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Melodies of Worship to Jesus: 31 Songs of Praise & Worship From My Heart to HIS!
Melodies of Worship to Jesus: 31 Songs of Praise & Worship From My Heart to HIS!
Melodies of Worship to Jesus: 31 Songs of Praise & Worship From My Heart to HIS!
Ebook60 pages30 minutes

Melodies of Worship to Jesus: 31 Songs of Praise & Worship From My Heart to HIS!

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About this ebook

'Melodies of Worship to Jesus: 31 Songs of Praise & Worship From My Heart to HIS!' is a soul-stirring collection of hymns and devotional songs that invite readers on a spiritual journey of worship and reflection. Organized into 31 themes, each song celebrates a unique facet of faith, from love and grace to guidance, wisdom and redemption. The book emphasizes personal connection with the HOLY ONE by allowing readers to create their own melodies for each song, making the worship experience deeply personal and authentic. The chapters offer tips for selecting songs that resonate with daily life, encouraging reflection, prayer, and the expression of gratitude. This book is a heartfelt invitation to connect with the Creator, finding strength, solace, and joy in the timeless power of music and faith. It offers a unique and enriching way to deepen one's relationship with Jesus through the universal language of song.

Release dateDec 18, 2023
Melodies of Worship to Jesus: 31 Songs of Praise & Worship From My Heart to HIS!

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    Book preview

    Melodies of Worship to Jesus - GERARD ASSEY

    Gerard Assey

    Melodies of Worship to Jesus:

    31 Songs of Praise & Worship

    From My Heart to HIS!


    Gerard Assey

    © Copyright 2023 by Author


    Published by:

    Gerard Assey

    19/18, Palli Arasan Street

    Anna Nagar East

    Chennai - 600 102


    All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means- electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without prior written permission from the author.


    Image courtesy kjpargeter on Freepik:

    Table of Contents

    ✓  Preface
    ✓  An Understanding of the Heart of Worship: An Intrinsic Part of Our Existence
    ✓  Tips for Using These 31 Songs to Jesus
    ✓  The Start- Praising & Glorifying Jesus
    31 A to Z Songs to Sing
    ✓  His Birth (Christmas)
    ✓  His Compassion
    ✓  His Comfort
    ✓  His Creation
    ✓  His Faithfulness
    ✓  His Forgiveness
    ✓  His Friendship
    ✓  His Grace
    ✓  His Guidance
    ✓  His Healing
    ✓  His Holiness
    ✓  His Joy
    ✓  His Light
    ✓  His Love
    ✓  His Mercy
    ✓  His Miracles
    ✓  His Patience
    ✓  His Peace
    ✓  His Presence
    ✓  His Promises
    ✓  His Protection
    ✓  His Redemption
    ✓  His Resurrection
    ✓  His Sacrifice
    ✓  His Salvation
    ✓  His Second Coming
    ✓  His Sovereignty
    ✓  His Strength
    ✓  His Trustworthiness
    ✓  His Victory
    ✓  His Wisdom
    About the Author



    Welcome to Melodies of Worship to JESUS: 31 Songs of Praise & Worship From My Heart to HIS!

    This collection of songs is a humble offering, a melodic journey designed to inspire your daily worship and deepen your connection with our Savior, Jesus Christ. Each song has been lovingly crafted to reflect different aspects of our faith, serving as a lyrical companion for your daily devotion.

    Singing has long been a profound expression of faith, a way to connect with The MOST HOLY GOD and an avenue to pour out our hearts in worship. As you turn the pages of this songbook, you will discover songs that reflect on various themes, from God's love and grace to His guidance, wisdom and salvation. These songs are meant to be sung from the heart, with melodies that resonate within your soul.

    What sets this collection apart is its versatility. While we've provided lyrics and themes for each day of the month, these songs are not bound by a specific musical arrangement. They are intended to be sung with your own melodies, allowing you to personalize your worship experience. Whether

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