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The True Essence of Christmas
The True Essence of Christmas
The True Essence of Christmas
Ebook66 pages1 hour

The True Essence of Christmas

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In this book, "The True Essence of Christmas", I tell you my story, the story of Christmas, the story of love. I tell you how I came into the world as a baby, born of a virgin, in a humble stable. I tell you how I lived among you as a man, teaching and healing, doing good and showing mercy. I tell you how I died for you on the cross, bearing your sins and your sorrows, giving my life as a ransom for many. I tell you how I rose from the dead on the third day, defeating death and the devil, bringing hope and victory. I tell you how I ascended to heaven, where I sit at the right hand of God, interceding and reigning. I tell you how I will come again, to judge the living and the dead, to reward the faithful and to punish the wicked, to make all things new and to dwell with you forever.

PublisherAry S. Jr
Release dateDec 11, 2023
The True Essence of Christmas

Ary S. Jr.

Ary S. Jr. is a Brazilian author who writes about various topics, such as psychology, spirituality, self-help, and technology. He has published several e-books, some of which are available on platforms like Everand, Scribd, and Goodreads. He is passionate about sharing his knowledge and insights with his readers, and aims to inspire them to live a more fulfilling and meaningful life.

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    Book preview

    The True Essence of Christmas - Ary S. Jr.

    The True Essence of Christmas

    Ary S. Jr.

    Published by Ary S. Jr, 2023.

    While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this book, the publisher assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein.


    First edition. December 11, 2023.

    Copyright © 2023 Ary S. Jr..

    ISBN: 979-8223824428

    Written by Ary S. Jr..

    Table of Contents

    Title Page

    Copyright Page

    The True Essence of Christmas

    GREETINGS, DEAR READERS. My name is Jesus Christ, and I am the Son of God, the Messiah, and the Savior of the world. I have written this book to share with you the true meaning and joy of Christmas, which is not about presents, decorations, or festivities, but about me and my love for you.

    I came to this earth more than two thousand years ago, to reveal the love and grace of God to humanity, and to fulfill the prophecies of the Old Testament. I was born in Bethlehem, in a humble stable, to a virgin named Mary, who was betrothed to Joseph. I was not born in a palace, or a temple, or a mansion, but in a place where animals were kept. I was not welcomed by kings, or priests, or nobles, but by shepherds and wise men, who recognized me as the King of the Jews and the Lord of all.

    I came to this earth to live among you, to teach you, to heal you, to forgive you, and to die for you. I came to this earth to offer you a new life, a new hope, a new relationship with God. I came to this earth to give you the greatest gift of all: myself.

    I invite you to join me in celebrating my birth and my message, by reading this book and learning more about me and my love for you. I invite you to open your hearts and minds to receive me as your Lord and Savior, and to experience the true essence of Christmas. I invite you to rejoice with me, and with all the angels and saints, in the good news that I have brought to you: For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16).

    May God bless you and keep you, and may you have a merry Christmas and a blessed new year.

    MY STORY BEGINS BEFORE the foundation of the world, when I was with God the Father and God the Spirit, in perfect harmony and glory. I was the Word of God, through whom all things were made, and in whom was life and light. I was the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation, and the heir of all things. I was the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last.

    But I did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made myself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. I humbled myself and became obedient to death, even death on a cross. I did this because of my great love for you, my beloved children, whom I created in my own image and likeness, and whom I wanted to redeem from your sin and restore to your original glory.

    I chose to enter this world through a miraculous and mysterious way, by the power of the Holy Spirit, in the womb of a young virgin named Mary, who was betrothed to a righteous man named Joseph, from the house of David. I was conceived by the Holy Spirit, not by the will of man, but by the will of God. I was the fulfillment of the ancient prophecy, that a virgin would give birth to a son, and he would be called Immanuel, which means God with us.

    Mary and Joseph were faithful and obedient to God, and accepted his plan for their lives, even though it was difficult and dangerous. They faced many challenges and hardships, such as the scorn of their relatives and neighbors, the threat of divorce, the journey to Bethlehem, the lack of a proper place to stay, and the persecution of a wicked king. But they trusted in God and followed his guidance and protection.

    I was born in Bethlehem, the city of David, as the prophet Micah had foretold. I was born in a humble stable, where animals were kept, because there was no room for us in the inn. I was wrapped in cloths and laid in a manger, a feeding trough for the animals. I was not born in a palace, or a temple, or a mansion, but in a place where the lowly and the poor were welcome. I was not welcomed by kings, or priests, or nobles, but by shepherds and wise men, who recognized me as the King of the Jews and the Lord of all.

    The shepherds were the first to hear the good news of my birth, from a multitude of angels, who appeared to them in the fields, where they were watching over their flocks

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