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Whispered Promises
Whispered Promises
Whispered Promises
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Whispered Promises

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A forgotten love forged in danger. Can Damien keep his secret hidden forever?

When Marina, a charismatic radio host, receives a late-night call from a mysterious caller, Damien, their shared connection is undeniable.

As they explore love and forgiveness over the airwaves, Marina's past resurfaces, and a hidden secret threatens their newfound relationship. Even as Marina is forced to confront her inner demons, Damien seeks redemption, and the two are pushed into a complex web of emotional betrayals, forgotten melodies, and unspoken words. Will love be enough to conquer the ghosts of the past?

Find out in "Whispered Promises," a captivating romance that will keep you guessing until the last page.

If you enjoyed "The Fault in Our Stars" by John Green, you're sure to be captivated by this thrilling story.

PublisherBlake Patrick
Release dateDec 12, 2023
Whispered Promises

Blake Patrick

Blake Patrick brings nearly three decades of frontline police experience to the literary world. Serving as a bastion of law and order in the UK for 29 years, Blake dedicated his career to the pursuit of justice, not only as a detective unravelling the intricate webs of criminal minds but also as a Family Liaison Officer, providing a compassionate bridge between the force and the families touched by tragedy and crime. Retiring the badge, Blake has since brandished the pen, channelling years of amassed knowledge, humanity, and street-smart wisdom into writing. Although this passion for storytelling was always a flickering flame throughout their policing career, it has only recently roared to life with the completion and publication of their works. This newfound courage to share stories comes from the very essence of a life spent in service to others and a personal milestone of triumph over the daunting vulnerability of creative expression. Blake's works are a unique blend of gritty reality and the rich, complex tapestry of human emotion, informed by an intimate understanding of crime's impact on people and society. Each narrative is not only an act of exploration but also a tribute to the resilience of the human spirit, often exploring themes that resonate deeply with readers from all walks of life. Married for 39 years, Blake's personal life is as rich and fulfilling as their professional one. Together with their spouse, they have nurtured a family that has grown to include two children and three grandchildren, creating a strong, loving foundation that has undoubtedly influenced Blake's writing. Often, it's within the animated discussions and suggestions from these family members that seeds for stories are planted. Whether it's delving into subjects of personal intrigue or taking up the gauntlet thrown by a family member's curiosity, Blake approaches writing with the same fervour and commitment once reserved for solving cases. Readers can expect a journey through pages that not only enthral but also enlighten, crafted by someone who has not only observed life from the sidelines but has been an active participant in its most challenging arenas. Blake's books promise to be a sanctuary where the thrill of the chase, the depth of human connection, and the subtleties of life's intricate narratives converge. 

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    Book preview

    Whispered Promises - Blake Patrick


    For Laurie,

    In the whispered corners of every tale, in the promises etched between lines, I find reflections of you. Your strength, your spirit, and the unwavering love you’ve shared have been the guiding stars of this journey. This story, Whispered Promises, is but a testament to the beautiful bond we share. To my radiant daughter, may you always find promises worth believing in.

    With all my love,


    Copyright © 2023 by Blake Patrick.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any form whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations in critical articles or reviews.

    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, organiations, places, events and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    For more information, or to book an event, contact :

    First Edition:  October  2023


    Chapter 1: Late Night Conversations

    Chapter 2: The Mysterious Damien

    Chapter 3: Echoes from the Past

    Chapter 4: Tangled Frequencies

    Chapter 5: Revelations Over Radio Waves

    Chapter 6: A Forgotten Melody

    Chapter 7: The Weight of Regret

    Chapter 8: Secret Meetings

    Chapter 9: On-Air Confessions

    Chapter 10: Memories Rekindled

    Chapter 11: Marina’s Dilemma

    Chapter 12: Whispers of Forgiveness

    Chapter 13: Lost Time and Second Chances

    Chapter 14: A Date Beyond the Airwaves

    Chapter 15: Unspoken Words

    Chapter 16: Heartbeats and Frequencies

    Chapter 17: The Truth Unveiled

    Chapter 18: Promises Made and Broken

    Chapter 19: Finding Redemption

    Chapter 20: Love's Renewed Promise

    Together We Will Shine 

    David Grant/Peter ‘Sketch’ Martin 1981

    Well, we’ve been with each other for such a long time,

    But I know together we can shine,

    And even though we both say we’re just friends, and we’ll be,

    You don’t know how much you mean to me.


    ‘Cause all in all, things will be better,

    When I’m sure you’re mine,

    ‘Cause I feel, we can make dreams real,

    Because I know together we can shine

    It’s clear that we’ve both got a long way to go,

    But together we can make love grow,

    I know, if we stay with each other in time you will see,

    We’ll be everything we want to be.


    Stay with me, I just know we can make it work,

    You will see, oh it’s only a matter of time,

    Stay with me, have some faith that I’m sure that you will,

    See together we will shine.

    I’ve never been more sure about how I feel,

    The love I have for you is real, it’s so real,

    Now, I’ve laid my emotions as bare as can be,

    Don’t doubt my sincerity.




    EMITTING A GENTLE LUMINESCENCE that mingled with the soft blue hue of her radio equipment, the glow of the city lights seeped through the blinds of Marina’s downtown apartment. With a quick glance at the digital clock – 2:37 AM – she sighed, appreciating the tranquillity that the night brought.

    Good evening, you're tuned into ‘Whispers in the Night’ with Marina, she said into her microphone, her voice soft and melodic, perfect for the lonely souls still awake at this hour. Tonight's topic is lost connections. Have you ever lost touch with someone who meant the world to you? Call in and share your story.

    The phone lines immediately lit up, flashing like fireflies on a summer night. Marina pointed to line three, showing to her producer she was going to take that call.

    Hello, you're on the air with Marina. What's your name and what's your story?

    A pause, then a deep, somewhat hesitant voice responded.

    Hi, Marina. I’m Damien.

    She experienced an unexplainable shiver. There was something oddly familiar about that voice.

    Hello, Damien. Tell us about your lost connection.

    Damien hesitated, and Marina could almost picture him, wherever he was, gathering his thoughts.

    It’s not so much a lost connection, but a connection I willingly severed, and now I profoundly regret it.

    Marina, ever the empathetic host, leaned in.

    Why did you sever it?

    There was another pause, lengthier this time.

    Fear, Damien admitted. Apprehension about getting too close, fear of experiencing pain, and perhaps fear of causing harm to her.

    Listening to Damien’s heartfelt confession, Marina experienced a surge of emotions in her heart.

    Do you want to reconnect with her?

    He let out a long exhale.

    More than anything. But I don’t know if she’d even want to hear my voice.

    She responded gently, You never know unless you try, Damien.

    The conversation with Damien continued, his story touching many of her listeners, clear from the surge of supportive texts and tweets. But as the call ended and Marina moved onto the next, she couldn't shake off a nagging feeling.

    As the hours waned and dawn approached, Marina signed off, leaving her listeners with a quote about love and second chances. She loved her job, providing solace to the lonely, the lost, the heartbroken. It was a role she cherished, having once been lost herself.

    Switching off her equipment, her mind wandered back to Damien. She brushed off the feeling, reminding herself that she talked to dozens of callers every night. But Damien felt different. Why?

    A buzzing from her personal phone interrupted her musings. A message from an unknown number: Marina, it’s Damien. From the radio and from a past that I regret leaving behind.

    Her heart skipped a beat. Memories came flooding back – laughter shared, love confessed under the starlit sky, and whispered promises. Marina, ever so composed on-air, now discovered she was speechless.

    She typed back, her fingers trembling slightly.

    How did you get my number?

    His reply was almost instant.

    The perks of being a tech guy. Listen, I know this is sudden, and if you don't want to see me, I understand. But if you do, meet me at our place, at sunset?

    Marina hesitated. A barrage of emotions threatened to overwhelm her. Fear, joy, anticipation, anger – she felt them all. Our place was a small cafe overlooking the river. It was where they’d first met, where they’d shared their dreams, hopes, and where Damien had broken her heart.

    She inhaled deeply, steadying herself, and typed, Sunset it is.

    The day seemed to drag on. Marina tried to immerse herself in her daily routine – a visit to the gym, grocery shopping, and preparing for her next show. But her mind kept wandering to the impending meeting. What would she say? How would Damien look? Would the old sparks fly?

    As the sun began its descent, enveloping the city in a golden hue, Marina found herself at the cafe. She took a seat by the window, ordering their favourite — two cappuccinos with a sprinkle of cinnamon.

    Minutes ticked by. With every passing moment, the weight in her chest grew. Doubts crept in. What if Damien had changed his mind? What if this was a cruel joke?

    But then the door chimed. Marina looked up to find Damien, looking much the same but with a few added lines of age and experience on his face. Their eyes met, and for a moment, time stood still.

    Damien approached, his eyes never leaving hers.

    Marina, he whispered, his voice choked with emotion.

    Marina, gathering her composure, replied, Hello Damien.

    They sat in silence for a few moments, the weight of years and unsaid words between them. Damien finally broke the silence.

    I wasn't sure you'd come.

    Marina looked out at the setting sun, its orange glow casting a warm hue on the water.

    Neither was I, she admitted, taking a sip of her cappuccino. But here we are.

    Damien followed her look, watching as a boat sailed past.

    This place hasn't changed, he remarked.

    Marina smiled wistfully.

    No, it hasn’t. But we have.

    There was an undeniable truth to her words. They were no longer the young, carefree lovers who laughed without reservations and dreamt without bounds. Life had moulded them, for better or worse.

    Marina finally asked, her gaze steady, Damien, why now? Why, after all these years, did you decide to call into my show? Why seek me out?

    Damien looked down at his hands, searching for the right words.

    I've been living with this regret for years, Marina. Everywhere I went, every success I had, every moment of happiness, was tainted by the thought that I let go of the best thing that ever happened to me. I needed closure. I needed to see if there was a chance, however slim, to make amends.

    Marina felt a lump in her throat.

    You broke my heart, Damien.

    He nodded, his eyes glistening with unshed tears.

    I know. And I'll regret that for the rest of my life. I was scared, Marina. Scared of how deeply I felt for you, scared of the intensity of what we had.

    She drew in a long breath, burdened by the past pressing on her.

    Love isn't supposed to be scary, Damien.

    I know, he whispered. But it was new, overwhelming. I was young, foolish. I thought walking away was the right thing, that I was protecting both of us. But all I did was inflict pain.

    Marina took a moment, processing his words, feeling the raw honesty in them.

    So, what now?

    Damien reached across the table, taking her hand. Now, I ask for a second chance. Not to pick up where we left off, but to start anew. To build something based on who we are now, not who we were.

    Marina pulled her hand back, her emotions in turmoil.

    I need time, Damien. Time to think, to process.

    He nodded, understanding clear in his eyes.

    Take all the time you need. I've waited this long; I can wait a little longer.

    The sun had fully set, enveloping the city in twilight. Marina stood up, her heart heavy yet hopeful. Goodbye, Damien.

    He smiled, sadness and hope blending in his eyes. Until next time, Marina.

    As she walked away, despite the soft hum of the surrounding city, Marina sensed a myriad of emotions. The past had come knocking, and she was at a crossroads. But for the first time in years, she felt ready to face whatever the future held.



    The next morning, the city of Cloverdale woke up to the familiar voice of Marina echoing through radios in homes, cafes, and cars. But today, there was a different cadence to her voice – a mix of vulnerability and contemplation.

    She began her show, not with her usual quotes or music but with a simple question: Have you ever met someone who feels so familiar yet so different at the same time? Someone who takes you back in time but also scares you about the future? Today, we talk about these mysterious re-encounters.

    Calls flooded in as listeners poured their hearts out, but amidst the stories, Marina’s thoughts wandered to Damien. She found herself reminiscing about their past, about the days when Damien was not so mysterious.

    It was during college when they had first met. Marina, the fiery journalism major with dreams of changing the world, and Damien, the tech whiz with a penchant for poetry. They were an unlikely pair, yet their differences only seemed to draw them closer.

    Their bond was instantaneous. Marina was drawn to Damien’s depth, his ability to see the world differently. He introduced her to the world of coding, showing her how art and technology could merge. For Damien, Marina was a breath of fresh air. Her passion for stories, her zest for life, opened up a part of him he never knew existed.

    Late-night study sessions turned into early morning coffee runs. Poetry readings turned into long walks by the river, discussions about the future, dreams, aspirations, and before they knew it, they were inseparable.

    Yet, even in those early days, there were signs. Signs that Damien held back, darkness in his eyes that Marina couldn’t decode. Every time she tried to get closer, to truly understand the layers that were Damien, he’d pull away, creating an invisible barrier.

    They graduated, their paths seeming destined to diverge. Marina landed a job as a junior reporter at a local station, while Damien delved into the burgeoning tech industry. But fate, as it often does, had other plans.

    It was at a tech conference where their paths crossed again. Marina, covering the event, found herself interviewing none other than Damien, who was presenting a revolutionary piece of software. The spark was undeniable, and what was meant to be a 10-minute interview turned into an hour-long conversation.

    That re-encounter led to dates, which turned into nights spent together, whispered promises, and dreams of a shared future. But like before, just when Marina felt they were getting closer, Damien would retreat into his shell, the darkness in his gaze darker than before.

    Now, sitting in her radio booth, Marina pondered those shadows. What was Damien hiding? What was the fear that kept him from truly committing?

    The show ended, but Marina’s thoughts were far from over. She needed answers, and there was only one person who could provide them. Picking up her phone, she dialled a number she hadn’t in years – Lila, Damien’s younger sister, and Marina’s confidante during their college days.

    The phone rang twice before a familiar voice answered, Marina? Is that you?

    Marina smiled, "Lila! It’s

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