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Archive 99 Volume 2
Archive 99 Volume 2
Archive 99 Volume 2
Ebook54 pages43 minutes

Archive 99 Volume 2

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"Archive 99" is a collection of compelling and engaging stories that challenge the frontiers of reality as we know it. Each tale is a journey through the infinite possibilities of the universe, exploring distant worlds, confronting the unknown and prompting us to reflect on our position in the immensity of the cosmos.

Volume 2

Release dateDec 8, 2023
Archive 99 Volume 2

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    Book preview

    Archive 99 Volume 2 - James Logan


    1 - The Star of Hope

    2 - Heroes of Steel

    3 - An ordinary day

    4 - Shadow in the station

    5 - Orion's Struggle

    6 - Star Ink

    7 - Light in the Shadows in Neo Tokyo

    8 - Dark Reflections

    9 - The briefing

    10 - The Depths of Oblivion

    11 - Pandora

    12 - The sanctuary of life

    The Star of Hope

    The emptiness of space was an endless, silent tomb, a coffin of absolute darkness from which protruded a blade of sharp light. That blade was the Star of Hope, the flagship of the Interplanetary Federation. Its shell, a metallic giant, combined together the perfection of human technology and the audacity of its ambition. From its huge launch bays and docking ports dispersed tiny stars, shuttles departing or arriving, glowing like embers in an infinitely cold universe.

    On the command deck, Sergeant Donovan watched the ballet of lights, his irises reflecting the cold glow of space. A man with skin darkened by time, eyes hollowed by years of war and an unkempt beard that hid forgotten scars. He wore his armor like a second skin, his movements were fluid and confident, every gesture the product of years of training and battles experienced. There was no fear in his eyes, only a hard sense of determination.

    Next to him was his team, the Bravo Team. Each member unique, but together they formed a perfect whole, a unit of marines forged by fire and stone. Vasquez, the proud-looking woman, was a heavy weapons expert with an infectious laugh that could break the tension even at the most critical moments. Harper, with her cold, calculating eyes, was the silent, lethal sniper, always waiting, always ready. Jensen, the communications expert, the beating heart of the team, always in touch with his faithful drone that circled around him like a hawk. Finally, Tracer, the newest addition, with his fiery red hair and green eyes shining with an intrepid curiosity, the team's wunderkind pilot.

    The Star of Hope was their home, their fortress. But now, as they were gathered on the bridge, Sergeant Donovan knew that a new mission, a new battle, awaited them. They did not yet know the full scope of what lay ahead, but they were ready. And as the sergeant watched his team, a smile flickered on his wrinkled lips.

    The Star of Hope was advancing in the stellar void, like a beacon in the night. And the Bravo Team was ready to answer the call.

    The walls of the briefing room were sterile, unadorned, functional, and as cold as the void itself. A large blue hologram shone in the center, projecting a three-dimensional image of the planet they would set foot on, Aris III. The planet, a red giant, looked like a fiery eye watching from beyond the grave, surrounded by a halo of desolation.

    Sergeant Donovan hovered around the hologram, his eyes burning with ruthless determination. The rest of the Bravo Team was seated around the table, their eyes fixed on the sergeant and the image of the planet.

    We received a signal from Aris III, Donovan began, his voice filling the room, firm and confident. The signal came from an underground facility of unknown origin. Our mission is to investigate, identify the source of the signal and report back to the Star of Hope.

    Vasquez raised a hand, his eyes narrowed into a skeptical slit. What if we run into hostilities, Sergeant?

    Donovan turned to face her, a ruthless smile painted itself on his lips. "Then let us respond in

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