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Shelters by Jesus: Christ's Lighthouse Part 5
Shelters by Jesus: Christ's Lighthouse Part 5
Shelters by Jesus: Christ's Lighthouse Part 5
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Shelters by Jesus: Christ's Lighthouse Part 5

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Boy does this book show why I am the dumb hick from Skowhegan. Moses and I have something in common. We both questioned God about how He chose us for a specific job. Moses gets to see the Red Sea open and I get to see a man find Jesus while facing death. Both of us are known for our faith, but I know I fa

Release dateDec 12, 2023
Shelters by Jesus: Christ's Lighthouse Part 5

Richard Berry

RICHARD BERRY is the Senior Pastor at Shelters By Jesus, Inc., a non-denominational church with a ministry focused on serving the needs of the homeless and sharing this message around the world to as many as will receive it. He's also one of the directors of the non-profit Skowhegan Miracle Homeless Shelter in Skowhegan Maine. Pastor Berry has over thirty years of Ministry and Counseling experience and is passionate about reaching those in need for the Love of Jesus Christ.

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    Shelters by Jesus - Richard Berry


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    Shelters by Jesus: Christ’s Lighthouse Part 5

    Copyright © 2023 by Richard Berry

    Published in the United States of America

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2024900966

    ISBN Paperback: 979-8-89091-368-5

    ISBN Hardback: 979-8-89091-372-2

    ISBN eBook: 979-8-89091-369-2

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    Cover design by Ericka Obando

    Interior design by Dorothy Lee

    Sheltered By Jesus is a unique place it’s a gift from God Himself. It’s where Jesus shines His light and it can be seen all over the country. And this could have only happened by someone who has surrendered themselves over to be used by the Holy Spirit. Acts 17:28 says, For in Him we live and move and have our being. I have seen just that in Pastor Berry. He is the real deal, I thank God that he continues to keep his focus on the moving of the Holy Spirit. And yes once again we see more evidence of God’s work through Pastor Berry in book number 5. God bless you and your wife and all you do. We love you!

    Gary Minery

    Have you ever noticed how many of the Psalms (the hymnal of the Bible) contain lament and complaint, yet our modern church services exclude these sentiments, choosing only praise and thanksgiving? As a result, is it any wonder the average Christian is so derailed by crisis? And is it any wonder our young people falter in their faith, seeking something more real and relevant? In Richard Berry’s fifth book, he reveals his very human pains and complains, with no dignity spared. One might wonder, is there virtue in feeling sorry for yourself or complaining? And this answer is, no. However, as the Psalms illustrate, acknowledging such sentiment transparently before the throne of God, in its ugly humanity, is a form of worship. For, in doing so, like a child in pain coming to their daddy, we are (however theologically flawed our thoughts and words may be) bringing our pain to the one we know is truly present, good, and sovereign. In this, we cease to be religious and begin to be intimate with our Lord. And, in this intimacy, His grace reveals His goodness. This fifth book from Pastor Berry takes us on such a journey.

    God bless you brother. Keep on keeping on.


    Have you ever wondered if God hears us? I can say with certainty that God still moves. Especially in the hearts of his people. Sheltered by Jesus is that shining example of God speaking and his people listening. Lives and hearts change, and hope springs eternal here. Well done good and faithful servants.

    Rev. Ken & Mary Stimson

    South Windham Community Church

    A needed nudge… I struggle with the level of how well I am carrying out God’s often repeated multifaceted mandate to… do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with our God. Richard Berry’s latest storied-book freshly reminds me that there is more to be done. This short book calls us, as people of the Good News, to the long work of praying, listening, and then carrying out God’s calling to care for those most in need. I’m grateful to have witnessed the lives of Richard and Selma Berry from the days they began to walk with Jesus to this present time. May their tribe increase! And may this book encourage you to be more of a person of God’s mercy and grace.

    Joe Bubar

    Richard promised that Book 5 would be different. It is truly that, and yet the faithful God is still in view. I have known Richard for many years and his candid portrayal of his struggles is genuine.

    This book had this jaded old man in tears from the get-go. I highly recommend it be read and re-read as a reminder that God is faithful even when our faith is small.

    Pastor Steve Nute

    Nealley’s Corner Church

    (AKA the Church of the golden urinal)

    Having read each of Pastor Berry’s books several times, and having given more than 100 away to friends, I feel honored to speak about his writings and his work. I believe not only my heart, but my imagination has been shaped by Shelters By Jesus. Since meeting Richard and Selma, my church has helped to start a feeding program for food insecure kids on Cape Cod, called Cape Kid Meals,

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