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This Is Not Your Comfort Zone; It's Your Launchpad: Average 2 Savage, #1
This Is Not Your Comfort Zone; It's Your Launchpad: Average 2 Savage, #1
This Is Not Your Comfort Zone; It's Your Launchpad: Average 2 Savage, #1
Ebook75 pages44 minutes

This Is Not Your Comfort Zone; It's Your Launchpad: Average 2 Savage, #1

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About this ebook

"Average2Savage: This Is Not Your Comfort Zone, It's Your Launchpad" is a groundbreaking personal coaching workbook designed to act as a catalyst for sustainable personal growth. This book doesn't offer easy answers or quick-fix solutions. Instead, it challenges you to look inward, shift your perspective and take the reins of your own life transformation.


Structured as a workbook, each section unfolds as a step in your journey from 'average' to 'savage'. It combines thought-provoking exercises, real-life stories, and actionable strategies that compel you to actively engage with your personal growth process.


"Average2Savage" encourages you to confront your limitations, face your fears, and break out of your comfort zone. The book is designed not to be a passive read but a dynamic, interactive experience. You'll be asked to reflect deeply, answer tough questions, and commit to challenging actions that foster growth and resilience.


"Average2Savage" is more than a book; it's a journey that you undertake. It helps you to identify your goals, understand your obstacles, and develop a mindset geared towards overcoming anything. It's about embracing discomfort as a necessary part of growth, learning to push past self-imposed barriers, and cultivating a mindset of relentless pursuit.


This book is for those who are ready to take a hard look at themselves, ready to make tough decisions, and willing to put in the work required to create meaningful change in their lives. It's for individuals who understand that change is a process, a journey that requires persistence, resilience, and a commitment to continuous self-improvement.


In "Average2Savage", you won't find shortcuts or promises of a transformed life just by reading. What you will find is a roadmap to becoming your best self, powered by your own efforts, decisions, and the unyielding belief that you have what it takes to go from Average2Savage.

Release dateDec 12, 2023
This Is Not Your Comfort Zone; It's Your Launchpad: Average 2 Savage, #1

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    Book preview

    This Is Not Your Comfort Zone; It's Your Launchpad - Brian Smith

    This Book Isn’t About Me, But Here's Why You Should Listen

    A wooden blocks with black letters on them Description automatically generated

    You might be wondering , Why should I listen to this guy?

    I’ve been the embodiment of average, and I’ll admit, even below average.

    I can tell you with certainty that average is the plague my friend.

    Doing what everyone else is doing, thinking the way everyone else is thinking, saying the same things everyone else says, caring about what they care about, doing the normal thing leads you to a Life of boredom, sickness, meaninglessness, dependency, depression.

    It will lead to regret.

    You know this to be true, now it’s time to do something about it.

    I wrote this book and do what I do for a simple reason. To help others help themselves.

    Saying I’ve been in the mental and physical gutter is a drastic understatement. Like many I tried to think my way out, searched high and low for overnight miracle cures which only made matters worse. It was passive, it was inaction, it was average.

    Action was the cure. Relentless action toward a goal, forward movement toward the vision of my higher self.

    This isn’t some fluffy idea or cool thing to say, you know it. You feel it.

    No matter how bad your current state may be, there's that voice of defiance, the savage within that’s whispering, "you need to do more. You can do more."

    My goal and aim with this book and The Smith Forum is to help as many people as possible start listening to that voice, take the actions and actually start changing their lives and the lives of the people around them.

    I will share personal stories throughout this book but what I’m not going to do is sit here and tell you every detail of my Life. That’s not why you’re here. You’re here to start taking massive actions. You’re here because you want to start changing your Life.

    Let me make it quick and clear why what I share in this book is vital for your ongoing growth.

    If you're hunting for an 'overnight transformation’, this isn't your book. Close it now.

    I’ve told you I have expertise in being in the mental and physical gutter, here are more positive things I have a growing expertise in...

    I'm an NASM Certified Personal Trainer, with specializations in corrective exercise and nutrition. I’ve also been certified in many different modalities of meditation and breathwork and studied yoga right at its source in India. I’ve taken countless courses in many aspects of coaching, leadership and psychology. But let's cut through the noise: certifications, fancy titles and traveling halfway across the world don't inherently hold value.

    What truly matters is:


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    Gaining certifications can be a matter of weeks, but I've been in this game for over a decade paying close attention to my wins but even closer attention to every mistake I’ve made, and I’ve made many, which is the foundation of my coaching. Everything I’ve done that’s led me down roads of paralyzing anxiety and depression, confusion, self-doubt and insecurity, techniques and philosophies that may have felt good at first but ultimately led nowhere have all been well documented. I’ve read many books and have had great mentors, but I guide and mentor through my direct experiences. I don’t just advise on what to do but most importantly what to stay away from. As much as we all like to believe that everything is all good, it’s not. There are ways of thinking, methods and techniques that may feel good at first but have a negative long-term effect.

    I call it ‘Fluff’.

    Fluff are ideas, ways of thinking that claim to

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