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Lincoln Dollar - Badman
Lincoln Dollar - Badman
Lincoln Dollar - Badman
Ebook38 pages35 minutes

Lincoln Dollar - Badman

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"I'll hunt down any man! For the right price!"
Those were the grim words of the bounty hunter, Lincoln Dollar. His real name was lost to the mists of time, but his moniker was never forgotten. Everyone knew that it described him perfectly.
Lincoln Dollar was a man that was all about money. He was a man that would hunt anyone for the right price, and he was not ashamed of it. 

Release dateDec 9, 2023
Lincoln Dollar - Badman

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    Lincoln Dollar - Badman - John J. Law


    I'll hunt down any man! For the right price!

    Those were the grim words of the bounty hunter, Lincoln Dollar. His real name was lost to the mists of time, but his moniker was never forgotten. Everyone knew that it described him perfectly.

    Lincoln Dollar was a man that was all about money. He was a man that would hunt anyone for the right price, and he was not ashamed of it. Why would he be? Men like him were common in his time. In those days, a man with a gun was often more respected than a man of principle. The nation had endured a brutal Civil War, and progress was marching rapidly. Times were changing, but the nation still had men like Lincoln Dollar. 

    While he walked this earth, Lincoln Dollar was a polarizing figure, to say the least. Many men viewed him for what he was; a killer for hire with a fast trigger, and an even faster temper. Other men saw Lincoln Dollar differently. More pragmatic minds saw in him, as a necessary evil, an evil that was needed to maintain even a semblance of law and order. 

    For a while, it seemed as if men like Lincoln Dollar would stand the test of time. Like the cactus that grew on the rough terrain, they seemed to embody the rugged American of the times. Tough, enduring, and sharp enough to cut through anything. However, the march of progress was relentless, and it waited for no one, not even men of sturdy stuff like Lincoln Dollar. Such men eventually became obsolete, but they were never forgotten. This is one of his many stories.


    Taking on the Brewsters

    The following is an account of the events that followed from one William Henry, a passenger on board the fateful train, that day.

    I was sitting on my seat, dozing off, when it happened. The ride to Tonburry was pretty long, but the train ride was actually quite comfortable. Tonburry was a hastily-constructed mining town located beside a nearby site where gold had been recently discovered. Because of this discovery, many prospectors like myself flocked to Tonburry. Many of these fortune seekers were passengers on that fateful train.

    Having ridden in coaches and carriages most of my life, I found this to be quite the pleasant surprise. I'm a prospector by trade, and I'm used to chasing an elusive fortune, wherever there's a gold rush. I've lived a fairly long life this way, and I've had no regrets doing so, even if my fortune remains elusive. Because of this, I've gotten used to riding around in coaches and carriages. I had gotten used to the bumpy rides of the aforementioned vehicles. I often thought that this would be the norm, but I guess I was wrong. Perhaps the world is indeed changing, and for the better.

    The train ride was smooth, so much so, that I found

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