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[Xray Mike Alpha Sierra]
[Xray Mike Alpha Sierra]
[Xray Mike Alpha Sierra]
Ebook33 pages25 minutes

[Xray Mike Alpha Sierra]

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[XMAS Ops: Veronica Tracey Spy/PI]

'Tis the season, and Donald's Christmas obsession is either festive zeal or a recipe for driving Ronnie insane—it's a toss-up. Armed with an unrivalled decorating fervour, he's not about to let Nana and the Cronies of Doom interfere with his plans. An unexpected pre-Christmas gathering happens and threatens to sabotage everyone's holiday cheer.

As trouble descends, Christmas chaos ensues.

PublisherCat Connor
Release dateDec 11, 2023
[Xray Mike Alpha Sierra]

Cat Connor

Cat Connor is a multi-published crime thriller author. A tequila aficionado, long black drinker, music lover, fruitcake maker, traveller, murderer of perfectly happy characters and teacher of crime writing via CEC at Wellington High School.Described as irresistible, infectious, & addictive, her passion for creating believable multi-faceted characters shines through her work and teaching.She enjoys the company of Diesel the Mastador and Patrick the tuxedo cat, and more recently, Dallas the Birman kitten while writing, Netflixing, or reading. (Surely by now Netflixing is a word?)In April 2021 Connor signed with Crazy Maple Studios - they've serialized the Byte Series! How cool is that?Her Byte Series is available on the Scream App and the KISS App - both apps are available free from your favourite app store.Connor is now working on spy/PI novels set in New Zealand. The Veronica Tracey Spy/PI series.A little bit about the Byte Series:The Byte Series follows SSA Ellie Conway on her journey as a member of an elite FBI team that functions on dark humour, close relationships, and strong coffee.And a smidge about the Veronica Tracey Spy/PI series:Ronnie Tracey is a former-NZ intelligence officer turned private investigator; with a knack for finding people and a Nana with a predilection for trouble.

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    Book preview

    [Xray Mike Alpha Sierra] - Cat Connor

    [X-ray Mike Alpha Sierra]

    Jingle bells, Batman smells, Robin laid an egg, I sang as I decorated the Christmas tree.

    Donald swooped into the lounge. Batman does not smell, philistine.

    Pretty sure he does, I replied, hanging another glass bauble on a low branch. The scent of the Douglas fir tickled my nose. There is nothing like a real tree. Donald preferred the self-lit fake kind but I won this year.

    He stood there with his hands on his hips glaring at me as I continued the song.

    Will you stop taking Batman’s name in vain. It’s not very Christmasy Ronnie.

    What’s with the Boy Wonder laying an egg? I asked with a smile. I saw a sharp edge creep into his eyes. It was time to stop winding him up with Jingle Bells.

    Donald picked a long piece of tinsel and flapped it, pieces flew through the air to land in a shimmer on the carpet.

    Do you think Romeo needs new jammies - you know, something festive? he asked.

    I poked my head around the tree and smiled. Probably. He does love his jammies. What were you thinking?


    I shook my head and stepped out from behind the tree. Not around here. That’s a bit gangy. I could see where this was going. He’d say blue next and then try slide in his favourite colours. I know this game. I taught it to him.


    Seriously? I asked delighted that I was right. Really?"

    And before he could suggest purple or tangerine I quickly said, gold.

    Fancy! Donald draped gold tinsel on the old greyhound. Oh, yes.

    Just the ticket.

    And Christmas Day, how does that look for us? Donald asked passing me the gold tinsel. I glanced at Romeo. He looked sad. Donald noticed as well. Give, he said pulling the tinsel from my hand. He wants to sparkle like the king he is. Donald draped the tinsel back on the old dog.

    Romeo’s eyes shone. Perhaps Donald was right.

    Is that better old man? I asked, rubbing his boney head. I turned my attention to Donald and his question about

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