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Book 3. Secret Passion.
Book 3. Secret Passion.
Book 3. Secret Passion.
Ebook44 pages36 minutes

Book 3. Secret Passion.

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Imperial Russia, XIX century. Retired lieutenant Alexey Polyansky receives an invitation to serve in the newly formed Gendarme Corps. He was immediately entrusted with the first case: the investigation of the activities of the ‘Jacks of Hearts’. This is a gang involved in real estate scams in Moscow and the sale of fake paintings. To the great surprise of the lieutenant, the threads of seemingly banal crimes lead to the disclosure of the ancient mystery of the disappearance of the famous Rose of Versailles diamond, presented by Louis XIV to his mistress Louise de Lavaliere.
Soon, an even more mysterious crime was committed: inexplicable events take place in the Yaroslavl estate of Count Shakhovsky, an avid collector of ancient weapons and armor. The host is visited by the ghost of Count Dracula. Count Shakhovsky dies under mysterious circumstances. The investigation leads Polyansky to a certain Madame Libushe, lady with a very dark past.

Release dateJun 20, 2024
Book 3. Secret Passion.

Olga Kryuchkova

Olga Kryuchkova began her creative career in 2006. During this time, the author had more than 100 publications and reprints (historical novels, historical adventures, esotericism, art therapy, fantasy). A number of novels were co-written with Elena Kryuchkova.

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    Book preview

    Book 3. Secret Passion. - Olga Kryuchkova

    Olga Kryuchkova

    Series ‘The Criminal Investigations of the Imperial Gendarme’

    Book 3. Secret Passion

    The cover of the book is based on an illustration from Pixabay.

    Chapter 7

    Ilya Glyzin left the main office, which he and his brother (of course, by the decision of Vasily) founded in Spasonalivkovsky Lane. Sitting in the carriage, he involuntarily looked round. The sign ‘Vasily Glyzin and Brother’ that was visible above the entrance has been causing him extreme irritation lately.

    It would be better to write right away: ‘Vasily Glyzin’, Ilya grumbled with displeasure.

    Why is the younger brother of dissatisfied? The older brother has been at the office less and less for several months now. Moreover! As it turned out, he doesn't even exist at home! No one knows where Vasily spends his time. And he behaves arrogantly. Vasily occasionally visits the office on Spasonalivkovsky lane. He gives Ilya orders, as if the younger brother is an employee! If we talk about Vasily's attitude to other subordinates, then Ilya can simply say: senior Glyzin treats hired workers as second-class people. The employees are forced to endure his eternal nagging and rudeness.

    In addition, Ilya's suspicions arose (he was hiding them from Anastasia for the time being) that Vasily had a kept woman. Painfully, Glyzin Sr. has changed recently: he became proud, began to behave arrogantly even in communication with people of equal status. Only a woman can change a man so radically, and a woman is certainly of a high flight! Vasily, according to Ilya, borrowed high society habits from his kept woman. Vasily imagines himself above all the people around him: above his brother, wife, business partners.

    Having changed his mind about going home, to Bakhmetyevsky Lane (the merchant Bakhmetyev had many houses in this lane), Ilya ordered the coachman to turn the carriage in the direction of Prechistenka Street.

    Vasily was not at home, although he did not appear at the office today either, and the day was already approaching evening. Anastasia greeted her brother-in-law with a satisfied smile:

    Ilya, how glad I am to see you! And Vasily has not returned yet. Probably, he stayed in the office again.

    Having said nothing that he had just left the office, and Vasily was not in the office, Ilya sat down next to Anastasia on the sofa.

    Anastasia, but you were right...

    The woman raised her eyebrows in surprise.

    About what, Ilya?

    You were right about the fact that I need to share the business with Vasily. That's it, I can no longer obey him, I'm tired of him! He treats me like a stupid puppy. It's disgusting ... It's time, it's time for me to demand the division of our joint capital!

    Anastasia beamed.

    It's high time, Ilya, she whispered passionately and looked meaningfully at her brother-in-law. Maybe I’ll serve you some tea? - she asked quickly, suppressing the urge to immediately rush to Ilya with open arms.

    "Perhaps I will not

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