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Snowed In And Plowed : Milfs Unprotected 10 (Breeding Erotica MILF Erotica): Milfs Unprotected, #10
Snowed In And Plowed : Milfs Unprotected 10 (Breeding Erotica MILF Erotica): Milfs Unprotected, #10
Snowed In And Plowed : Milfs Unprotected 10 (Breeding Erotica MILF Erotica): Milfs Unprotected, #10
Ebook34 pages23 minutes

Snowed In And Plowed : Milfs Unprotected 10 (Breeding Erotica MILF Erotica): Milfs Unprotected, #10

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About this ebook

My ex-lodger Blake invites me up to his northern retreat to stay the night, but a freak snow-storm sees the pair of us trapped in his house.  He has supplies to wait it out so for the next few days we live together, but the sexual tension is boiling!  When I overhear him enjoying himself I'm ashamed to say I'm too tempted to refuse him and I wind up doing something crazy!

PublisherTori Westwood
Release dateJul 8, 2020
Snowed In And Plowed : Milfs Unprotected 10 (Breeding Erotica MILF Erotica): Milfs Unprotected, #10

Tori Westwood

Tori Westwood writes short erotica whenever she finds time between her day-job and her family.  She is still searching for her niche, not yet limiting herself to any particular sub-genre, having penned all manner of fiction.  She is happily married and delights in exploring her own fantasies through her writings.  For updates, follower her on Twitter @ToriWestwood1

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    Snowed In And Plowed - Tori Westwood

    Read An Excerpt

    I rose from the bed and, with the vibrator pressed firmly against my clit, I walked back out to Blake.  This time I was less concerned with making a noise, but nevertheless he didn’t stir.  Instead I watched him play, oblivious to the fact that I was stood behind him playing too.

    Blake, I hushed.

    He jerked away obliviously.

    Blake, I said again, and I started to move around the bottom of the couch.

    His eyes faltered from the screen and he stared into the darkness, seeing my figure and then pointing the light of the phone in my direction.

    Suddenly I was illuminated.  Blake pulled out his earphones and sat up on the couch, staring at me as I stood before him in my underwear with the vibrator held between my legs.

    Kay?! he cried.

    Blake, honey.  Don’t stop.

    I closed my eyes and took a chance on him.  I could hear the whir of the vibrator and the tinny sound of moaning that crept from his earphones.

    Kay, what are you doing? he asked again.

    He stood up and rushed to me, moving my hand away from my pussy in a bid to stop me.

    I’ve been watching you, I said, opening my eyes.

    Blake’s look of concern and shock had a tinge of curiosity to it.

    Watching me ... masturbate?

    Yes, honey, I gushed, leaning towards him.  And it was incredible.

    I’m sorry, Kay, he said, holding my wrist and trying to take my hand away.

    No.  No, don’t apologize.

    Kay, I—

    Let me have this, Blake, I urged.  I need it.

    Blake’s grip relaxed on my wrist but I took his hand and put it back on my wrist.

    Help me, Blake, I whispered.

    How can I help?

    I looked down to see his cock just as stiff as I’d seen it before.

    Keep jerking, I said.

    You want me to ...

    "Yes.  Yes. 

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