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Milf’s Gambit : Milfs Unprotected 15: Milfs Unprotected, #15
Milf’s Gambit : Milfs Unprotected 15: Milfs Unprotected, #15
Milf’s Gambit : Milfs Unprotected 15: Milfs Unprotected, #15
Ebook33 pages22 minutes

Milf’s Gambit : Milfs Unprotected 15: Milfs Unprotected, #15

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About this ebook

My student Eric and I often played chess, but we never played it quite like this.  After a brief, embarrassing discussion about my status as a 'MILF,' Eric and me begin a game with a different kind of stakes.  If he wins, he gets to see my topless.  I'm not worried; Eric has never beaten me before in his life.  Turns out he just needed the right incentive!

Read as the The Milf's Gambit gets her in hot, sticky water!

PublisherTori Westwood
Release dateNov 18, 2020
Milf’s Gambit : Milfs Unprotected 15: Milfs Unprotected, #15

Tori Westwood

Tori Westwood writes short erotica whenever she finds time between her day-job and her family.  She is still searching for her niche, not yet limiting herself to any particular sub-genre, having penned all manner of fiction.  She is happily married and delights in exploring her own fantasies through her writings.  For updates, follower her on Twitter @ToriWestwood1

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    Book preview

    Milf’s Gambit - Tori Westwood

    Read An Excerpt

    Mate? Eric asked.

    I extended a hand across the table.  Good game, I said, and I got up from my seat.  That was fun.  I’m gonna go make some lunch, would you like anything?

    What about ...? Eric began.

    What about what?

    Mrs. Anders! he cried.  You said!

    I said what?

    That if I won I could see—he nodded—those.  You’re a woman of your word, aren’t you?

    I was.  In fact I’d led with that very saying on more than one occasion in front of him.  I’d stressed integrity and honesty to him often and to back out now would sully all of that.

    I am, I said.

    Eric stood and watched as I turned to face him.  Steadily my hand came up to my shirt and I unbuttoned it slowly.  At first I was nervous, but seeing the eagerness in his eyes made my confidence grow.

    Eric swallowed nervously and licked his lip, watching my hand as it tackled the buttons of my blouse.

    I pulled it open to reveal my breasts below.  They sat large in the hammock of my bra cups, bunched together and looking more inviting than I’d ever known them.

    Whoa, Eric said.

    I could sense the arousal in him immediately.  His cheeks turned hot and he shuffled in his chair, readjusting himself.

    I pulled the blouse off my shoulders and felt my confidence grow, un-tucking it from my pencil skirt and tossing it over the back of the chair that sat opposite him.

    Eric looked quickly to the discarded garment and then again at me.  His eyes were like saucers as they stared at my tits.

    I thought about leaving it there and telling him that was enough, but a huge part of me wanted to continue.  I could feel my own arousal growing as my handsome student stared and enjoyed me.

    More? I asked.


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