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Thrill Of the Hunt
Thrill Of the Hunt
Thrill Of the Hunt
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Thrill Of the Hunt

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YellowJackets meets S.T.A.G.S. The Alpha Society has been an elite presence in YoungBlood, TX for over 100 years. There are two ways you live in this town either be at the top of the food chain and live a life of luxury as an Alpha. Or serve an Alpha at the bottom of the food chain as an Omega.

Release dateDec 6, 2023
Thrill Of the Hunt

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    Book preview

    Thrill Of the Hunt - A.S Thomas

    Thrill Of the Hunt

    When Prey becomes Predator

    A.S Thomas


    Title Page



    Part 1 Eight Years Later

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Part 2 The Retreat

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20

    Part 3 Predators

    Chapter 22

    Chapter 23

    Chapter 24

    Chapter 25

    Chapter 26

    Chapter 27

    Chapter 28

    Chapter 29

    Chapter 30

    Chapter 28

    Chapter 29

    Part 4 The Trial

    Chapter 30

    Chapter 31

    Chapter 32

    Chapter 33

    Chapter 34

    Chapter 35

    Chapter 36

    Chapter 37

    Chapter 38

    Chapter 39

    Chapter 40

    Chapter 41

    Chapter 42

    Chapter 43

    Chapter 44

    Part 5 The Aftermath

    Chapter 45

    Chapter 46

    Chapter 47

    Chapter 48

    Chapter 49

    Chapter 50

    Chapter 51

    Chapter 52

    Chapter 53

    Chapter 54

    YoungBlood Confidential

    Bonus Chapter


    Trigger Warning this book mentions sexual assault, child abuse, and child death


    Welcome to YoungBlood Texas

    It was in the middle of September 2009, deep in the woods a four year old girl  hid behind a tree and she was scared. She looked around her surroundings and saw more trees. A twig broke from behind her. She looked and saw a bush and the leaves rustled. She screamed, a squirrel ran out from the bush and scurried away.

    Jainiah covered her mouth with her hands. She peaked behind a tree looking down the trail she walked through before a shadowy figure stood there then it started to walk towards her.

    The little girl screamed again, and she ran. She darted away from the trail and ran diagonally through the trees. She felt the string of the branches cut her face. The girl cried out, she ran without stopping. One of the bobo’s in her hair got snagged on a bush. The force pulled her backwards where she landed on top of it. Thorns dug in her back and she felt them through her coat.

    She wailed and tried to untangle her hair from the bush.

    Jainiah don’t! a man’s voice boomed. She flinched when she felt strong hands gently untangle her hair. Then the same hands picked her up from the bush and cradled her to a strong chest. It’s ok Angel, I’m sorry. one of the man’s hands rubbed her back.

    Once her adrenaline disappeared and she knew she was safe Jainiah hugged her dad back and sobbed.

    Ten minutes later Jainiah walked with her father back on the trail holding his hand afraid to let go. Her father Andre hadn’t said anything just peering down at her every few seconds.

    Once they made it back to the campsite. Andre started to fix Jainiah’s injuries. When he was done he made hot chocolate.

    They sat next to each other on logs surrounding  the campfire drinking out of mugs. Jainiah loved hot chocolate; her dad always made her a cup every night. she  lost herself looking at the beautiful fire dancing in front of her.

    Angel. her dad addressed her. Jainiah looked up from the flame and looked at him. He wasn’t staring at her though he was looking off in the distance.

    Andre continued What do you know about our town YoungBlood?

    Jainiah repeated what she’d been taught in school and home. YoungBlood is the happiest town on earth.

    Who runs YoungBlood to make it happy ? her father asked her.

    She took another drink from her mug The Alpha Society.

    What is the Alpha Society?

    Whose in the Alpha Society? He looked her in the eyes.

    Jainiah started to turn away from him, nervous. Andre grabbed her gently by the chin to stop her from breaking eye contact. Whose in the Alpha Society Jainiah?  

    Jainiah felt her nose itch but she kept both of her hands on her mug. You.

    Andre smiled but still didn’t let her go. Yes Angel I am, but I am talking about who is allowed in the Alpha Society?

    Jainiah tried to blink, but her father reprimanded her. Keep your eyes on me Angel.

    She felt her eyes burning and tears started to pool in them. Her father still didn’t let her go. Who, Jainiah?

    She finally answered Alphas. her dad let her go. She scrunched her eyes shut. Once the stinging stopped. She opened her eyes and saw that her father was smiling at her proud. He placed a kiss on her forehead.Two minutes, not bad for your first time. Who are the ones who don’t reach Alpha Status?

    Jainiah placed the mug down on the ground next to her feet. Omegas are the lowest of the low.

    Andre put his arm around her and held her close to his side. Angel, I am sorry that I scared you today. I’m just teaching you not to be afraid.

    Jainiah looked up at him as if sensing her confusion Andre continued. This was a test of what you are going to go through when you get older. she was about to ask but he gave her a light squeeze You don’t need to know just yet.

    Several years have passed since the night in the woods. Jainiah is ten years old now. Her father kept his word because they are out in the woods again in the beginning of fall only this time they are accompanied by five year old Miles.

    At the campsite Andre and Jainiah stood side by side and had their backs to Miles as he ran into woods to find a hiding place.

    Worry, for her brother gnawed at Jainiah’s belly, Miles is easily distracted.  So she said nothing.  Andre turned to her and broke the silence. Frankie hasn’t been coming by the house lately. I asked Kendra and she said Frankie has a new friend Rachel Moon she’s been hanging out with. Is there something you want to tell me, Angel?

    Jainiah felt a heaviness in her heart. She met Frankie when she was five years old when Frankie just moved to YoungBlood and became fast friends with her. She’s the daughter of their Omega housekeeper Kendra.

    A couple of weeks ago when Frankie and Jainiah were doing their homework in the kitchen they overheard Kendra call Andre GrandMaster Creed. Frankie looked at Jainiah in shock.

    Jainiah remembered fidgeting in her seat and trying to explain to Frankie that she wasn’t trying to hide anything from her. But Frankie spent the rest of the time until she went home that day ignoring her.

    Then Frankie made excuses on why she couldn’t hang out with Jainiah. Then the week after, Jainiah's other best friend Julius asked her if she wanted to walk together to Frankie’s birthday party at Game Zone next month. Jainiah told him that she didn’t know that Frankie was having a party.

    She knew Frankie was upset but she didn’t know that she would try to exclude her  from everything.

    Andre glanced at his watch Five more minutes then we’ll find your brother. he put his hand on her Jainiah shoulder Jainiah, you are now that you are at the age where it’s crucial that you start thinking like an Alpha. I know about Frankie not inviting you to her birthday party. Kendra gave your mother an invitation with your name on it she found hidden in Frankie’s Dollhouse.

    Jainiah felt her sadness turn into anger. Frankie really had some nerve acting like Jainiah wasn’t good enough for her party.

    Andre glanced at his watch. Two more minutes, Angel the ball is in your court but let me give you some advice. He turned and looked at the trail leading to the woods. If you show up to that party it will give Frankie the power, a party she had not wanted you to go to, a party your whole class wants to go to." he glanced at his watch again.

    One minute. She’d treat you like one of her dolls. When you get there she’ll hold on to you and make you feel special, shower you with compliments for the first twenty minutes . Then she will ditch you, and you will follow because she made you feel like you are the only person in the world she wants as her friend . As soon as you get there she’ll stop talking to the others. And stare at you, making the other kids stare at you too. Trying to see if something was wrong  with you.

    Jainiah looked at her father in shock. Andre stared at her grimly. You could go to Frankie’s party and be an Omega or you can be an Alpha and think for yourself.

    Jainiah felt confused How can I be an Alpha?

    Andre bent down and stared into her eyes. Jainiah didn’t back down like before and met him head on.

    Then he smiled and kissed her forehead. Ask yourself this question, compare yourself to Frankie. When it comes down to it, who do you think your classmates are most likely to follow?

    With that he walked away on the trail after her brother.

    Jainiah felt annoyed that her father never gave her an answer, he met her question with a question. Like always, she sighed then sat down and hugged her knees to her chest.

    She thought hard about her father's question. What does Frankie have? She tried to think hard. After a minute it was like the realization slapped her in the face.

    Frankie has nothing. Jainiah said as though she solved a math problem.

    Frankie lives in an apartment in a run down neighborhood with her Omega mother.

    Jainiah also has an Omega mother but her father is a GrandMaster Alpha. They live in a huge mansion.

    Jainiah has the latest toys and technology.  

    Frankie has toys Jainiah gave her, she even gave Frankie that dollhouse she hid her invitation in.

    Jainiah got angry all over again Frankie really thinks that she can try to dominate her even though she has nothing. She knows what she has to do. She got up and saw that her father and Miles were walking back. Her brother was covered in mud crying. And her father was holding his hand.

    Andre met her gaze and as if he was reading her mind he smiled. After that night Janiah started her plan.

    Jainiah invited her class to a week-long trip to DisneyWorld, which was the same week as Frankie’s birthday party.

    The kids originally going to the party rescinded their RSVP’s. Jainiah knew this because Kendra was glued to the phone for the past few weeks. Those times Frankie did come over she looked as though she was on the verge of tears and Jainiah relished in it.

    Jainiah was Julius what Frankie did after she found out about her dad. Julius was angry on her behalf. I’m sorry Jai, I didn't know. You want me to talk to Frankie for you? I can set her straight.

    Whenever Frankie was doing too much Julius always checked her. But Jainiah wanted to be the one to humble her now. No, Jules I got this. I have a plan. She told him what she had in store for Frankie.

    She swore Julius to secrecy and told him to tell the rest of the class it was a surprise party for Frankie and told them not to tell her.

    Although the trip really wasn’t for Frankie’s birthday it was to make sure no one blabbed about to her.

    Andre even ordered Kendra not to say anything to Frankie.

    It was the week before the party was supposed to take place and Jainiah had her mom drive her to Frankie’s apartment complex. She walked through the entrance and walked up the stairs to Frankie’s apartments. She knocked on their door. A red faced sniffling red hair girl opened the door.

    Jainiah put on the performance of her life and she softened her look the same look she used on her mom whenever she wanted to stay up later. Frankie what’s wrong? she said in mock concern.

    Frankie sniffled Julius said he couldn’t come to my party. I don't know why he promised. Then she proceeded to cry and rub her eyes.

    Jainiah rolled her eyes when she wasn’t looking. Frankie has a weird fixation with Julius.

    She hugged her I'm sorry Frankie.

    Frankie sobbed. Most of the class isn’t  not coming anymore, they didn’t tell me why. Mom had to call Game Zone and cancel it. She yelled at me saying that I wasted most of her paycheck.

    Jainiah felt a little guilty but remembered why she was doing it and hardened her resolve. I’m sorry Frankie. she repeated I forgot to tell you that I invited our class to Disney World the same week of your birthday. I didn’t know you were going to have a party because you didn’t tell me you were.

    Frankie pulled herself away from her embrace and

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