory. This was the day toward which all others leaned. The creature he would now create would enter a world designed and made exclusively for him, his family, and hundreds and thousands of future generations. This creature would come not from his words but would be made by him and with his own hands. Yet far more important, this creature would always be held tightly in his heart. Loved completely. Absolutely nothing could nor would ever change that. Nothing!

    The Creator spoke, Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, the livestock, the entire earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground. But wait. Us? Our? Yes, those were God's words. God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit were active in creating the crowning glory of creation. The angels waited to see what would spring to life following his words. But nothing happened. There were no words. God was silent. How strange. So different from previous times when his words brought amazing and immediate response. The angels held their breaths, eyes alert, ears wide open, listening. Was something wrong?

    And then they observed something strange, unexpected, unusual. The Creator stooped and gathered dust from the earth. He seemed thoughtful and intent about his actions, taking his time. While the angels wondered, surprised by the change in the normal creation of things, the Creator knew exactly what he was doing. All creation was preparation for this precise moment. God was creating the crowning glory of creation, a creature who would walk with him in this wonderful new world and would partner with him. This person would be the caretaker of everything—the whole reason, the only reason God created the world.

    The Creator worked thoughtfully and carefully with the dust of the ground, shaping it slowly, forming a head, torso, legs, and arms. Then he paused. He lifted the lifeless creature into his arms. This was the moment God had always envisioned. He lifted the creature close to his heart, leaned his head down, and breathed his own breath into it, giving this creature a living soul. God gave him his own image. This creature would be able to think, make choices, understand, and commune with the Creator, with God himself.

    The creature's chest heaved, taking a gulp of fresh air into its lungs. Its eyes opened, looking directly into the eyes of the Creator. Their eyes met. The look was long and thoughtful. The Creator greeted him and welcomed him to his home, an enormous home, made just for him to meet his needs and give him pleasure. The Creator also gave the creature a name—Adam—who immediately looked around, taking in the sights and sounds of this strange new world. For a time, they sat across from each other, both enjoying the wonder of the moment.

    The Creator was eager to introduce Adam to his surroundings, this very special and beautiful place. The Creator stood and offered his hand to Adam, who accepted the invitation to stand. They walked quite a distance, the Creator leading the way. God told Adam about a very special garden made just for him, the Garden of Eden. As they entered the garden, Adam noticed that a river watered the garden. It separated into four streams which surrounded the garden, creating a secluded, private space.

    The leisurely walk took Adam past many amazing things. The bubbling sounds of the rivers which watered the garden, the trees—so many trees. The Creator talked about the kinds of things Adam would do while living in the garden—working the garden, producing food, enjoying the garden, tending its beauty, the perfect place it was. Trees, all kinds of trees. They were everywhere. Different leaves, different bark, different heights. Trees for shelter. Trees for food. Trees for beauty. Who would not enjoy this beautiful and perfect place?

    As they walked, the animals wandered about. Birds soared in the air. But the moment they approached the center of the garden, the Creator stopped. Adam couldn't help but notice that he was looking at two trees which were planted in what seemed to be the exact center of the garden. Interesting. As Adam studied them, the Creator spoke and pointed to one tree specifically. "You are free to eat from any tree in the garden. But you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. For if you do, you will surely die."

    Adam did not respond. He heard the seriousness in the Creator's voice and saw the look on his face. Choices? Limitations? Die? Adam took careful notice of the tree. It was beautiful. Its fruit was fresh and inviting. But eating would cause death? Immediate death? Though the Creator turned away from the tree, Adam's mind may have been momentarily fixated on it, questions forming. Just that one tree? Why that tree? And the name? Tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Good? Evil? God continued walking. Adam followed. They walked for a time in silence.

    Soon the Creator motioned for Adam to sit with him. They enjoyed the cool of the day. The Creator talked about the animals he'd made, some of whom Adam had already seen. Several watched them, as curious about Adam as he was of them. Adam couldn't help but notice from a distance that some seemed shy, others bold and daring, some playful, and still others serious about exploration, each one so different.

    Birds flew overhead. Some landed in trees, each enjoying the voice and music the Creator had given them to sing. They came in every color, colors bright and bold, some colors dull, good for hiding. As they sat, observing the creatures, the Creator introduced Adam to another task, naming the creatures. Wow! That would be interesting. Just for fun, did Adam begin the task with a few who wandered by? Did making up names make Adam smile? Did he curiously study one animal for a moment or two and then give it a name that seemed to fit? Clearly, this job would keep him busy for some time, especially in searching for the creatures that were timid and preferred hiding. However, as he named each creature, he would also be reminded that he was responsible for and had authority over the animals God created. Yes, he was the caretaker of God's marvelous garden.

    Watching the animals wander around brought a thought to the Creator's mind. Creation. Was it finished? Maybe. Maybe not. The Creator considered that he had made two of every animal. Pairs. And while they were alike in many ways, they were also different. They were designed, male and female, with the specific intent that they would conceive and bear young. Therefore, creation was not yet complete. Adam needed a companion. A friend. A mate. Someone with whom to share life and love, to work alongside. Someone with whom to create a family that would, over innumerable years, populate the earth.

    The Creator caused a deep sleep to overcome Adam. With a touch, the Creator opened Adam's side and removed one rib. A simple touch of the Creator's hand closed the opening in such a way that it left no evidence to reveal the intrusion. With the rib in his hands, the Creator worked it slowly, carefully, and purposefully creating another perfect creature, one much like Adam, yet different. The Creator formed a woman, a partner for Adam.

    The woman opened her eyes to behold the Creator who held out his hand to her. When she took it, he brought her to Adam who looked at her in amazement. It was a breathtaking moment. Could it be? he wondered. A creature so much like himself, yet different in such fascinating ways. His eyes took in every detail. As he observed her, the thought came to mind that he would call her Eve.

    The Creator interrupted Adam's thoughts by taking the woman's hand and placing it in Adam's. While she looked into Adam's eyes, she couldn't help but notice that they were so much alike, yet different. She glanced around, taking in the beauty of her surroundings. It was all so new. She wondered not only where she was but also who she was. While Adam had a brief time to adjust to the sights of this new world, it took time for her to catch her breath, to take in the wonder of this amazing place. Such overwhelming beauty.

    The Creator sat down and invited them, the crown jewels of his creation, to join him. For a time, they sat in silence. Adam and his partner stole quick glances at each other while also beholding the world around them. There were creatures everywhere—in the sky, on the ground, and in the water. There were plants of all sizes, shapes, and colors. Flowers, fragrances, hilly places off in the distance; ponds, streams singing a trickling song as they hurried toward their destinations. Noises from the animals and birds created a symphony of sound. There were new wonders in every direction.

    Meanwhile, Adam and his partner were busy, their minds struggling to understand where they were and who they were. They were clearly overcome with amazement. The Creator, the world he made—so, so much to ponder.

    After a time, the Creator's voice broke the silence. He looked into their eyes. He blessed them and said, Be fruitful and increase in number. Fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over all of it, the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground. Enjoy every seedbearing plant and tree because they will provide your food.

    Adam and Eve heard the words. Understood the language. Yet those words were both encouraging and intimidating. What did they really mean in everyday life? Be fruitful. Multiply. Fill the earth. Rule over all creatures in the sea and in the air. Those that live on the ground. Subdue the earth. How could they do that? What exactly would they do? So much for them to think and talk about, to learn and understand.

    Silence hung in the air. Adam and Eve were taking it all in. They spent time looking at each other, nodding as though they reached an initial sense of understanding. They turned to the Creator, their smiles acknowledging that this marvelous world belonged to the Creator and that they would work under his direction. Without saying more, they looked back at each other again, their eyes meeting. They were developing an understanding that whatever it meant in daily life, they were a team. They would care for this very special place.

    The Creator smiled at them, paused, and then looked around, taking in the sights and sounds of the world. It was not just good, it was perfect. His forever plan was fully alive. Complete.

    Somehow, the angels sensed that everything had changed. Nothing would ever be the same. Though they could not imagine what life in this new world would be like day after day, their songs of praise continued to roll across the heavens. Their eyes would forever behold the magnificent world the Creator had made. Their praises echoed throughout the heavens. Their shouts and songs of joy reverberated throughout creation.

    Meanwhile, one angel, whose voice contributed to the chorus of praise, was the envious one whose words and songs grew weak and were now empty. Worse yet, his words were blatant, willful lies. He watched the Creator interact with this new man and woman. He listened intently to every word that was spoken. He heard not only the words but also noted the tenderness in the Creator's voice. It was obvious that these creatures were, out of all creation, the creatures that he loved dearly. In fact, the only creatures that he personally created and held close in his heart.

    The devious angel focused his attention on this man and woman. He was consumed by thoughts of them. He observed them constantly and closely. Of course, the Creator loved them. They were unlike anything else he created. It nearly drove this angel crazy. These creatures could talk, think, act, and make decisions on their own. They could both love and obey. They could be in relationship. In some ways, they mirrored the Creator, yet they were also in submission to him.

    Unlimited possibilities began to take shape in his mind. Thoughts that started out as passing fancy stubbornly refused to disappear and became solidified. Worse yet, they grew in intensity until they took control of him. First his mind and then his heart. Yes. He could see himself interacting with Adam and Eve, smiling tenderly at them, sharing ideas and plans; his ideas and plans, of course. Adam and Eve could quickly learn to be in submission to him, just as they now were to the Creator. He, like the Creator, could also make decisions. And he would make one right now.

    At that moment, the thought that exploded in his mind and heart consumed him. Yes, there was no doubt. He could rule creation. He would rule creation.

    At that moment, the angel became evil. Completely evil. His plan was set, solid as a rock. Now the only thing he had to do was wait, though waiting would be difficult. But wait he would. He would now concentrate on accomplishing the perfect plan. His perfect plan. He would consider every detail from every angle. Perhaps some of the angels would enjoy being part of his kingdom. Imagine it. Other angels obeying him and these mysterious human creatures under his control? What could be more satisfying? The more this plan took shape in his mind, the more energized he became. He would start working on the angels immediately.

    Evil's mind juggled endless ideas. Yet, unknown to him, someone else knew every thought that toyed with evil's mind. God was watching, listening, completely aware as evil pitched his idea to other angels. One-third of the angels signed on immediately. Obviously, evil had no understanding of who God was. Even though he had watched in awe as God created the entire universe with the focus on planet Earth, evil somehow convinced himself that he had what it took to be God. That he could take on God. What's more amazing, evil thought he could and would win what might wind up to be the final battle.

    It must have come as a shock when evil and his cohort of angels found themselves cast out of heaven. One minute, living in the presence of God, and the next, confined to planet earth. Did that not cause evil to realize that he was far inferior to God in every possible way? If it did, he shook it off, his plan still intact. He could work from anywhere. Earth would be just fine, in fact, and would bring him and his minions closer to the creatures they would easily seduce. Yes, earth would be just fine.

    Pause for a moment. Think of it. One who was created decided to take on his Creator. The very one who created him and brought him to life. The one who was and is the Creator of everything. Amazing arrogance of the highest order. There has never been nor will there likely ever be an act as bold and audacious as this.


    Evil Corrupts

    The Creator came often to walk and talk with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. It was impossible for them not to sense the serenity of this place, though in many ways, it was the same as the world outside the garden—same creatures, plants, aromas, and beauty. Yet it was a bit secluded. Four streams came together, creating the feel of an island, a private island, a place apart, a special home just for them.

    The sun rose high in the sky, warming Adam and Eve as they awoke. There was so much to explore, so much to learn. They were eager to touch, see, taste, and experience this new world. They were still overcome by the thought that the Creator had done all of this for them. Such a lavish gift. Both the Creator and this world were beyond their ability to grasp. Their senses were alert to see any new creature, flower, or fruit. To see new formations of clouds, to watch how they moved, sometimes swiftly, other times lazily. So much to see. So much to learn and discover.

    But before they would explore their world further, they were eager to know each other, to understand who they were together and individually. What sort of relationship would they have? How would they work and live together? They were so much alike and yet also different. Adam and Eve lay close to each other as the sun greeted them. Adam took Eve's hand as they looked into each other's eyes. Though they were silent, their eyes searched deeply into each other's souls, trying to understand this new relationship. There was something drawing them together. Something strong, natural, and beautiful.

    It was instinctive. Adam's hand caressed the curves of Eve's body. Eve responded to his soft, inquisitive touch, encouraged him even. Enjoying it. She reached out

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