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Pumpkin Rolls and Porn Sounds
Pumpkin Rolls and Porn Sounds
Pumpkin Rolls and Porn Sounds
Ebook65 pages48 minutes

Pumpkin Rolls and Porn Sounds

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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Will Grant only attends the PFLAG meeting because his mother guilts him into it. But the instant he hears the night’s speaker, Will is glad he showed up. Joshua Rhinehardt is dynamic and engaging. Although Joshua isn’t physically Will’s type, Will can’t get the man out of his head.

Joshua may be comfortable in his own skin, but it isn’t often men like Will are attracted to him, and he's not comfortable changing for someone else. He wants to make a life with Will, but his own insecurities keep getting in the way.

Will’s unwavering acceptance helps Joshua see that when two people connect, physical appearance just might not matter at all.

PublisherJMS Books LLC
Release dateSep 22, 2019
Pumpkin Rolls and Porn Sounds

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    Pumpkin Rolls and Porn Sounds - Kris T. Bethke

    Pumpkin Rolls and Porn Sounds

    By Kris T. Bethke

    Published by JMS Books LLC at Smashwords

    Visit for more information.

    Copyright 2019 Kris T. Bethke

    ISBN 9781646560769

    * * * *

    Cover Design: Written Ink Designs |

    Image(s) used under a Standard Royalty-Free License.

    All rights reserved.

    WARNING: This book is not transferable. It is for your own personal use. If it is sold, shared, or given away, it is an infringement of the copyright of this work and violators will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

    No portion of this book may be transmitted or reproduced in any form, or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher, with the exception of brief excerpts used for the purposes of review.

    This book is for ADULT AUDIENCES ONLY. It may contain sexually explicit scenes and graphic language which might be considered offensive by some readers. Please store your files where they cannot be accessed by minors.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are solely the product of the author’s imagination and/or are used fictitiously, though reference may be made to actual historical events or existing locations. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

    Published in the United States of America.

    * * * *

    For Sister. Because she’s awesome.

    * * * *

    Pumpkin Rolls and Porn Sounds

    By Kris T. Bethke

    Chapter 1

    He absolutely wasn’t the type of guy who normally turned my head. Joshua Rhinehardt was at least three inches over six feet and, well, beefy. Not exactly fat, but solidly muscled and a little soft in the midsection. He had a mop of curly brown hair he was constantly pushing out of his bright blue eyes and a full beard and mustache, though it was neatly trimmed. I could see the dark dusting of hair on his forearms where his sleeves were pushed up, and more than a bit of chest hair peeking out above the top button of his shirt. He was good-looking, but not gorgeous, and if I had just passed him on the street, I wouldn’t have given him a second look.

    My driver’s license said I was five foot eight, but that was a blatant lie. The truth was about two inches shorter. I’d never had any luck growing facial hair, and I kept my own red-brown locks cut close to my head. I was overly thin, though I worked out; I still possessed a teenager’s metabolism despite the fact I’d left my teen years behind almost ten years ago. When I was out trolling for a hookup, or even a date, I tended to be attracted to guys who were built like I was and hardly any taller. I had a type and I wasn’t ashamed of it. It was as much a part of me as the fact I liked men.

    Listening to Joshua Rhinehardt speak, though, I couldn’t deny there was just something about him that captured my attention. He was passionate, but his voice was steady and calm. Deep, too. I would bet he’d sound amazing in the throes of passion. I had to adjust my stance, and pushed back farther into the corner where I was propped up against the wall. I hadn’t even intended to be here this evening, but my mother had pleaded, and I had relented.

    My parents started the local PFLAG chapter when I’d come out to them at fifteen. They’d been running it ever since. I was so proud of them, and I knew full well how lucky I was to have them as parents. They supported me in every endeavor I’d undertaken, and I was certain I was the well-adjusted twenty-eight-year-old I was today solely because of that. When Mom had called me to tell me there was a guest speaker at tonight’s meeting, and subsequently begged me to attend, I found I really couldn’t say no. I’d tried, but Amelia Grant was an expert at the guilt trip.

    Now, I was incredibly glad I’d shown up.

    Mr. Joshua Rhinehardt was a local businessman. He owned the small but profitable café and bakery Pounds and Grounds. Their pumpkin rolls were legendary. Though I’d never had them myself, everyone I knew had waxed poetic about their melt-in-your-mouth goodness. More than that, though, was the prominent rainbow flag right in the logo design. Joshua Rhinehardt had apparently never made it a secret that he was gay.

    I came out when I was thirteen years old, Mr. Rhinehardt said, his voice strong despite the little shake I could tell was from nerves. He took a deep breath and looked out at the crowd. "I knew who I was, and I didn’t want to hide it. I was teased. I was bullied. But the fact that I had support from my family made all the difference.

    "My father didn’t understand ‘the gay.’ He just couldn’t wrap his head around it. I would catch him looking

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