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James Faraday & The Last Train to Perdition
James Faraday & The Last Train to Perdition
James Faraday & The Last Train to Perdition
Ebook40 pages35 minutes

James Faraday & The Last Train to Perdition

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Faraday pointed his revolver at the men. He fired a single shot. The shot struck the coach driver in the chest. It was a clean shot, that went right through the driver's chest. The co-driver winced in pain beside him. His shoulder was bleeding just as much as the driver's chest. Faraday's men were shocked by what they had seen. The bullet had gone through the first man's chest and exited right through, striking the man beside him. It was an amazing shot, to say the least. 

Release dateDec 8, 2023
James Faraday & The Last Train to Perdition

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    Book preview

    James Faraday & The Last Train to Perdition - John J. Law

    Chapter One: Raining Down Death

    The carriage rolled down the pass, right on schedule. The horses pulled at the carriage with more effort than usual. The carriage was armored, and the animals had to exert a little more effort in pulling the load. It was a heavy load, but the animals managed. The coach driver pushed them to keep moving at a steady pace. Cortes pointed down at the carriage as it made its way down the narrow pass. Cortes was the sharpshooter of the group, and he wasn't the only one who noticed the carriage rolling along. James Faraday, the leader of their large group of outlaws and bandits noticed as well. For Faraday, the metal carriage was gold rolling along on four wheels. It had a lot of value for them, and he was more than eager to collect on it.

    It's coming down here, just as our informant said. Cortes said.

    Faraday clasped his hands together and licked his lips with his tongue. For a moment, he seemed like a giant cat, ready to pounce on an unsuspecting mouse.

    Bingham's always come through for us before, Cortes. Ain't no reason for him not to come through now.

    Cortes nodded at his gang leader. Faraday had led the group on several successful heists and there was no reason to doubt he couldn't do it now. Faraday had Cortes' complete support, and Faraday in-turn trusted the Mexican sharpshooter with his life.

    Well, it's showtime, Cortes.

    Almost as if on cue, several riders came through cracks at the pass. The men seemed to jump right out of the rocky surface of the mountain itself. Faraday and his men knew the terrain very well, and it was easy enough for them to make an ambush like this.

    Bandits! Come to take the money box! Come on, move! Move! Hya!

    The driver of the coach whipped the horses to move even faster. The animals responded by running right through the bandits that had cut them off. The outlaws pulled at their horses and moved out of the way in time, before the metal carriage could smash into them. The coach driver's co-driver pulled out a sawed-off shotgun and began firing wildly. His shot hit one of the riders descending upon the carriage, but there were more than enough that were still standing.

    Keep those horses moving Ned, or we're dead!

    The coach driver pushed the horses harder, and the animals responded valiantly. They pushed the metal carriage with all their power, and ran as fast as their four legs could carry them. The beasts could feel the heavy weight behind them, but their instincts screamed at them to run, and run fast. How could they not do otherwise?

    The horses kicked up a dust storm, as they pulled the metal coach. The bandits prodded their own steeds and followed right behind. They fired several shots at the coach, and all

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