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GOD's A B C's about HEAVEN and EARTH
GOD's A B C's about HEAVEN and EARTH
GOD's A B C's about HEAVEN and EARTH
Ebook46 pages37 minutes

GOD's A B C's about HEAVEN and EARTH

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Since the Devil been messing in GOD's Kingdom, and then messing with the creation on earth. GOD had to make a plan to keep the Devil out of HEAVEN and destroy his false power, so he can't overpower HIS people on earth.
Release dateDec 22, 2023
GOD's A B C's about HEAVEN and EARTH

Dan Fereira

I have been on a very long dusty Christian trail. I was an orphan in the beginning my birth mother and father didn't want me. I was adopted by a good family, but I never felt like I belonged in the family. Later in life I found out why, because GOD was my father all along and I needed him in my life. GOD is the father of all orphans HE watches over the helpless. I always felt special for GOD found worth in me even if someone else didn't. I can't say enough about my HEAVENLY FATHER and what HE did for me at Calvary.

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    GOD's A B C's about HEAVEN and EARTH - Dan Fereira


    I have been thinking about writing this book for years. To disclose what happen in heaven before Adam was created in God’s image and to the cross of Christ and beyond.

    October 18, 2023 while thinking about God and all HE has done for the human race. HE said, Write It.

    You’re going on a journey that you’ve never heard about before or thought happen. To cause this great salvation to come to all those that believe in Jesus the only Son of God.

    May the Holy Spirit live in you and enrich your life to combat darkness.

    God has always been. HE didn’t get any form until HE spoke HIS only begotten Son into existence.

    Today we know HIM as Jesus and everything that God designed Jesus created it.

    It’s God’s pleasure to give everything HE design to His Son to create for they are one and all is for Jesus.

    The heavens were filled with all sorts of heavenly beings. They were in harmony with one another while in the LIGHT of God.

    Since these beings were in the presence of God. And God is all goodness without evil intention to HIS creation. There was no fault in those beings.

    The creations as a whole were free to think or do as they wanted.

    As things going on as usual one being started to question God’s authority and the LIGHT HE had over all the beings.

    The being started to think of itself to be better than the rest and convinced itself it could be God.

    This contrary spirit started to rally other heavenly beings. To overthrow heaven and he would be God.

    This contrary spirit turned into darkness and had a gift of making things look better than it was. He could deceive others into his thinking.

    God said to this contrary spirit, Show me what you can do as GOD.

    The contrary spirit said, Watch so the dark spirit started to build a massive universe.

    The universe was not made very well.

    Everything the contrary spirit design wouldn’t last due to poor builders.

    These builders didn’t have the talents to make the things good enough to endure eternity. So the contrary spirit had to start all over.

    This time the contrary spirit added all sorts of creatures. They were hostile as the environment.

    Then the contrary spirit added more creatures that were not so hostile.

    After a very long period. A collision happened in the universe where these creatures survived. All the creatures of the moment lives were extinguished.

    Only some small creatures survived.

    Then the contrary spirit tried to add another element to what was left after the collision.

    He added beings that looked somewhat like its self to exist in the universe. They couldn’t survive the environment was too harsh for the beings.

    After millions or billions of years of our time God said to the contrary dark spirit, you’re no God.

    I’ll take what you have left in a dark disastrous condition and show you what it means to be God.

    God took this tarnished canvas and spoke life into a disastrous lost situation.

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