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Endtimes Anxiety: How Christians Can Prepare for What’s Ahead
Endtimes Anxiety: How Christians Can Prepare for What’s Ahead
Endtimes Anxiety: How Christians Can Prepare for What’s Ahead
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Endtimes Anxiety: How Christians Can Prepare for What’s Ahead

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We are at the most critical juncture in all of history. Can you feel it? The one world government of the antichrist versus the eternal government of the Lamb of God. Increasing evil. A one-party system of government that you agree with or you will be attacked and silenced. The epic showdown between good and evil.  

Fortunately, as Christians, we know good will win out—Revelation tells us that. But what casualties will occur along the way? Can you say with absolute clarity which side God sees you on? And if you are on God’s side, are you prepared to be His warrior in this epic battle?

After eleven years of prison ministry and countless personal encounters with the hand of God and His miracles, Don Wettlaufer has written a guidebook for people to prepare to receive the returning Messiah. Rather than a Christian hunkered in fear, Wettlaufer shows readers how to be a Christian ready to be used by God during the upcoming spiritual revival during which all sin will be eradicated.

Release dateAug 4, 2023
Endtimes Anxiety: How Christians Can Prepare for What’s Ahead

Don Wettlaufer

Don Wettlaufer has been serving in ministry for 25 years. He has vast experience in jail ministry, disaster response clean-up and crisis counseling, small group leadership, and church building maintenance. This is his second book, his first was Understanding Jesus’ Teachings, published in 2013. Don is a former operations senior manager and new products introduction manager at a Fortune 500 high tech company, and retired Naval aviator. He is an avid runner, nutritionist, outdoor enthusiast, prepper, and devoted follower of Jesus Christ. He serves in ministry with his wife, Cheryl, who is a passionate follower of Jesus Christ. 

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    Endtimes Anxiety - Don Wettlaufer

    Endtimes Anxiety

    How Christians Can Prepare for What’s Ahead

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    Copyright © 2023 Don Wettlaufer


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    ONE OF MY friends on social media mentioned that civilization is headed for the end of the world as we know it. I replied, Nuclear war? Extinction due to climate change? An uprising by the poor against the privileged class? No, he said, the return of Jesus.

    Why should that be calamitous? I wondered. He is the man of peace. With that thought, I began my study, in the Bible, of the end times. I found that at the same time the Christian world is preparing for the return of Jesus, dark forces are preparing for the arrival of the antichrist. The two sides will clash in an epic conflict of good vs. evil. The book of Revelation tells us who will win. But the good side, represented by the followers of Jesus, seems woefully unprepared for battle, gullible, apathetic, and possibly playing into the hands of the other side, Satan, and his dark forces of evil. This battle will draw all of us into it, whether you want to engage or not. And if you’re not preparing for it like a soldier of Christ, it may have eternal consequences for you. I know that thought makes many Christians want to bury their head in the sand until the conflict is over. Just remember, good overcomes evil. Light overcomes darkness. Love overcomes hate. And knowledge overcomes ignorance.

    I hope you will read this book with an open mind, a responsive spirit, and a decisiveness to take action in any area the Holy Spirit challenges you.









    Chapter 1



    Are we in the period of the end times, the final days before the destruction of civilization? If one looks at Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 24, when you see the signs He mentioned: wars, rumors of (Nuclear) war, famines, earthquakes, persecution (worldwide) for following Jesus, and an increase in wickedness, you know it is at the door (Matthew 24:33). The increase in wickedness is displayed in large numbers of young women being trafficked, people being pushed off train platforms, violence on the subway, random shootings at schools, businesses, and in neighborhoods, increased victims of Ponzi schemes, people murdering their own family members, rampant child pornography, and increased drug related deaths, due to fentanyl overdoses, to name a few examples. Nevertheless, I don’t believe we are in the end times solely because of these signs, but rather because what is evil is considered good and what is good is considered evil. It’s as if common sense has gone out of favor. From letting violent offenders out of jail so they are free to commit another crime, permitting so called peaceful demonstrations to result in entire city blocks being burned down, not prosecuting theft from stores if the stolen value is less than $1000, significantly decreasing the number of police officers and expecting crime to come down, giving the homeless cash which they can then use to buy drugs and giving them needles to shoot up, allowing biological males to compete against women in sports, inviting drag shows to elementary schools, teachers encouraging young kids to transition and not informing the kids’ parents, allowing undocumented immigrants to cross the border without giving a medical checkup or their having a place to live, government leaders being selected based on their wokeness rather than qualification for the job. Has the world gone insane? It seems it has all happened rather suddenly in the last few years.

    If the world seems upside down you have to ask yourself the question, is it because God is bringing judgment upon mankind? Not necessarily. We know that God is for us, not against us. Seminaries teach that we are currently living in a dispensation of grace, not judgment. The Bible says God’s wrath was satisfied when Christ died on the cross. He is at peace with man. I believe God is good and is not yet bringing judgment upon the earth, however, that day of God’s judgment is rapidly approaching.

    Then what is happening? Does God have a kryptonite? We know that Jesus could do very little healing in his hometown due to lack of faith. What if sin and increasing opposition to God is responsible for coming against God’s very design for nature, his order in the universe? As sin becomes all-pervasive, we see increasing degradation of our weather (floods, fires, tornadoes, hurricanes, rain bombs, polar vortexes, and snow-mageddon). We see people being born with gender dysphoria. Those responsible for our justice system are conducting a two-tiered system of justice. Politicians are becoming more and more corrupt at the highest levels of government. People are mocking God as a queer group showed up to Dodger stadium and did pole dances around a cross to mock Catholics. But God will not let sin undo His creation’s order. Eventually He will have his fill of man’s sin and rebelliousness and then His judgment will start. God did say, my Spirit will not strive (fight vigorously) with man forever (Genesis 6:3).

    Are things going to get better anytime soon? Jesus compared the lead up to the end times to labor and delivery (Matthew 24:8). In other words, weather disasters, economic perils, epidemics, droughts, wars, and periods of inflation are going to increase in frequency and magnitude, like birthing contractions, as the blessed event gets closer. So, unfortunately, NO, things will continue to get worse right up to the blessed event, the return of Jesus. In fact, some Christians who are blessed with the gift of prophesy predict that God is very close to bringing judgment against the U.S., starting with those areas of the country that are furthest from God, including Washington, D.C., in order to bring them back to Him.

    Having arrived at the possibility that we are approaching the end of the world as we know it, what does the Bible say will unfold in the final years? The one who is the chief opposer of Jesus Christ, the antichrist, will come into power and reign on earth for a 7-year period.

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