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Metaverse Unfolds
Metaverse Unfolds
Metaverse Unfolds
Ebook161 pages2 hours

Metaverse Unfolds

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As the earth’s environment and ecosystems become increasingly degraded, humans must rely on the advanced technology of the unfolding METAVERSE to survive. In this thrilling and fast-moving novel, we explore the transience of human frailty through themes of lust, jealousy, greed, betrayal, intrigue, murder, and the sacrifice of immortality for love. With the limitations of our current environment, many choose to spend much of their time in virtual reality, where they can enjoy a sense of home, family, and the beauty of nature. However, as millions flock to this virtual world, it becomes increasingly likely that we, and those around us, are simply part of a virtual journey. Will you join us in the METAVERSE?
Release dateDec 8, 2023
Metaverse Unfolds

Val Fernbach

Valentine Fernbach was born in Budapest in 1942 and emigrated to Australia in 1949. He studied civil engineering and was involved in bridge design and construction. He retired from the Gordon Institute in 1997 where he held the position of Head of Civil Engineering and Building Design. He now lives with his wife, Susan, at Currabilli in Torquay, Victoria where he continues to pursue his writing and illustrations.

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    Metaverse Unfolds - Val Fernbach


    In the evolution of the Earth and the human species this time that we live in is undoubtedly the best time to be born into.

    The METAVERSE is continually evolving. With the degradation of the planet, nature as we know it will cease to exist and will be replaced by technology in the form of ‘bubble precincts’; enclosed areas with artificially controlled temperatures, humidity and light. Our daily lives will be highly regulated, family life as we know it will cease to exist and we will have very few personal possessions.

    With advances in technology many people will visit ‘this time’ in virtual reality to experience the wonder, the beauty, and the challenges it has to offer. The huge numbers visiting over millions of years far outweigh the relatively small number of people who once passed through in natural evolution. It follows therefore that anyone living in this time is most likely to be in virtual reality.

    A person contemplating this hypothesis in the UNFOLDING METAVERSE must ask the question, AM I REAL OR AM I VIRTUAL?

    Chapter 1

    Rosa found herself in the Body Transfer Station situated in the social club sector of the precinct. Here the environs were mostly artificial. There were magnificent views through windows of scenes that disappeared millions of years ago. But views did lighten the spirit somewhat, so long as you didn’t dwell on their authenticity. There were allocated areas for all conceivable activities: music, dancing, dining, gambling or just mingling over a drink. There were rooms available for more private activities and Rosa was eagerly anticipating the tryst. With the help of Siri, she had made a selection of a new body containing the latest advances in sensuality, some of the older type of bodies felt like you were actually driving a drone from your brain; the recent advances in virtual reality made you feel like the body was your own. Rosa looked at herself in the mirror projecting her image from every angle. She was tall, dark hair, blue eyes, red lips, skin as white as snow.

    Have they reproduced Snow White from the old children’s stories? she mumbled to herself. But then she followed the magical curves of the perfect female figure highlighted by a pair of perfectly shaped breasts blossoming over an impossibly low-cut dress fashioned in the latest sheer silk-like material. No! she mused, I think it would be inappropriate for Snow White in a children’s story to be depicted in this way.

    She hurried down the corridor leading to the private room planned for their assignation. She was very conscious of her appearance and hoped she wouldn’t meet anyone on the way. As she reached for the door a chilling thought overwhelmed her; What if he wasn’t there! What if he couldn’t book the room. Anxiously, she opened the door; her doubts disappeared for there he was; the most magnificent male specimen. Lightly tanned, tall, powerful and welcoming with open arms and a desperate impatient desire. They flew to each other in a fervent embrace. There was no need for words, their coupling was as natural as the ebb and flow of the tide. And for a long time after they remained as one, spent in a deep and satisfying sleep.

    Rosa was the first to wake, she sat up in the bed and reached out to give Tozor a little nudge.

    Are you awake darling?

    Yes, just dozing, savouring the memory of the last couple of hours. Rosa reaches for a glass of bubbly; Vom is having a meeting again with his secret advisory committee.

    Tozor looking interested. Who are they and what are they about?

    Rosa takes a moment, sips her wine.

    They are a very influential group seeking to manipulate Vom, to feed their lust and greed.

    Tozor looks incredulous.

    Why would he in his position allow himself to be manipulated like that? Rosa whispers in a conspiratorial tone, He wants to be elected to the universe presidium and needs their support.

    Tozor retorts; Of course, it’s in their interest to support him; the more power he has, the more he’ll be able to support their corruption.

    Rosa realises she may have said too much and answers guiltily. Look, don’t tell anyone I said anything. I really don’t know what they’re up to. I just have a feeling. That’s all. I don’t want to lose my job for spreading rumours.

    Tozor moves a little closer caressing a copious breast and begins to nuzzle her ear. You could find out what’s going on; I would be very grateful.

    Rosa looks interested. I don’t know if I could, or even if I would, but say hypothetically, if I was able to find out what they’re up to, how grateful do you think you would be?

    Tozor ignores the question and chooses to compliment her on her looks. Rosa I’ve got to say you look absolutely beautiful.

    Thanks, Tozor, they have a new erotic catalogue. I thought you’d like this one: dark silky hair, white skin, blue eyes…

    Stop, you’re getting me horny again.

    No more shenanigans, I’m due at work in an hour. You know, it’s so frustrating: They’ve achieved so much in technology but I still can’t move straight from this provocative, seductive and sensual body directly to my professional work one. I still have to pass this one in at the local body transfer service station; transfer back into my brain, discuss my schedule with Siri, then transfer to the service station at the office suitably attired to perform my duties as secretary to the ‘Director of the Universe Virtual Reality Program’.

    Okay, one last kiss, truth is I’ve got to get a move on too. I must look up that erotic catalogue, try a new body; maybe I’ll choose one with a bigger dick next time.

    A bigger brain might be more expedient, there are quite a number of new attributes which augment brain capacity. Perhaps you should redirect your focus.

    She blew him a kiss and with that magic sideways movement attributable only to the female torso, she gave a little wave and let herself out.

    She made her way down the corridor, very conscious of being in a public area driving this libidinous, scantily dressed body, only clad in a sheer silk-like robe. However, she met no one on her way and felt relief when she finally arrived at the door to the body exchange service centre.

    Chapter 2

    I’m glad you could come! Elizabeth said with a welcoming smile. Justin and his wife Sally were seated in the beautiful traditionally appointed exclusive club room of the Presidium. We are honoured and somewhat surprised to receive the invitation. Thank you.

    Save your thanks until you hear what we have to offer you.

    "We all had countless virtual reality lives over five million years. We planned these lives very carefully with our partner, our friends and with representatives from the Presidium and the Department of the ‘Universal Virtual Reality Program’.

    "We can now simulate a virtual world in any time frame from the Stone Age to the year 3000. We can choose a geographically suitable place and provide a sheltered environment for a virtual life.

    "We can influence events, but the virtual reality traveller must accept the historical integrity of his environment for it to remain ‘real’.

    The purpose of these travels is twofold: First of all, sadly over the last five million years, our earth has become barren and we reflect on the beauty that once existed. Advances in technology have enabled us to survive, but we yearn to walk amongst the woods, feel the grass between our toes, look upon the ocean and just experience its essence. We long for the natural environment where there is space which we share with the animals that roamed freely. We miss the social structure, a family, house with a garden, children and a dog. We dream of travelling to visit beautiful places in the world which we can now only see in a reproductive artificial form. So dear friends, one reason we choose to become a virtual reality traveller is to experience these wonderful things. However, to maintain the ‘reality’ in virtual reality, you must become an integral part of the environment, and so, we must be born, live a life, and die just like the virtual people around you.

    Exactly! Justin leaning forward grabbing at the opportunity to get a word in. We have lived in many lovely virtual reality lives over the last 1000 years: we like the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. This time-frame allows for those wonderful experiences you have mentioned and more, there is still a lot of turmoil and unrest on the globe at that time but lately we have found shelter from the world’s ills in a little place on the Australian coast in the south of Victoria.

    This is precisely what I’m getting at, Elizabeth went on. One reason for entering a virtual reality life is to experience the wonderful things we’ve been discussing. The second is to experience adversity, injustice, poverty, cruelty and many other challenges that a harsh life can bring. Of course the experience is virtual and the unfolding harsh events are only real to the virtual reality traveller and his or her companions. The experience of misfortune, witnessing and being involved in distressing situations, gives rise to feelings of suffering, sorrow, misery, compassion, generosity… These feelings must be processed in a positive way, and it is this processing that defines who you are and is instrumental in developing your humanity.

    Sally added, I must say in our early adventures we did face some difficult challenges, but our more recent excursions have been very happy experiences and we are now planning a wonderful new life with some friends. We hope to be gone very soon.

    Elizabeth said, This brings me to the reason for today’s meeting. The reason why your virtual reality excursions have been so joyous is because your humanity has reached a very high level. I have been asked to inform you that your humanity has recently been assessed by the Presidium. You have both reached the very high level of ‘Star of the Universe’ and you will be receiving your awards during the celebrations of the five-million-year anniversary of our civilisation. I pass on to you the official congratulations from the Presidium and would like to add my personal best wishes.

    Justin looked startled.

    I had no idea! Sally added. Oh, Justin, what an honour!

    Elizabeth continues. "Wait, there’s more. This brings me to the main reason for this meeting. One of our members has served on the Presidium for over 1000 years and has expressed his desire to follow other interests. This leaves a vacancy in the Presidium which will be filled by popular vote at the forthcoming elections during the festivities of the five-million-year anniversary of our civilization. Needless to say, one essential qualification of all candidates is the ‘Star of the Universe’.

    "Like all things, our humanity is transient and undergoes positive and negative phases. Unfortunately, one of the candidates has entered a very negative phase, one from which he is unlikely to emerge without severe virtual reality therapy. He holds a very senior position, is very popular and has the support of some very

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