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A Transformed Life: One Woman’s Journey from Grief to Grace
A Transformed Life: One Woman’s Journey from Grief to Grace
A Transformed Life: One Woman’s Journey from Grief to Grace
Ebook161 pages2 hours

A Transformed Life: One Woman’s Journey from Grief to Grace

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This book is written about one woman's journey from grief to grace and it is a message to encourage others to continue walking with God which can increase one's faith even through the shedding of tears, For the word of God declares that we are overcomers, first by the shedding of our Lord and Savior Jesus our Savior's blood and secondly, by the word of our testimony.

So, as a believer, I want everyone to know that I am a living testimony of the goodness of God and a stronger witness that the God I serve, the God I believe in and the God we pray to continues to offer hope to anyone and everyone who believes and especially during the times we are experiencing pain, when we are suffering through the times of grief, he is closer than you think.

This book is a detail of my life's journey from brokenness to Holiness also to highlight that anything and all things are possible with God.

Lastly, I am a living witness that God honors His word above His name. It has been through the prophetic words that were spoken to me that have come to fulfillment. His word is life.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateDec 6, 2023
A Transformed Life: One Woman’s Journey from Grief to Grace

Rev. Gloria H. Johnson

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    A Transformed Life - Rev. Gloria H. Johnson

    Copyright © 2023 by Rev. Gloria H. Johnson.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

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    Rev. date: 12/06/2023







    Chapter 1   Recapturing

    Chapter 2   My Journey Onward

    Chapter 3   Strengthen for the Journey

    Chapter 4   The Rough Road Ahead

    Chapter 5   Going Through to Get Through

    Chapter 6   Living, Listening and Learning

    Chapter 7   Picked Out and Picked On

    Chapter 8   The Path, The Pain the Purpose

    Chapter 9   Broken in Pieces

    Chapter 10 A Season of Grief and Sorrow

    Chapter 11 A Transformed Vessel

    Chapter 12 I Am an Overcomer


    Praise God! It has been a while since I’ve had an opportunity to write and share about the goodness of God. It’s been years, months, weeks, and days filled with pain, suffering, disappointment, discouragement, and death. Oh, by the grace of God, I will do my best to bring you up to date on these life-changing situations, circumstances, and triumphs that God alone has walked alongside me to guide and literally order my steps.

    Prior to the publication of my first book, I attended a worship service at the invitation of my ministerial classmate. It was a power pack worship service. People had gathered from far and near to hear a word from God. I was one of many who had come far to witness the man and perhaps meet the man of God. After all, I was young in the ministry but not so young in the power of the Holy Spirit moving and not so young in my understanding the gifting of God.

    It wasn’t long before the meeting began with songs of praise and prayers offered to welcome the Holy Spirit and finally the introduction of the Preacher/Prophet. He began by offering words of gratitude for the invitation to be a part of this worship experience. He spoke just a little about himself (which I appreciated). What I did enjoy was how excited he was about the word of God and how much he loved God. After citing a few scriptures, he began to move down the aisles of the church calling out various ones asking various questions and then proceeding to speak into their life words of wisdom, words of comfort, words of prophecy as well as confirmation to some of the people. You could hear people screaming, crying, and thanking God for the words spoken into their lives or their circumstances.

    It was near the end of service the man of God finally reached the aisle where I was sitting. Suddenly, I stood up to ask a question because I didn’t want the audience to hear my question. Before I could start talking, the Prophet started speaking about my life regarding my meticulous habits. Such as how neat I wanted things to look, the order in which I hung pictures on the wall, the order in which I organized all my paperwork and so much more. The things that only God would know. This man of God was on point about every bit of my life, so much so that it brought me to tears. After gaining my composure, I had the urge to ask him my question. So, I whispered the question in his ear. The question was: why do I keep seeing an open book in every room of my home? His reply was your life is an open book. And my response was Wow!

    I do understand that sharing my life story is about encouraging other believers that God has a plan and a purpose for each one of us.

    While traveling on our journey, we encounter many detours and roadblocks trying to find our way. My life has been full of detours, curves and roadblocks while searching for my purpose.

    My story is written to encourage other women primarily to continue moving forward, onward, and upward. If I made it, I believe everyone has the same opportunity to walk his or her journey as well.

    Allow me to share with you that the mess I made became my message and the message became my ministry. It is a full-time ministry, sharing my testimonies, life experiences, the mistakes along the way, but through it all God continues to bless me, keep me, provide for me and so much more.

    That’s why I am sharing my story, I am not perfect, but I am redeemed. I am not perfect, but I have been chosen, I am not perfect, but I have a story to tell and a testimony to share about the Goodness of God. So, read on, my journey continues. Walk with me again and remember, I am not perfect, but I am Loved!

    This book contains some personal facts that I have experienced. However, the names as well as some places have been changed to respect the privacy of those involved.

    My sincere prayer is that believers of faith, brothers, sisters in Christ as well as new believers reach the conclusion that God is in control of our lives, and it requires that we walk by faith and we learn to put our trust in God and God alone. We will grow stronger, move closer and become powerful servants for the kingdom of God.

    Can I say it again, I am not perfect, but I am redeemed.


    In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. I Thessalonians 5:18

    To all the prophets and prophetess who have spoken a word of encouragement; to family; to friends; to wailing women; to women in ministry and lastly the children in the ministry. Thank You All!

                   Prophet Eric Von Copeland

                   Prophet Charlotte Banks

                   Prophet Gracie Sternes

    Lifelong Friends, co-laborers, Mentors, former Pastors



    ...being confident of this very thing, that he who has begun a good work in you will bring complete it until the day of Jesus Christ. Philippians 1:6

    In the year 2006, I moved from North Texas to South Texas to start my new life after forty-two years of employment along with adjusting to my disability status. There were two major benefits to my relocating, one was to be closer to my son and my new grandson and the second reason is: I would be closer to the county facility where I would receive medical attention with this new diagnosis called rheumatoid arthritis. Since retiring, my hospitalization insurance was no longer available nor affordable, so I had to swallow pride and realize that I was not going to be in this situation permanently. The doctors believed that my chances of walking again were slim to none. I refused that lie, the wheelchair, the walker and all the other medical equipment that was ordered by my doctor as I was being discharged from the hospital. I heard everything they said, but I believed different, and I stood on the word of God. I am Healed and that was that. Shortly after moving and unpacking most of my boxes, I enrolled in a medical facility that specialized in helping disabled persons. This process took an entire day with so much paperwork and questions to answer. I was assigned a caseworker which included answering more questions. At any rate I qualified for health coverage along with discounted medications. I was given an appointment to return in one week. This visit was for lab work and an interview with a physician to explain about receiving some injections once a week to monitor and get my rheumatoid arthritis under control. This was my initial visit to get me enrolled in the clinic and wait for the results of my labs. The physician requested that I bring a family member on my next visit, which was a week later. My son needed to learn how to give me the injections as well in the event of an emergency. My son and I arrived early for this visit, with the anticipation that he would be able to leave and return to work. It was frightening of course for both of us to learn how to give myself an injection. We made it through and soon after a month of receiving the injections, I began to feel better and returned to an active life.

    After nearly six months I started searching for an affordable Senior Housing near my mama. I had noticed some changes and I thought it best to consult her physician at that time. After our conversation, he recommended putting her in a rehab facility. I talked with my siblings, and each one disagreed with my decision. But I needed to do what was in the best interest for mama and myself. The doctor gave me the address of two facilities to check out. The facility I chose was about an hour’s drive (including morning and afternoon traffic) from my apartment. My mother was in this rehab facility two full weeks. I did not miss one day going to visit her also, I had informed the staff that I would be doing my mother’s laundry as well. The major concern for me was they didn’t have any telephone service in the patient’s room. The most important thing was that mama would be comfortable with her surroundings.

    I journey to the facility each day around 9:00 am and head back home around 3:00pm. This facility offered Sunday Morning worship Service and lunch afterwards, so I didn’t attend worship at my home church during those Sundays. I stayed with mama and welcomed any family members that came to see her.

    Prior to the end of the second week, I received a call from my mama’s doctor who requested that I come visit him at the rehab facility and not at his office. Upon my arrival, the doctor said, "you didn’t have to rush ‘’, well you offered me no information, so I thought I had better come see what’s going on. It was information concerning her release and the actions that needed to be taken when she got home. There has been lots of improvement and he would like that to continue. She is being released today! Amen and Praise God. I gathered mama’s belongings and made two trips to the car and checked out. In little or no time, mama was herself again. She had started driving her own car again and going to the grocery store as well as driving to church. I praise God. This made her feel better as well.

    I’m just talking about myself. I retired due to my medical disability, but do you understand what I am doing? This is not a complaint, just saying what I am saying. Yes, it appears that I am all over the place. Keep reading, for I am highlighting these incidents.

    In my search to find a senior housing apartment, God spoke to me while worshiping one Sunday my time was up at this house. This house is in reference to the house of worship located in a small city not far from where I once lived. I did not say a word to anyone about this. I continued my search, but I did call another Pastor about joining his team at his church, but he spoke in a loud voice ‘no’ with an additional remark that I cannot repeat. That was an Ouch moment but in the long run a major blessing. You must love God, for looking out for His children. When he closes one door, He opens another door with benefits you cannot imagine.

    Remember, they that wait upon the Lord will have renewed strength. That’s a God did it moment!

    Meanwhile, there was another incident brewing that needed my immediate attention. My son called to make sure I was home. He needed to talk. The sum of our conversation was to inform me that he had become a single dad, and he needed some advice since he had reared him as a single parent. I needed some insight on what to do and how to proceed with rearing his son.

    I explained some experiences that he may or may not encounter, but I did emphasize some sacrifices that he would have to make to meet the needs of his son. Always remember to prioritize everything. I reassured him that he would be okay and that I would be there to help as much as I could also, I am not going to let you take advantage of my being the surrogate mother as well as the grandmother, but You are my son, and you will be just fine.

    Lastly, prior to my leaving the Kern community, my past showed up again. Yes, Roman, the man who captured my heart but refused to surrender to

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