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Ebook46 pages44 minutes


Rating: 3 out of 5 stars



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When Leon first saw him singing in a dive bar, he was mesmerized. But he didn't know he'd be going home with the dangerously sexy lead singer that night. He couldn't have predicted he'd fall in love. But then, Leon never expected his love to be reciprocated ...

So, why, three years after that fateful night, is Leon perched at the edge of a bridge, ready to make a fatal leap?

Superstar is the story of a groupie and the rock star he loves. It's the tale of a man on the edge, both literally and figuratively ... and it's a timeless story of love found and lost, set to a driving beat. It's a story about promises made, promises broken, and dreams unfulfilled. And, ultimately, it's about realizing that love can come along when one least expects it -- and in the unlikeliest of places.

PublisherJMS Books LLC
Release dateFeb 11, 2017

Rick R. Reed

Rick R. Reed is an award-winning and bestselling author of more than fifty works of published fiction. He is a Lambda Literary Award finalist. Entertainment Weekly has described his work as "heartrending and sensitive." Lambda Literary has called him: "A writer that doesn't disappoint…" Find him at Rick lives in Palm Springs, CA, with his husband, Bruce, and their two rescue dogs, Kodi and Joaquin.

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Rating: 3.071428542857143 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This is the second book I read of Rick's 'newer' venture into romance and away from horror (the first was VGL Male).

    I think Superstar is an interesting transition between 'horror' and romance that I'm tempted to call 'dark romance'. The reason is that it starts out pretty bleak - the main character, Leon, is about to commit suicide by jumping off a bridge. The only reason he hesitates is that he wants to run through his memories of what brought him to ths point one more time. Those memories are described in vivid detail and I loved the language Rick uses.

    When a glimmer of hope appears on the horizon in the form of Russell who comes by on his bicycle and tries to stop Leon from jumping, we not only find out how miserable Russell is himself but, like Leon, we're given a glimmer of hope that life might be worth living after all.

    While there is no clear 'happy ending', the hopeful message at the end is encouraging.

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Superstar - Rick R. Reed


By Rick R. Reed

Published by JMS Books LLC at Smashwords

Visit for more information.

Copyright 2016 Rick R. Reed

ISBN 9781634862714

* * * *

Cover Design: Written Ink Designs |

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No portion of this book may be transmitted or reproduced in any form, or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher, with the exception of brief excerpts used for the purposes of review.

This book is for ADULT AUDIENCES ONLY. It may contain sexually explicit scenes and graphic language which might be considered offensive by some readers. Please store your files where they cannot be accessed by minors.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are solely the product of the author’s imagination and/or are used fictitiously, though reference may be made to actual historical events or existing locations. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Published in the United States of America.

NOTE: This ebook was previously published by Amber Quill Press.

* * * *

Thanks to Bonnie Bramlett and Leon Russell for writing the song that inspired me. And to Karen Carpenter, whose beautiful rendition is haunting and tragic.

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By Rick R. Reed

You said you loved me. You told me you’d come back.

I lean forward and an updraft of wind catches at my hair and flirts with stealing my breath away. I am looking down at a straight drop of almost two hundred feet. Behind me, cars rush by, oblivious to my intentions, concerned only with making their way south to downtown Seattle, or north to neighborhoods like Fremont or Wallingford.

I push my chest forward, so I am hanging over the edge of the George Washington Bridge, better known here in Seattle as the Aurora Bridge.

AKA Route 99. AKA the suicide bridge.

One look down and I’m dizzy, the vertigo possessing me like a demon, filling me with a giddiness that makes my heart thud and nearly steals my breath. It’s quite a view from up here: I can see the distant mountain ranges of the Olympics, the pine-covered hills and neighborhoods dotting Seattle, and the sparkling blue of Lake Union. Unlike the common rain city conception of Seattle, this July day is a stunning one, clear, sunny, low humidity and a temperature in the mid-70s.

It’s a lovely day to commit suicide.

I glance down again at the plunge before me. I have read that it will take only 2.2 seconds for me to cover the 180 feet or so I would drop if I were to attempt to take flight. Flight? Gravity is a demanding bitch…hungry.

I close my eyes for just a moment, because the vertigo of standing here at the edge of one of the tallest bridges in the country is pulling me forward, making me want to make the leap before I’m even ready. But I have things to think about before I take that quick, exhilarating exit and before everything goes dark.

I have read extensively about this bridge upon which my black Converse shoes are now firmly grounded. Since it was built, more than 230 people have committed suicide by jumping. Hey, a shoe salesman

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