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Whispers of the Nile: Chronicles of the Eternal Nile, #1
Whispers of the Nile: Chronicles of the Eternal Nile, #1
Whispers of the Nile: Chronicles of the Eternal Nile, #1
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Whispers of the Nile: Chronicles of the Eternal Nile, #1

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Ancient Egypt. A race to uncover a legacy that can change destinies. Danger is never far away.

Unlock the secrets of Egypt's distant past in "Whispers of the Nile", a captivating tale of love, intrigue, and mystery.

Set against the backdrop of majestic Egypt, a land where the line between the divine and the mortal blurs, scribe Jehuti and priestess Neferura discover their destinies intertwined in a quest that could alter the course of history.
As they confront the trials set by the enigmatic gods and navigate the treacherous waters of palace intrigue, the pair uncover truths long buried beneath the stones of silent monuments.

But beneath the glinting surface, a darker truth festers—a legacy of power that will demand the ultimate sacrifice.

Fans of Wilbur Smith's "River God" will be enthralled by this epic adventure full of thrilling adventures, forbidden love, and cunning deceit.

Join the odyssey that is "Whispers of the Nile," where every whisper holds a truth, every shadow tells a story, and every page you turn brings you closer to uncovering the timeless enigma of a civilisation that has fascinated the world through the ages.

PublisherBlake Patrick
Release dateDec 12, 2023
Whispers of the Nile: Chronicles of the Eternal Nile, #1

Blake Patrick

Blake Patrick brings nearly three decades of frontline police experience to the literary world. Serving as a bastion of law and order in the UK for 29 years, Blake dedicated his career to the pursuit of justice, not only as a detective unravelling the intricate webs of criminal minds but also as a Family Liaison Officer, providing a compassionate bridge between the force and the families touched by tragedy and crime. Retiring the badge, Blake has since brandished the pen, channelling years of amassed knowledge, humanity, and street-smart wisdom into writing. Although this passion for storytelling was always a flickering flame throughout their policing career, it has only recently roared to life with the completion and publication of their works. This newfound courage to share stories comes from the very essence of a life spent in service to others and a personal milestone of triumph over the daunting vulnerability of creative expression. Blake's works are a unique blend of gritty reality and the rich, complex tapestry of human emotion, informed by an intimate understanding of crime's impact on people and society. Each narrative is not only an act of exploration but also a tribute to the resilience of the human spirit, often exploring themes that resonate deeply with readers from all walks of life. Married for 39 years, Blake's personal life is as rich and fulfilling as their professional one. Together with their spouse, they have nurtured a family that has grown to include two children and three grandchildren, creating a strong, loving foundation that has undoubtedly influenced Blake's writing. Often, it's within the animated discussions and suggestions from these family members that seeds for stories are planted. Whether it's delving into subjects of personal intrigue or taking up the gauntlet thrown by a family member's curiosity, Blake approaches writing with the same fervour and commitment once reserved for solving cases. Readers can expect a journey through pages that not only enthral but also enlighten, crafted by someone who has not only observed life from the sidelines but has been an active participant in its most challenging arenas. Blake's books promise to be a sanctuary where the thrill of the chase, the depth of human connection, and the subtleties of life's intricate narratives converge. 

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    Whispers of the Nile - Blake Patrick

    Whispers of the Nile:

    A Tale of Gods and Mortals

    Blake Patrick

    Whispers of the Nile Copyright © 2023 by Blake Patrick

    All rights reserved.

    No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law.

    The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this production are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred.

    For further information please contact the Author here:

    1st edition 2023



    The Throne’s Shadow

    Desert Whispers

    The Divining Pool

    Sand and Stone

    Dance of the cobra

    River’s End

    Gods and Mortals

    Forbidden Love

    Gold and Deceit

    Pyramid Schemes

    Veil of Darkness

    Oasis Mirage

    Labyrinth of the lost

    Whispers in the wind

    Whispers in the sand

    City in turmoil

    The Phoenix rises

    Echoes of Eternity

    Echoes of the Ancients

    Whispers of the Past

    Whispers of Eternity

    Reader Note

    About the Author

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    The Throne’s Shadow

    The sun blazed over the city of Thebes, its rays glinting off the golden apex of the grand pyramids that stood as sentinels over the vast expanse of the Nile. But deep within the palace, the air was cool; the sunlight filtered through delicate lattices of alabaster and ivory.

    Pharaoh Akhenra sat atop his ornate throne, a massive structure of ebony inlaid with gold and precious gems that told tales of the dynasty’s valour and conquests. The walls were lined with vivid murals depicting the gods favouring the House of Anak, blessing them with bountiful harvests and victories in battle. The Pharaoh’s form, draped in fine white linen, was accentuated by the gleaming golden uraeus adorning his crown, symbolising his divine rule.

    A soft murmur ran through the courtiers as Tiaa, the Queen, made her way into the hall. Her eyes, outlined with rich kohl, scanned the crowd before resting on her husband, offering him a slight nod. Akhenra’s heart warmed at the sight of her. In the intricate dance of politics and power, Tiaa had always been his trusted confidante, the voice of reason amidst the chaos.

    However, amidst the hushed reverence for the royals, a shadow was creeping closer to the throne. Not a physical one, but a palpable tension that even the most naïve maidservant could sense. Two seats away from Pharaoh, General Menes sat upright, a stern expression carved onto his hawkish face. As head of the military and a member of the House of Anak, his loyalty should have been unquestionable. But rumours whispered of his growing discontent with Akhenra’s rule.

    To Menes’s left, the scribe Horemheb stood ready, clutching a roll of papyrus. Horemheb was not just any scribe; he was the royal chronicler, the man responsible for penning the deeds and words of the Pharaoh for all eternity.

    Akhenra cleared his throat, drawing the attention of the hall.

    People of Thebes. Today marks the anniversary of my ascension. We’ve witnessed prosperity and growth under the watchful eyes of the gods. Our lands have expanded, our granaries overflow, and our people live in harmony.

    Murmurs of agreement echoed through the hall. Akhenra continued, Yet, the gods also remind us to be vigilant. It is our duty to guard our legacy. As if on cue, a herald entered the hall bearing a sealed scroll. News from the Eastern borders, Great Pharaoh, he declared, bowing low. Akhenra beckoned him closer. Breaking the seal, he quickly scanned the contents. A shadow passed over his face.

    Raiders from the deserts have attacked our caravans, he announced. The court erupted in hushed whispers.

    General Menes rose.

    My Pharaoh, allow me to take the army and deal with these insolent raiders.

    But Tiaa intervened, My lord, might there be a more... diplomatic solution? Perhaps they act out of desperation, not malice.

    Menes’s gaze hardened.

    We cannot show weakness. It would be an open invitation for others to challenge our dominion.

    Horemheb, usually silent during these debates, cleared his throat.

    If I may, Pharaoh, history has shown us that wars drain our resources and sorrow our people. Queen Tiaa’s counsel might be wise.

    Akhenra sighed deeply, feeling the weight of the crown.

    General Menes, ready our forces, but do not march. I shall send an envoy to parley with these raiders.

    The General bowed, but his eyes betrayed his displeasure. As you command.

    As the court adjourned, Akhenra retreated to his private chambers, Tiaa at his side.

    Do you think I made the right decision? he asked her.

    She took his hand.

    Only time will reveal the will of the gods, but peace is always a path worth pursuing.

    Outside, as dusk settled over Thebes, the first stars twinkled in the night sky. But in the shadowy alleys and moonlit terraces, secret meetings unfolded. Whispered conversations spoke of power shifts and emerging alliances.

    And while the mighty Nile flowed, bearing witness to countless intrigues and battles of the past, its waters whispered of the brewing storm, one that might change the course of history.

    For now, Thebes slept, unaware of the shadows vying for its throne.

    In the heart of the city, the Temple of Ra stood tall, an architectural marvel with towering obelisks and grand columns adorned with hieroglyphics that paid homage to the sun god. Within its confines, High Priestess Neferet prepared for the evening’s ritual.

    She was a vision, her ceremonial robes of pure white contrasting her ebony skin. Around her neck hung an amulet shaped like the Eye of Thoth, a symbol of protection and royal power. Her connection to the divine was said to be so profound that even Pharaoh Akhenra sought her guidance in times of doubt.

    Beside her, her apprentice, Senet, carefully arranged the sacred artifacts for the ritual. Senet was a young woman of unparalleled beauty but with a sharp mind, having rapidly risen through the temple ranks due to her acumen and dedication.

    As Neferet began chanting, the temple’s inner sanctum echoed with her melodious voice, invoking the gods’ blessings. The ceremonial flames danced, casting long, wavering shadows upon the walls. As the ritual reached its zenith, Neferet fell silent, her eyes fixed on the sacred pool in the centre of the chamber.

    The pool’s water, sourced from the holy Nile, began to ripple and shimmer. Images emerged — swirling sands, a falcon in flight, a serpent poised to strike, and the throne of Thebes, surrounded by shadows.

    Neferet gasped, drawing Senet’s attention.

    What do you see, High Priestess?

    Neferet hesitated, then whispered, A prophecy, child. The throne is in danger. Shadows from within and beyond threaten to engulf it.

    Senet, alarmed, asked, What must we do?

    The gods have shown us the challenge but not the solution, Neferet replied. We must be vigilant and guide our Pharaoh through this darkness.

    In another part of Thebes, General Menes convened a secret meeting. Surrounded by his trusted captains, he unveiled a map of Thebes and its surroundings.

    We have been soft for too long, Menes declared. The raiders are but a symptom of a greater malaise that has infected our great city. It’s time we take matters into our own hands.

    Captain Akil, a young but seasoned warrior, asked, What do you propose, General?

    Menes leaned in, A show of strength. We’ll march to the borders, display our might, and crush any who dare oppose us. The Pharaoh’s indecisiveness makes us look weak. It’s time for action.

    As the meeting concluded, Captain Akil found himself torn. Loyalty to his General was paramount, but he also respected Pharaoh Akhenra and the balance of power in Thebes.

    Meanwhile, Princess Anika, Akhenra’s eldest daughter, sneaked out of the palace under the cover of darkness. Guided by the stars, she made her way to the banks of the Nile. Waiting there was her secret paramour, a young soldier named Geb, from the rival House of Sethos.

    Their meetings were infrequent but passionate, a secret they guarded with their lives. An alliance between the Houses of Anak and Sethos was unfathomable, making their love forbidden.

    I’ve missed you, Geb whispered, pulling Anika into a tender embrace.

    And I, you, she replied, her eyes glistening with tears. But our meetings grow more dangerous with each passing day.

    Geb caressed her cheek.

    Then let’s run away, far from the politics and wars.

    Anika sighed, It’s not that simple. My duty to my House, my family...

    Their moment of intimacy was interrupted by a distant rustling. They quickly separated as a figure emerged from the shadows.

    It was Senet, the temple apprentice.

    Anika, surprised, whispered, What are you doing here?

    Senet, with a knowing smile, replied, The same could be asked of you, Princess. But fear not, your secret is safe with me.

    As the night deepened, the intertwined destinies of these individuals were set in motion, each playing their part in the grand tapestry of Thebes. And as dawn’s first light kissed the horizon, it was evident that the city was on the cusp of monumental change.

    The Throne’s Shadow was growing, and its reach was far and wide.

    Dawn’s first light shimmered off the vast expanse of the Nile, casting Thebes in a golden hue. Vendors began setting up stalls in the bustling market, and the scent of freshly baked bread wafted through the air.

    Inside the palace, King Akhenra stood on his balcony, looking over his beloved city. But his heart was heavy. The news of the raiders weighed on him, and the rising tensions within his court were palpable.

    Father? Anika’s soft voice interrupted his thoughts.

    Turning, he saw his daughter, her raven-black hair cascading down her shoulders, her regal demeanour a testament to the future queen she would become.

    Anika, he said, his face softening, come, join me.

    They stood side by side, looking out over Thebes. After a moment, Anika broke the silence.

    Father, I’ve heard whispers in the palace. People question your decision about the raiders.

    Akhenra sighed.

    It’s a delicate balance, my child. Decisions made from a place of fear or aggression can often lead to greater turmoil. But sometimes, I wonder if my path of diplomacy is seen as weakness.

    Anika placed a reassuring hand on his arm.

    You lead with your heart and the wisdom of the gods. The people love and trust you.

    Akhenra smiled weakly, But what of the court? Men like General Menes?

    Anika hesitated, then replied, Menes is a warrior, Father. He sees the world through the lens of battle. But Thebes is more than just its army. It’s its people, its culture, its legacy.

    Their tender moment was interrupted by a servant.

    Pharaoh, High Priestess Neferet requests an audience.

    Akhenra nodded. Send her in.

    Neferet entered, her presence commanding and serene. Bowing slightly, she began, Great Pharaoh, the gods have spoken, and I fear for the safety of your throne.

    Akhenra stiffened.

    Speak clearly, Neferet. What have you seen?

    Neferet hesitated, choosing her words carefully.

    The sacred waters showed shadows around the throne. From both within our walls and beyond. There are those who seek to destabilise your rule.

    Akhenra’s face darkened. Is it Menes?

    Neferet paused, then replied, The waters do not reveal names, only intentions. But be wary, Pharaoh. The coming days will test your resolve and the loyalty of those around you.

    After Neferet’s departure, Anika asked, Father, do you believe her?

    Akhenra replied, Neferet has no reason to lie. And her connection to the gods is profound.

    He continued, But it’s not only Menes I’m wary of. Our neighbours, the House of Sethos, have long coveted our throne. We must be vigilant.

    Unbeknownst to Akhenra, Anika’s heart raced at the mention of the House of Sethos. The secret she held could jeopardise not just her own life but the very fabric of Thebes.

    That evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, a clandestine meeting took place in the desert outskirts of Thebes. General Menes met with Lord Sethos, the head of the rival house.

    Sethos, a tall, imposing figure with a salt-and-pepper beard, greeted Menes with a curt nod.

    General, to what do I owe this unexpected visit?

    Menes, ever the strategist, replied, Our interests align, Lord Sethos. Akhenra’s rule weakens Thebes. Together, we can bring about a change.

    Sethos raised an eyebrow, intrigued.

    Go on.

    Menes unfolded a plan, a coup to dethrone Akhenra and place Sethos on the throne, with Menes as his right hand.

    The fate of Thebes hung in the balance as alliances shifted and shadows converged. The throne’s shadow was no longer just a metaphor but a looming threat that could change the destiny of Thebes forever.

    The following day, the streets of Thebes hummed with activity. However, beneath the everyday bustle, an undercurrent of tension simmered. Rumours of political unrest spread like wildfire, with whispers exchanged in every corner.

    In the palace, Queen Tiaa called for a private gathering of her most trusted advisors and confidantes. Among them were Anika, Horemheb the royal scribe, and a few select courtiers known for their unwavering loyalty to Pharaoh Akhenra.

    We stand at the precipice, Tiaa began, her voice steady yet filled with urgency. Our beloved Thebes is threatened by unseen forces, and we must act.

    Horemheb stepped forward, Your Majesty, there are whispers of a coup. While the sources remain unnamed, the frequency and intensity of these rumours cannot be ignored.

    Anika, her heart heavy with her own secrets, inquired, What can we do, Mother?

    Tiaa replied, We must strengthen our intelligence network. Discover the truth and identify those plotting against us.

    While they strategised, Menes and Sethos continued their covert meetings, rallying support from various influential figures within the city. The promise of power and wealth lured many to their cause.

    However, Captain Akil, caught in a moral quandary, sought guidance from the Temple of Ra. Inside its vast confines, he found Neferet in deep prayer. Approaching her cautiously, he knelt and spoke.

    High Priestess, I seek clarity.

    Neferet looked up, her gaze piercing.

    Speak, Captain.

    Akil hesitated, then whispered, I’ve overheard troubling conversations. There are plots against the Pharaoh. But my loyalty to my General conflicts with my duty to the crown.

    Neferet closed her eyes for a moment, then replied, Loyalty to individuals is commendable, but loyalty to Thebes and its people is paramount. Seek the path that ensures the greater good.

    Fortified by her words, Akil made a decision. That night, he covertly met with Horemheb, revealing the plot against Akhenra.

    Horemheb, alarmed, said, This is grave news. We must inform the Pharaoh immediately.

    However, as they rushed towards the palace, they were ambushed. A group of masked assailants, loyal to Menes, cornered them. A fierce skirmish ensued. Though outnumbered, Akil’s prowess in combat allowed them a narrow escape.

    Within the palace’s safety, they relayed the news to Akhenra and Tiaa. The Pharaoh’s face turned ashen.

    So, it’s true. Menes has betrayed us.

    Tiaa, ever the voice of reason, interjected, We must act swiftly but with caution. A direct confrontation could plunge Thebes into chaos.

    Anika, realising the depth of the peril, finally divulged her secret relationship with Geb.

    I believe Geb can be our ally. The House of Sethos isn’t united. There are those within who value peace over power.

    Akhenra, shocked at the revelation, took a deep breath.

    Arrange a meeting, Anika. But be cautious.

    As days turned into nights and the sands of time flowed, the stage was set for a confrontation that would decide the fate of Thebes. Alliances were forged, strategies devised, and the heartbeats of countless individuals resonated with the looming uncertainty.

    Would the Throne’s Shadow be lifted, or would it engulf Thebes in darkness? The days to come held the answer.

    In a secluded grove by the Nile, Anika met Geb under the silvery light of the crescent moon. Their reunion was bittersweet, as love and political intrigue melded into a complex dance.

    Geb, Anika began, Thebes is on the brink of war. Your house, led by Lord Sethos, and Menes, seeks to overthrow my father.

    Geb looked pained.

    Anika, not all in the House of Sethos support this madness. I certainly don’t. But dissenting voices are silenced. There’s fear everywhere.

    She held his hands, her eyes pleading, Then help us. Help Thebes. We can expose this conspiracy and restore peace.

    He hesitated, then nodded, I’ll do it, for us, for Thebes.

    Over the next few days, Geb covertly gathered information. He discovered that a significant faction within the House of Sethos was discontented with the coup. This faction, led by Lady Ishtar, believed that Thebes’s strength lay in unity, not division.

    Leveraging this, Anika, Geb, and the loyalists devised a plan. They would call for a grand council, inviting all major houses and influential figures under the guise of discussing trade and alliances. Here, they would expose the coup, banking on the power of public sentiment to deter Menes and Lord Sethos.

    The day of the council arrived. The grand hall of Thebes was adorned with golden drapes, and the emblem of the sun god Ra shone brightly. The air was thick with anticipation.

    As the discussions began, Lady Ishtar stood up. Esteemed leaders, while we talk of trade, a more pressing matter casts a shadow upon our great city.

    Murmurs spread through the hall. Sensing the time was right, Anika stepped forward, presenting evidence of the conspiracy. Letters, testimonies, and accounts of secret meetings were laid bare.

    The revelation sent shockwaves through the assembly. Accusations flew, alliances were shattered, and the hall was filled with uproar.

    Lord Sethos, realising the tide was turning against him, sought to flee but was apprehended by Akil and his guards.

    Menes, however, was nowhere to be found.

    Akhenra, rising from his throne, declared, This conspiracy, fuelled by ambition and greed, has been exposed. Thebes remains, as always, indomitable. Those who seek to disrupt our peace will face justice.

    In the aftermath, Lord Sethos was exiled, and the splinter factions within the House of Sethos were pacified through diplomacy. Thebes breathed a sigh of relief, its unity restored.

    But Menes remained at large, his whereabouts unknown, leaving a lingering threat on the horizon.

    Anika and Geb’s love, having weathered political storms, bloomed. While challenges lay ahead, Thebes stood tall, its foundations unshaken, its spirit undeterred.

    The Throne’s Shadow, while dispelled for now, served as a poignant reminder of the delicate balance of power, love, and loyalty.

    And thus, amidst the golden sands of time, the tale of ancient Thebes continued to unfold, its legacy echoing through the ages.

    With Menes still at large, unease lingered in the heart of Thebes. The citizens went about their daily lives, but whispers of the rogue general’s next move were omnipresent.

    One evening, as Akhenra walked through the palace gardens, reflecting on the events that had transpired, a hooded figure approached him. Startled, Akhenra’s guards immediately drew their weapons, but the figure lowered its hood to reveal a familiar face. It was Iset, a trusted spy and informant.

    Pharaoh, she bowed. I bring news of Menes.

    Akhenra, intrigued, signalled for his guards to stand down.


    Menes has taken refuge in the city of Memphis, Iset began. He seeks the support of its ruler, Lord Kheper, to amass an army and march on Thebes.

    Akhenra’s expression darkened.

    Memphis is a formidable city-state. With their support, Menes could pose a significant threat.

    Iset continued, There’s more. Rumours suggest that Menes possesses an artifact of great power, something that could tip the scales in his favour.

    Anika, who had joined her father, asked, What is this artifact?

    Iset hesitated, "It’s called the Eye of Thoth. Legend says it grants immense power to its possessor, but at a

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