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His Sex Lesson : Milfs Unprotected 8 (Breeding Erotica MILF Erotica): Milfs Unprotected, #8
His Sex Lesson : Milfs Unprotected 8 (Breeding Erotica MILF Erotica): Milfs Unprotected, #8
His Sex Lesson : Milfs Unprotected 8 (Breeding Erotica MILF Erotica): Milfs Unprotected, #8
Ebook32 pages23 minutes

His Sex Lesson : Milfs Unprotected 8 (Breeding Erotica MILF Erotica): Milfs Unprotected, #8

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About this ebook

What started out as Xander's first driving-lesson soon transforms into something much more sinful when a wheel-spin causes the pair of us to become caked in mud.  With no other option but to undress we're suddenly put in a risqué situation that seems destined to become even crazier.  Read how the pair of us relent and give into our forbidden urges as I take him inside me.

PublisherTori Westwood
Release dateMay 4, 2020
His Sex Lesson : Milfs Unprotected 8 (Breeding Erotica MILF Erotica): Milfs Unprotected, #8

Tori Westwood

Tori Westwood writes short erotica whenever she finds time between her day-job and her family.  She is still searching for her niche, not yet limiting herself to any particular sub-genre, having penned all manner of fiction.  She is happily married and delights in exploring her own fantasies through her writings.  For updates, follower her on Twitter @ToriWestwood1

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    His Sex Lesson - Tori Westwood

    Read An Excerpt

    Mrs. Thompson ... Xander said.

    I looked to his face and he took a breath, swallowing hard.

    What is it? I asked.  He looked as though he’d seen a ghost.

    My eyes looked over him again and it was then I noticed his predicament.  Beneath those tight boxer-shorts of his sat something stiff and forbidden.  I felt that same shiver tingle through me, only now I was certain that it was due to arousal, and not the cold.

    My! I gushed.  Well, hello.

    Xander let out a chuckle and looked away out of the window.

    It’s okay, honey, I said again, and my hand started to rub along his leg again.  It’s more than okay.

    I put the car in park and let it idle on the spot.  Xander turned to me confused, but when our eyes met there was an unspoken exchange between us.

    His look of confusion turned to revelation and then his pupils began to grow fatter as his lust matched mine.

    Mrs. Thompson, I—

    Shhh, I said softly.

    I continued to tickle my hand over him, moving ever-closer to his underwear until my fingers were dancing right at the top of his thigh.  I was dangerously close to touching the spot where I didn’t belong.

    Xander took another breath and closed his eyes.  I took the moment to stare without mercy, looking at the thick packet as it stretched out in his underwear.

    Is that for me? I asked, and gradually I moved to it until my long nails were sliding over him.

    His stomach tense and he hissed a breath.  You’re making me feel funny, Mrs. Thompson.

    You’re making me feel funny too, I confessed.

    I leaned over to kiss at his neck as I toyed with him.  His head turned towards me and our lips found each other slowly.  When they did we made up for lost time,

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