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Lewis Wetzel and The Unknown Tribe
Lewis Wetzel and The Unknown Tribe
Lewis Wetzel and The Unknown Tribe
Ebook48 pages40 minutes

Lewis Wetzel and The Unknown Tribe

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"They say he resides here. Or at least that is what the stories say." 
The two men stood in front of a large cave. The cave's entrance seemed to beckon to the men to step inside. The entrance and the cave itself reminded Billy Weston of some old medieval paintings he had seen. In the paintings, a giant head of a hound ushered in souls to hell itself. The giant hound's gaping mouth was the entrance to the underworld, just as the cave's dark entrance seemed to be the gateway to a dark and terrible place inside.
"He lives here in this cave?" Weston said.
Bolton nodded. "That's what the stories say. I say if you live in a cave like that you must be a different sort of man."

Release dateDec 14, 2023

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    Lewis Wetzel and The Unknown Tribe - John J. Law

    Lewis Wetzel and The Unknown Tribe

    John J. Law

    Published by J.C. Hulsey Books, 2023.

    This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


    First edition. December 14, 2023.

    Copyright © 2023 John J. Law.

    ISBN: 979-8223047346

    Written by John J. Law.

    Table of Contents

    Title Page

    Copyright Page

    Chapter One

    Chapter Two: Hoping to Find the Death Wind

    Chapter Three: A Fresh Kill

    Chapter Four: The Unknown Tribe.

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six: The Rescue

    Chapter One

    Rebecca LaMont had been hoeing the open fields and the crops for several hours now. Her back was starting to ache from the work, and the hot sun above her was not helping.

    I need to take a break for a while. she said.

    It's all right, Momma. I'll continue with the work.

    It was her son Larry. Larry LaMont was a dutiful son, and often helped his mother with chores like this. Hoeing the fields was tough and backbreaking work. During work like this young Larry was often a fixture with his mother helping her as best as he could.

    Larry's father and Rebecca's husband, Simon, watched over them as they worked. While he didn't participate in the work, he did something just as valuable. He kept his muzzle loader close to his side and kept a watchful eye for anything that moved in the horizon.

    These were very unstable times, and the threat of Indian raids were very real. Something as mundane as tending the fields like this brought a real risk of Indians attacking them. After all, Simon's family was now separated from the relative safety of their settlement and were easily vulnerable to a quick attack or kidnapping. And with the vast woodland everywhere, an attack was a real possibility.

    See anything out in the horizon, Billy? Simon said.

    Billy Weston shook his head. Billy kept his hands close to his own muzzle loader. Weston was a young scout and frontiersman who was hired by the settlement to help protect the settlers from Indian attacks. So far, they had not encountered any. Weston was more than eager to help but was young, idealistic, and very inexperienced in such matters.

    Ah don't see nothin' Simon. But don't you worry. If any Indians come round here, I'll make sure they regret it.

    LaMont nodded and smiled at Weston. At least the youth was very enthusiastic about what he did and LaMont could not fault him for that.

    I'm glad you're here to protect my family, Billy. he said.

    That's muh job, Mr. LaMont, an' I take my work very serious like.

    Good to hear that young man. We should keep our eyes and ears open. Lots of tribes out here that are hostile, an' we're not in the settlement grounds.

    Before Billy could answer a shot rang out. The shot struck Billy right through the chest. He felt the iron ball penetrate and exit his body. A sharp pain overwhelmed the young frontiersman and he fell to the ground. Billy clutched at his chest and he dropped his muzzle loader before he could even fire.

    Billy clutched at his wound. He was bleeding profusely, but it was not as serious as it looked. The young scout would live through

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