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The Liver Eater of the Mountains
The Liver Eater of the Mountains
The Liver Eater of the Mountains
Ebook39 pages36 minutes

The Liver Eater of the Mountains

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The Liver Eater hid in the bushes even as he eyed his prey. He had hunted many things in his forty something years, but he had never hunted anything as vicious as the men he was stalking now. The Liver Eater was stalking members of the Crow tribe, and they were the most vicious and dangerous of all his prey.
The Liver Eater made no sound as he hid behind the bushes, eyeing the men. He had stayed hidden for what was easily hours on end, but he did not complain, nor did he feel sore. No, his body and senses had been used to such hardship, living alone off the land and making do with what he had. The Liver Eater had seen and endured much worse. Hiding behind bushes and waiting for the right time to strike was nothing for a man like himself. The Liver Eater hid in the bushes even as he eyed his prey. He had hunted many things in his forty something years, but he had never hunted anything as vicious as the men he was stalking now. The Liver Eater was stalking members of the Crow tribe, and they were the most vicious and dangerous of all his prey.
The Liver Eater made no sound as he hid behind the bushes, eyeing the men. He had stayed hidden for what was easily hours on end, but he did not complain, nor did he feel sore. No, his body and senses had been used to such hardship, living alone off the land and making do with what he had. The Liver Eater had seen and endured much worse. Hiding behind bushes and waiting for the right time to strike was nothing for a man like himself. 

Release dateDec 18, 2023
The Liver Eater of the Mountains

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    Book preview

    The Liver Eater of the Mountains - John J. Law

    One: The Ultimate Disrespect

    The Liver Eater hid in the bushes even as he eyed his prey. He had hunted many things in his forty something years, but he had never hunted anything as vicious as the men he was stalking now. The Liver Eater was stalking members of the Crow tribe, and they were the most vicious and dangerous of all his prey.

    The Liver Eater made no sound as he hid behind the bushes, eyeing the men. He had stayed hidden for what was easily hours on end, but he did not complain, nor did he feel sore. No, his body and senses had been used to such hardship, living alone off the land and making do with what he had. He had seen and endured much worse. Hiding behind bushes and waiting for the right time to strike was nothing for a man like himself.

    Hiding, crouched behind those bushes was no mean feat for someone like him. He easily towered over six feet when he stood up and was built like a rock or a grizzly bear, depending on how you looked at it. He was a large man that easily gave the moniker of a ‘mountain man’ justice. It was this large and imposing stature that made him very intimidating and almost akin to a force of nature to his sworn enemies, the men in front of him now.

    The Crow braves were milled around a campsite and spoke in their native tongue. The Liver Eater could understand some of what they were saying. They were actually talking about him, and about the carnage he had inflicted upon their tribe. One of them even said not to mention anything about the him lest they bring his wrath upon them. Another said that he was a demon that came from the underworld to exact justice for the sins of the Crows. Liver Eater was more than pleased with what he heard from his enemies. It was this sense of fear that made it much easier for him to hunt down the Crow. If anything, he had more than earned his fearsome reputation. He had killed more than his fair share of the Crow, through the years and he would not stop now.

    The men had now all turned their backs on the bush that the Liver Eater was hiding behind. He realized that this was chance.

    He dived out of the bushes and struck one of the Crow braves from behind. The man fell to the ground with the Liver Eater right on top of him. Before any of them could react, he took out his large knife and drove it deep into the Crow’s back. He felt the knife rip through the Indian’s back. He dug it deeper and pulled the knife down for good measure. The Crow was incapacitated and would die a painful death.

    "The Liver Eater! He’s here! Curse you, young one! It is your fault! You should never have mentioned

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