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Agent Red Boxset 4-6: A Gripping Action Adventure Thriller
Agent Red Boxset 4-6: A Gripping Action Adventure Thriller
Agent Red Boxset 4-6: A Gripping Action Adventure Thriller
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Agent Red Boxset 4-6: A Gripping Action Adventure Thriller

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This three-book series will keep you on a gripping thrill ride.

Agent Red: Fatal Justice Teagan Stone Book 4
Teagan Stone is out of options and quickly running out of time. She must find the creator of America’s most sought-after device to save America from a potential attack. But devious Russian forces with deep pockets are impenetrable.

The seasoned spy will stop at nothing to find the creator, bring his kidnappers to justice, and prevent a bombing—even if it means she has to risk her life.

She refuses to let evildoers take innocent lives. Not on her watch.

Agent Red: Fatal Enemy Teagan Stone Book 5
Enemies come in all forms, and Teagan Stone is ready for battle, not thinking of the consequences for going to war with her ultimate rival. Can she turn back the clock or will this lead her to nally leave The Firm before it destroys her from within?
Agent Red: Fatal Death Teagan Stone Book 6
Teagan Stone has walked a fine line between life and death. This time, she’s come across an enemy that doesn’t care if she’s the most trained killer or not. They only want one thing, and that’s to see Agent Red brought to her knees. In a race against time, she will have to make the ultimate decision. Will she be able to save someone close to her or put the country she gave the oath to protect before her happiness?

Release dateAug 17, 2023
Agent Red Boxset 4-6: A Gripping Action Adventure Thriller

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    Agent Red Boxset 4-6 - Ava S. King


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    Part One

    Agent Red (Fatal Justice)


    Ava S. King


    Teagan Stone is out of options and quickly running out of time. She must find the creator of America’s most sought-after device to save America from a potential attack. But devious Russian forces with deep pockets are impenetrable.

    The seasoned spy will stop at nothing to find the creator, bring his kidnappers to justice, and prevent a bombing—even if it means she has to risk her life.

    She refuses to let evildoers take innocent lives. Not on her watch.

    Chapter One

    The alarm blared, and the team secured their masks and guns within five minutes to save the hostages from a terrorist attack. Teagan stood behind the two-way mirror and watched the clock run down with top members of the president’s cabinet as Spider, Daughtrey, Gregory, and a few other seasoned team members rushed through. After climbing in from each side of the plane simulation, her breathing stayed elevated. Seeing Gregory lift the bottom shaft of the plane near the rear door, dressed in all black, he signaled to Spider that he would take the right side of the aisle. Spider strolled down the walkway with his gun ready to claim a terrorist. Soon as he hit the second row of seats, a man jumped up in camouflage, reaching for a hostage. When Spider raised his gun and shot at his chest, the red dye exploded.

    One down, two to go, Spider whispered through his headpiece.

    I got first-class secure, Daughtrey muttered back, opening the door of the bathroom.

    Teagan gleaned at the clock, and it read two minutes left.

    Keep it moving, Teagan mumbled to herself.

    All eyes were on them, and if they wanted to continue The Firm, they needed to show it was worth paying over five hundred million dollars a year to keep them running.

    It’s a waste of money, Duncan Brooks, Deputy Secretary of Defense, said. The blond blue-eyed, skinny, cocky, five-eleven, preppy boy was a pain in everyone’s ass. He crossed his arms and shook his head. For his entire career in politics, Duncan had taken every chance he’d gotten to shut down the agency. A few of the guys chuckled at his comment when he announced another call that a second guy was taken down. With forty seconds left, every breath was held in the room as Duncan and Teagan exchanged a look. Accomplishing this task of securing more funding, eventually picking someone to take over as director would help Teagan get closer to finally head into retirement officially. She was still grappling with some of her memories. Life had gotten only more complicated after the death of Abe Price. Sandra Gregg made it her mission to make Teagan aware that she was on to what The Firm did with killing, kidnapping, and brutalizing enemies of the United States.

    Time, Teagan called out, releasing her hand from the buzzer. Clapping in accomplishing her goal, Teagan smirked, seeing Duncan roll his eyes and gaining the needed funding for another five years.

    Duncan cleared his throat and extended his hand for a shake.

    Good job, Stone.

    Teagan looked down at his hand and backed up to Duncan.

    Thanks. She reached out and clasped his hand, then turned toward the door and headed to the room with her crew.

    Spider removed the headset, wiping the sweat off his brow.

    What did they say? Spider removed his gloves.

    Nothing yet. Teagan motioned at the two-way mirror.

    Funny how the guys in suits determine if we get to do our jobs, one they’re too scared to do, Gregory complained, shaking his head.

    Teagan thought the same thing as the email came in yesterday morning while working on a fresh case. Before she could call the president to discuss the budget renewal, grumblings throughout Congress put them in Duncan’s crosshairs.

    I’m starving; how long do we have to wait? Daughtrey pointed at the window as the door opened, and Duncan, followed by the other top aides, came back into the room.

    Gentleman and lady, you’ve shown your skills, and the president, as you know, is fond of whatever it is you do here. Duncan waved his hand around.

    You mean saving lives? Gregory’s brow lifted in confusion.

    Spider and Daughtrey chuckled as Duncan cleared his throat.

    If that’s what you want to call it. If it were up to me, I would shut this entire organization down. Duncan shrugged, sliding his hands in his pocket. All eyes looked around the room, then back at him in surprise.

    Are we free to go or not? Daughtrey crossed his arms over his chest. Teagan put her hand on his chest, stepping in front of him and facing Duncan.

    What’s your problem? Teagan asked.

    My problem is people like you come in and use up resources that could be used for actual work to get done, Duncan argued, pointing his finger in her face. Teagan held a harsh glare, picking up on every little detail of Duncan’s face and demeanor. Something about the crust wedged in the corner of his eyes let her know he wasn’t getting enough sleep. The wrinkled grey coat that was two sizes too big hung from his tall, thin, lanky frame. The yellow color of his teeth, unshaven beard, and dirty nails screamed the lack of detail to his hygiene and appearance of a man either going through a divorce or about to lose his job.

    When did she serve you papers? Teagan questioned.

    He looked her up and down, nose flared.

    What did you say?

    I asked when did your wife serve you papers for a divorce? Teagan repeated, not backing down. The guys sneaked behind her.

    My private life has nothing to do with this shitstorm of a team. Do you know how many times we’ve gotten calls about a corporation or unlawful detainment? Duncan blurted out.

    Either we get the budget, or we don’t. You have too much on your plate at the moment. The president will reach out when he needs us, Teagan replied, walking off and nodding for the guys to follow as she went around Duncan toward the front entrance and pushed it open.

    Agent Stone? Duncan called out. Teagan stood face forward with her back to him. Don’t get too comfortable. Duncan left through the other side of the office. Teagan headed to the truck, opening the door as Spider came up beside her.

    You playing dirty now, Teagan? Spider removed his vest and helmet and passed them to the cleanup detail of the facility, loading up the truck as the driver started the car. Gregory and Daughtrey followed.

    Spider, you know me better than anyone. Duncan is the one playing dirty.

    That doesn’t mean we stoop to his level. Spider sighed, buckling his seatbelt.

    Are we going to eat? I’m still hungry from breakfast. Daughtrey stood at the second SUV, waiting to get in the driver’s side. He hated being driven around like the rest of the team, even though Teagan constantly fussed about them getting more and more notices.

    Keeping my eyes open. Let’s go so we can feed this big baby, Teagan kidded, smiling at Daughtrey. Until she learned something different, Duncan would be on her list of people who might become a problem.

    Did you get any more intelligence on Maksim? Spider inquired, loosening the seatbelt over his chest and checking his messages. Teagan looked back at him through the rearview mirror, raising a brow.

    No, have any of your contacts turned up? Teagan thought, tapping her fingers on her thigh. The last known contact after Maksim getting away after the shootout was months ago, and Russian intel dried up, so Teagan focused on other open cases of potential threats to the country.

    Soon as I get back to the office, I’ll put in some calls. Spider stretched out with his arm on the back of the seat.

    Seeing the stack of papers on the Petrov crime family, Teagan flipped through files and reports the FBI tried to keep hidden. Most of the details were blacked out in Sharpie or classified but pinpointing the death counts amassed with his family getting away made her heart pump faster.


    Maksim was last known in Russia, and not having any guidance from their government on turning him over would make the task of getting him stateside even worse. Grabbing her cup of iced latte from Starlights Cafe from the local café, Teagan sipped on her drink, staring at photos of Maksim talking with another man in front of a car.

    Where are you?

    Gritting her teeth, Teagan sat back in her seat, studying the photos for any hint that would give her something to go on. Her first case a year ago was Diablo, moving right into stopping an assassination attempt, to being accused of killing a reporter, and now handling a corrupt gun ring in New York. Taking her skills to the streets and talking with local gangs and police officers might benefit from getting Maksim in custody faster. His facial expression looked stark, determined, and ready for war. Knocking at her door, she turned in her seat. The door opened with Broderick progressing inside.


    I think we’ve walked on eggshells, and I wanted to come to some agreement.

    She motioned for him to take a seat in front of her desk.

    Speak. Teagan put the photos down on her desk.

    You probably have an idea about me being some corrupt asshole.

    Pretty much.

    Noted, but you have to understand after you left, they put me in charge.

    Are you telling me you didn’t enjoy having the responsibility to call the shots?

    I regret some choices and believe Stanton was one of them.

    He played everyone. Then sleeping with Leah caused me to look the other way. Broderick clasped his hands together in his lap. Broderick was clever and careful with his words. Teagan would keep watch on how Broderick moved forward but let him take on more responsibility unless he made another move on her family.

    We’ll never be friends, Broderick. You broke that trust. Her phone ringing interrupted the conversation.

    Director Stone.

    Am I speaking with someone from The Firm? a whisper-soft voice said over the phone.

    Teagan’s brow rose in confusion.

    You’re on with Director Stone. How can I help you?

    Broderick stood to leave, but she waved him to stay and put the call on speakerphone.

    I can’t talk long, or they’ll know it’s me, she responded.

    Who is this? Teagan picked up her pen and paper to take notes.

    I know who’s helping Maksim Petrov.

    Broderick and Teagan’s eyes locked in sync at the statement.

    What’s your name? Teagan questioned.

    Sorry, I can’t tell you that, the voice whispered slowly.

    What can you tell me?

    All I can say is he can’t be trusted. My brother got into something stupid, and now I’m worried about him, the girl said.

    Who is your brother? Teagan rose out of her seat, hovering over the phone.

    He doesn’t understand that the money comes with loyalty to the Petrov family.

    Tell me your name, Teagan replied. Broderick crossed his arms over his chest. Her door opened again, and Spider walked in with Tony behind him.

    I need to go, she said, rushing off the phone. Teagan’s eyes closed shut, her head lowered in frustration.

    Interrupting something? Spider asked.

    You want me to trace the call? Broderick inquired.

    Please and make sure you keep it under wraps until we know for sure who’s behind this call. It could be a setup.

    Broderick picked up her phone and called Gregory. For a second, Teagan estimated the person had to have known her schedule. Often, her lunch break would be right around this time. Broderick ended the call, holding a piece of paper.

    It’s untraceable, Broderick said, and Teagan cursed under her breath.

    Spider started to speak, and Teagan raised her hand, cutting him off.

    I just got a call from some woman who said she knows about the Maksim Petrov family.

    She didn’t give a name. Spider’s face wore a scowl.

    Broderick shook his head.

    By the time Teagan tried to get them to give a name, they hung up, and we didn’t have time to set up any tracing capabilities, Broderick said.

    Teagan moved toward the stack of files and passed over half of what she was working on toward Spider. Until they called again, it’d be back to the simple task of reading and studying what they knew so far of Petrov and reports from her contacts in the city.

    Broderick set up a meeting with Malcolm Holmes of the Third Street gang, Teagan explained, writing something on a piece of paper.

    Are we ordering lunch in? Spider questioned.

    Teagan glanced at the clock on the wall. She had promised a family dinner tonight. Burying herself deep in work lately, she would make it up to them with pizza and a movie.

    I can’t today. I promised the kids pizza and a movie. Teagan lifted her jacket off the coatrack and picked up her purse and some files to leave for the rest of the day.

    Should we expect you tomorrow? Spider asked.

    You can handle one day in charge. Call me if you need me. Teagan patted him on the chest and strolled out of her office.

    Tony, let’s go, Teagan called over her shoulder.

    Chapter Two

    An hour later, Teagan slid her key in the door of the quiet house and tossed her purse on the couch, releasing a breath over the long day. Heading to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water, she heard laughter coming from the backyard. The kids were playing with Christian on the swing set. Grabbing the cordless phone off the charger, she went out to the backyard and chuckled at Tatum, screaming at how high she was on the swing.

    Mommy. Cole ran toward Teagan and hugged her legs.

    She lifted him up in her arms and kissed his cheek.

    How’s my baby doing?

    Good, Cole replied and kissed her cheek, and she put him down on his feet.

    You’re home early, Christian observed.

    Yep, pizza and movie tonight. Teagan raised the cordless phone in the air. All the kids screamed in excitement.

    Who wants pepperoni and cheese pizza? Teagan asked, dialing the local pizza shop.

    Me! Me! Cole and Tatum jumped up and down.

    Teagan leaned over to cup Tatum’s chin and inhaled her baby girl’s sweet vanilla scent from her hair shampoo. Christian stretched his arm around her neck when she stood and pulled her into his arms, kissing her behind her ear.

    How was your day? Teagan tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear and followed the kids into the house. Christian shut and locked the back door, turning to Teagan.

    Mostly researching potential clients I could bring with me if I start my own company.

    He released her from his hold and opened the fridge to grab a bottle of water.

    Do you want anything specific on your pizza?

    Meat lovers and hot wings. Christian leaned against the counter. Tatum ran back into the kitchen, reaching her arms out for him to pick her up.

    Make it two large pizzas and hot wings.

    Mommy, can you do my hair tonight? Tatum asked.

    Yes, baby. Just let Mommy finish her work first.

    Heading back into the living room, CJ and Cole were searching through the stack of movies. Teagan was proud to see her family content and happy that she was home with them.

    The pizza will be here soon. Teagan sat on the couch with CJ laying in her lap, stroking his head.

    Mommy, are you a cop? CJ questioned, eyeing her.

    No, why would you ask that?

    Cole turned on Spiderman and sat in front of the coffee table next to Tatum. The doorbell rang, and he popped up, running to beat Christian to the door.


    You know better than to answer the door, Christian said, pulling his wallet out of his pocket. Taking the pizza from the driver, he let Cole handle the bag of hot wings.

    Set it on the table, and I’ll grab some plates. Christian placed the pizza boxes down on the coffee table, ignoring the conversation between Teagan and CJ.

    Some of the kids at my school talked about seeing you in the news, CJ explained, rising from her lap and scooting close to the pizza.

    Ignore those kids. I have a job that’s important and protects you.

    So, something like a cop?

    Eat your pizza.

    Who’s ready to eat? Christian came back in with a gallon of lemonade.

    Don’t get any grease on the table, you guys. Teagan helped to plate their food with equal slices of pizza and wings. The kids giggled as Teagan sat back on the couch, eating a piece of pizza. She cuddled up next to Christian again just as the house phone rang.

    I’ll get it, Christian said, reaching around her and grabbing the phone off the end table.

    She’s right here. Hold on, Christian’s low voice hissed in annoyance as he passed her the phone.

    Who is it?


    Teagan caught the hint of annoyance in Christian’s response and rose off the couch, heading toward her office.


    Sorry to bug you, Teagan, but I thought you’d want to know what’s happening, Gregory said. Teagan locked her office door once inside, taking a seat behind her desk. Turning her computer on, she logged into the database of The Firm.

    What do you have?

    The call wasn’t traceable, but we have other information from Malcolm, Gregory answered.

    How did that conversation go?

    He wasn’t on board at first, but after a little persuasion and threatening to lock his people up, he agreed, Gregory hinted.

    So, is he dealing with Maksim?

    He told him he wasn’t, but I don’t fully trust him.

    Teagan opened her desk drawer, removing the black binder with every contact with criminals she’d come across in her line of work. She wanted to check her files on Malcolm from the last time they’d spoken.

    Malcolm’s still running illegal gambling rings. Teagan clicked on the photos of Malcolm talking with other men surrounded by women in skimpy lingerie. The images brought back memories of her time with Diablo in Spain. The amount of attention he poured on her that night made her heart swell in the thought that he was really in love with her and wanted a future, but she knew it was all make believe for a mission.

    Gregory brought her out of her daze. What are you thinking?

    Make the call and get him to meet with me.

    In public?

    At the park.

    Should I have Spider with you or—

    Call Broderick.

    All right.

    They hung up, and Teagan went through her updated emails from Spider about the budget numbers. She desperately wanted to hire more security and get training to add to the team for missions. In her vision, it would be best to have the top people recruited so she could officially step back and put someone else in charge. A knock at her door came, and she jumped up to open the door. Pushing the door wider, he stepped inside, passing her favorite lemon and honey tea toward her.

    What’s this?

    Christian leaned against the corner of the desk, watching Teagan drink her tea and closing the space between them. Staring into her eyes, Christian lifted her chin and ran a hand down her arm.

    I knew you’d be up all night working. We haven’t had a second to connect.

    How is everything going?


    I know you’re building your business. Do you think it’s too much?

    Not really; I have a few partners that I’m bringing on to invest.

    Does this mean we’re going to have less time together? The kids are getting bigger.

    Maybe a family vacation should happen.

    CJ wants to go to the opening baseball game. Maybe we could do that first.

    He’d love that, and Tatum wants to go to Disney World.

    Teagan placed the tea on the desk, reached up to hold the back of Christian’s neck, and pressed a kiss on his lips.

    Let’s go to bed.

    Reconnect. Christian tapped her on the nose.

    Mmmm… Big time.

    Two days later, Teagan stepped out of the dark-tinted van holding a cup of tea in her hand, wearing her black shades. She approached Malcolm sitting on top of the park bench, smoking a cigar with his security surrounding him. Malcolm Holmes was thirty-eight years old, five-ten, dark-brown skin, bushy brow, thin nose, and muscular build. He was known in the city as the Godfather for helping local kids get into school and donating money to local businesses to keep them afloat. People didn’t know he was the biggest ringleader over guns and gambling in the city. Crime was at an all-time high in New York, specifically Queens, and many times they’d arrested or buried people who had some affiliation with him.

    Mr. Holmes. Teagan lifted her shades to the top of her head.

    He grinned, stepping off the bench and puffing on the cigar as he extended his hand.

    Teagan Stone.

    You know why I’m here.

    Gregory told me.

    So, are you going to help?

    They walked down the walkway toward the pond as the security followed them. The weather was cool and breezy with the sun streaming down. A few people were out playing, and mother groups exercised with their babies.

    You know Maksim and what he’s capable of doing. Malcolm stopped moving and turned to

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