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Truck Me All Night Long
Truck Me All Night Long
Truck Me All Night Long
Ebook47 pages42 minutes

Truck Me All Night Long

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Trev Harding is a truck driver in his forties who loves having sex with a different twink every night. The only exception to this is one-time trick Grant Hess, a mid-thirties forklift operator on his daily route who could pass for twenty-three. Trev’s life takes a startling turn when he’s told by his latest conquest that the guys at his usual pickup spot see him as a shallow, dirty old man, and pathetic.

Tail tucked between his legs, Trev is forced to do some soul-searching and asks the one man who might be willing to give him some advice -- Grant. Their frank conversation leads to an unexpected development, and Trev might be willing to try something new, if he can get over his insecurities.

PublisherJMS Books LLC
Release dateFeb 9, 2019
Truck Me All Night Long

J.D. Walker

J.D. Walker likes to keep her stories short and sweet. A multi-published author, she is also a musician, artist, and lover of all things knit and crochet. For more information, visit

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    Truck Me All Night Long - J.D. Walker

    Truck Me All Night Long

    By J.D. Walker

    Published by JMS Books LLC at Smashwords

    Visit for more information.

    Copyright 2018 J.D. Walker

    ISBN 9781634868051

    * * * *

    Cover Design: Written Ink Designs |

    Image(s) used under a Standard Royalty-Free License.

    All rights reserved.

    WARNING: This book is not transferable. It is for your own personal use. If it is sold, shared, or given away, it is an infringement of the copyright of this work and violators will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

    No portion of this book may be transmitted or reproduced in any form, or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher, with the exception of brief excerpts used for the purposes of review.

    This book is for ADULT AUDIENCES ONLY. It may contain sexually explicit scenes and graphic language which might be considered offensive by some readers. Please store your files where they cannot be accessed by minors.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are solely the product of the author’s imagination and/or are used fictitiously, though reference may be made to actual historical events or existing locations. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

    Published in the United States of America.

    * * * *

    Truck Me All Night Long

    By J.D. Walker

    I swatted my alarm clock five times before it finally stopped buzzing. It was four o’clock on a Thursday morning. Jesus fuck, it’s too early.

    You’d think I’d be used to this by now, but with each passing year, it just got harder to face. I guess I didn’t want to admit to getting older.

    It probably didn’t help that I stayed out late almost every night, usually getting up close and personal with some cute little twenty-two-year-old whose ass was ripe for the fucking.

    I never screwed the same guy twice, and they tended to be much younger than me. Maybe I thought that plugging the tight hole of a guy twenty years my junior was a ticket to the fountain of youth. My dick was always happy to give it a try, whatever the reason. It was starting to wear me out, though.

    Stumbling to the bathroom, I bumped my thigh on the dresser and damn near stubbed my toe on the toilet before I got the light on. What a great start to my day.

    As I brushed my teeth, I stared blearily at my reflection in the mirror over the sink. My face was haggard, with dark purple bags prominent under bloodshot eyes. Crows’ feet dug valleys in the corners. The harsh lighting overhead was not kind.

    I should slow down a little, find a steady fuck rather than chasing it down. Or at least, that’s what I’d tell myself before I’d go out and do the same thing all over again the next night. Perhaps I lacked the motivation to change.

    Once I was done with my shower, I dried off and put on the uniform I’d laid out right before I dropped into bed at midnight. My wallet was beside it. Some things were on automatic for me, no matter how tired I was. Dusty black boots went on last.

    I made my way to the kitchen to drink my wake-up beverage of choice and fill up my travel mug. God bless Mr.

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