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Book 6. Femme Fatale. Russian Dracula.
Book 6. Femme Fatale. Russian Dracula.
Book 6. Femme Fatale. Russian Dracula.
Ebook68 pages58 minutes

Book 6. Femme Fatale. Russian Dracula.

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The book (and subsequent books) tells about the second investigation of the gendarme Lieutenant Polyansky. Fate brings Lieutenant of the Gendarmerie Polyansky with the proprietress of the brothel Madame Libouche. He is doing the lady a favor at the insistence of Colonel Euler. After that, the lieutenant hoped that fate would no longer bring him to Madame Libouche.
Meanwhile, Madame Libouche hatches plans for revenge, according to which she intends to destroy one of the richest families. She meets a certain Dmitry Bersenyev. The young man falls passionately in love with Sylvia Libouche. The woman intends to use the gullible young man in love for her insidious purposes. So what is the femme fatale up to?

Release dateJun 20, 2024
Book 6. Femme Fatale. Russian Dracula.

Olga Kryuchkova

Olga Kryuchkova began her creative career in 2006. During this time, the author had more than 100 publications and reprints (historical novels, historical adventures, esotericism, art therapy, fantasy). A number of novels were co-written with Elena Kryuchkova.

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    Book 6. Femme Fatale. Russian Dracula. - Olga Kryuchkova

    Olga Kryuchkova

    Series The Criminal Investigations of the Imperial Gendarme

    Book 6. Femme Fatale. Russian Dracula.

    The cover of the book is based on an illustration from Pixabay.

    The book (and subsequent books) tells about the second investigation of the gendarme Lieutenant Polyansky. Fate brings Lieutenant of the Gendarmerie Polyansky with the proprietress of the brothel Madame Libouche. He is doing the lady a favor at the insistence of Colonel Euler. After that, the lieutenant hoped that fate would no longer bring him to Madame Libouche.

    Meanwhile, Madame Libouche hatches plans for revenge, according to which she intends to destroy one of the richest families. She meets a certain Dmitry Bersenyev. The young man falls passionately in love with Sylvia Libouche. The woman intends to use the gullible young man in love for her insidious purposes. So what is the femme fatale up to?


    1741, Shakhovskoye estate, Yaroslavl province

    Count Vasily Grigorievich Shakhovsky did not leave his bed for the third day in a row. The wound he received from a blow with a small sword in a duel with Lieutenant Konstantin Anokhin, according to the doctor, was not fatal.

    The edge of the blade passed between the ribs, hitting the right lung of the graph, and therefore he needed complete rest and diet. In a conversation with Countess Maria Ilyinichna, the doctor once again insistently said:

    I repeat, peace and only peace! And the Count's wound will certainly heal. No worries! I warn you, dear Maria Ilyinichna: your husband needs complete peace and care. Otherwise, the wound may open and then, alas, I will be powerless. However, like modern medicine. And medicine is still so imperfect! And do not forget: smoking tobacco is prohibited for the Count. About a month liquid food: chicken broth, porridge and no alcohol. I will come every day and change the bandage. Do not forget to give His Excellency the ‘Afralis and Belladonna Elixir’ that I brought you earlier. Yes, and that's what ... the doctor pulled out another small bottle from his bag.

    (Pearl’s Afralis is used to rejuvenate and strengthen the body. Belladonna is a well-known pain reliever.)

    What is this, sir? Asked the Countess, wiping a tear from her cheek with a cambric handkerchief.

    This is a very effective remedy: an elixir of periwinkle and hemlock. (Periwinkle is useful only in small doses, it is used for bleeding. Hemlock is poisonous, causes respiratory paralysis. But in small doses, it is effective as an anti-inflammatory agent.) An excellent wound healing and anti-inflammatory agent! But! I dare to warn you! Give this elixir strictly as prescribed: once a day, ten drops in a glass of water. Otherwise, it will turn from a medicine into a poison. A few concentrated drops of this elixir can kill a person, but the correct application will help the Count to get back on his feet quickly and eliminate the possibility of wound inflammation.

    Ah, thank you, doctor, the Countess cooed.

    And one more thing, Madam. I am embarrassed to talk about this. I am afraid that this story with the duel will reach the police chief ... said the doctor and dropped his gaze, looking at his shoes with excessive zeal.

    But ... Excuse me, sir: why? The Countess wondered. Thank God, everything worked out. Vasily Grigorievich is alive. I think he would not want publicity.

    Yes, yes, Madam. I understand your honor is hurt ... But alas! The doctor regretted.

    Maria Ilyinichna grabbed the doctor by the arm.

    You said yourself: no nervous shocks! And what will happen if the rumors really reach the chief of police? And he will send a sergeant? He will start asking questions. Oh, what a shame! These offensive suspicions of her husband. The Countess shed a tear again.

    The doctor finally gave up.

    Well, all right, Madam. I won't tell anyone anything, he promised. But…

    Do not worry! Immediately said the charming Countess, whose tears miraculously disappeared from her seductive pink cheeks. The Count will be grateful to you for your trouble and ... for silence.

    She fell silent and looked at the doctor, so much so that he began to throb in the lower abdomen.

    "Because of such a beautiful woman, you will cut and shoot all the neighboring landowners..." a thought flashed through the doctor's mind. But he immediately pulled himself together and said:

    See you tomorrow, Madam. I'll be closer to noon. Don't bother, don't accompany me.

    The doctor took leave of the Countess and left the Shakhovskys' estate.


    Vasily Grigorievich was in despair. He hated himself for not being able to properly punish this rogue lieutenant. Alas, but the years are not the same. The strength is leaving. The wife is still young and desirable, she is only twenty-five years old, and the

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