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Meeting the One: Chelsea
Meeting the One: Chelsea
Meeting the One: Chelsea
Ebook79 pages51 minutes

Meeting the One: Chelsea

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About this ebook

We can meet the "one" anywhere and anytime. Some have fascinating stories about how they met the love of their life or the one they married. Tre has been going through a rough patch in his life. When things start to go right for him, they go very well.

Release dateDec 16, 2023
Meeting the One: Chelsea

Alexander Martin

I write long and detailed stories that are mostly interracially motivated. I have never been able to write small stories well; I like the how, when, and where. Most of my female characters are independent and strong-minded. I hope most of my readers will leave comments and tell me what they think so I can improve.

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    Meeting the One - Alexander Martin

    Meeting The One:


    By: Alexander Martin

    Copyright 2023 Alexander Martin

    Author’s Note:

    This is a work of fiction, none of the characters are real or are they based on real people or events. Please do not take the actions or expressions noted in this story as the Author’s outlook on life or respected behavior of anybody alive or deceased.

    All Characters in this story are over the age of Eighteen.

    Please have fun and enjoy reading these stories.

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite eBook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Table of Contents:

    Chapter One: Just A Casual Meeting.

    Chapter Two: A Kind Gesture.

    Chapter Three: Finding A Passion.

    Chapter Four: A New Love.

    Chapter One: Just a Casual Meeting.

    Flight 645 will be departing from gate A4. the lady at the gate said. Departure will be in thirty minutes please have your tickets ready. She continued.

    Looking over at the desk, she was joined by two other airport personnel and a security guard. There was some commotion going on with an older man and what must be his wife. Shrugging, I dove back into my tablet, reading the schedule sent to me.

    I looked out the window at the airplane's landing or being pulled or pushed back and forth and thought back on the events of the past three years.

    I got thrown out of my house by my ex-wife. She had found someone else and deemed it necessary to throw all my belongings out of the home.

    Since then, life has gone downhill. I lost my job and had a stint in jail after a misunderstanding with a bar owner.

    I shook my head at the memory of that night, then pushed the memory to the back of my mind. When I came out after a few months, I decided to take my life by the horns and take control. 

    It paid off. I found a place to live. I bought a secondhand computer and decided to write on some forums. First, it was just life forums, then I got asked to moderate a forum website, and then more writing jobs came at me first, slow then fast until I had a full-time job writing short stories for internet-based comics.

    One year ago, things took a drastic change. A big-name comic company decided to buy out a minor internet comic, and they decided to hire me full-time.

    One of the projects they put me on was a fantasy-based comic. I jumped at the chance. Here I am a year later, with that project well on its way and a significant hit in the public circuit.

    Now, I am moving up in the company and heading to a comic con to meet the head of the next project. If things go right, I will move to Philadelphia and say goodbye to my old life.

    That thought made me chuckle a little too loud. After all that was happening, the idea of a new life just made me laugh. My phone began to ring. Looking down at it, I shook my head.

    Yes Amanda? I answered my phone.

    It was my ex-wife. I had no interest in what she had to say. She only called me when she needed something. I still don't know what prompted me to give her my new number. There was silence, and I knew she was crying.

    What is it now? I said with a deep sigh.

    He left me, Amanda replied. I could tell she was crying. I took another deep sigh.

    What do you need? I asked. Looking out to the tarmac. I wondered what I

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