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The Most Terrible Pogrom in History: Second Edition
The Most Terrible Pogrom in History: Second Edition
The Most Terrible Pogrom in History: Second Edition
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The Most Terrible Pogrom in History: Second Edition

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The horror of the biggest pogrom in history, and also the frustration of Israeli society with the left and with international institutions 


Release dateDec 21, 2023
The Most Terrible Pogrom in History: Second Edition

Daniel Farcas

Daniel Alejandro Farcas Guendelman Reseñas biográficas Estudios y vida laboral Realizó sus estudios en la Universidad de Chile desde donde egresó como administrador público y Licenciado en Ciencias Políticas En 1992, obtuvo la Beca Presidente de la República para realizar estudios de postgrado en España, donde se especializó en Administración de Empresas en el Institute for Executive Development de Madrid.  Luego, realizó un Ph.D. en Leadership in Higher Education en Capella University, Estados Unidos[1] Entre 2002 y 2010, fue vicepresidente y prorector de la Universidad de Artes, Ciencias y Comunicación (Uniacc) y rector del Instituto Profesional IACC. Desde su llegada a Israel en el año 2021 ha sido profesor asociado de la Universidad Bar Ilan. Trayectoria política y pública Durante su época universitaria fue secretario general de la Federación de Estudiantes de la Universidad de Chile. Participó activamente en la Fundación e inscripción del Partido Por la Democracia  Durante el gobierno del presidente Eduardo Frei Ruiz-Tagle, fue nombrado director de la División de Organizaciones Sociales (DOS), dependiente del ministerio Secretaría General de Gobierno. Entre 2000 y 2002, ocupó el cargo de director nacional del Servicio Nacional de Capacitación y Empleo (SENCE), durante el gobierno del presidente Ricardo Lagos Escobar. En 2005, asumió como coordinador general del programa de gobierno de Michelle Bachelet, candidata a la presidencia para las Elecciones de ese mismo año. Fue tambien Vicepresidente de la Comunidad Judía de Chile. Legislatura 2014-2018i Diputado del Partido Por la Democracia por el Distrito Nº 17, Región Metropolitana, periodo 2014-2018, sucediendo en el cargo a María Antonieta Saa Díaz.

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    The Most Terrible Pogrom in History - Daniel Farcas

    ISBN-I3  9798223612872






    Prologue:By ÁngelMas

    President of Action and Communication in the Middle East (ACOM).

    ●  On October 7, 2023, the most inhumane massacre imaginable that left 1,400 dead, 4,000 injured and 240 kidnapped reminded us in the cruelest way of some truths that, in the false security of our prosperity, in the heat of an apparent and civilized coexistence, do not we had wanted to confront for decades:

    That the true face of our enemies is brutal, insatiable, genocidal, evil in its purest form and, therefore, only its total, devastating and incontestable defeat can be acceptable.

    We awaken to our own vulnerability, to the fragility of the safe home we thought we had in Israel, especially in the face of a savage enemy that has no limits. And to defend it we will not only be able to depend on technology. Human sacrifices will be necessary.

    We discover the dream of our own prosperity. That is why we had convinced ourselves of the serious problems that our society had. All of them today seem as distant as they are frivolous and banal. Our bitter arguments have proven to be completely irrelevant when reality hits us.

    We also had to accept, not only that the two-state solution will never be possible, since a large part of the Palestinians do not want their state, but that, to end ours, a very important segment of the Palestinian population will probably be unrecoverable for any coexistence. Its brutality has no solution.

    They helped us remember that the Muslim world has a sick, compulsive, irrational and truly violent hatred against us. The dehumanization of the Jew has triumphed in their culture. There is no empathy, no matter what. We are guilty, whatever we do.

    One of the most painful observations was the amount of hatred projected against Jews by all those who have made their anti-Semitism fashionable. Acquired, intellectualized, supervened. Which is born from fictitious grievances of a story as common as it is fallacious. And that infects a very important part of the population, our neighbors, who are tremendously dedicated to spreading this violent hatred.

    We know that anti-Semitism/anti-Zionism in Western countries is the most visible symptom of a serious problem of disaffection of a part of their citizens with their own democracies, with the values ​​of freedom and guarantees and hatred of their own well-being. And projecting all this against the Jewish State and against the Jews has mutated into a contagious and socially acceptable fashion.

    In case there was any doubt, we note that international institutions like the United Nations cannot be counted on at all, that the double standards against Israel and the cynicism of much of the international community are irretrievable, and that the rest of the accidental countries They will offer their sympathy and formal solidarity as they continue to finance the criminals who beheaded children, raped women, burned families, tortured children in front of their parents, murdered parents in front of their children and kidnapped 240 people, some of them babies. .

    We have harshly remembered, in short, that we cannot lose any war, because it would be the last. That we only have to count on ourselves to defend ourselves. And I hear very little of the complaints of those who do not seem to tolerate the fact that Jews do not allow themselves to be slaughtered gratuitously. That appeasement and containment was a mistake. That our enemies only seek our total destruction and are deeply committed to achieving that goal. And that is why our only option is a decisive victory that destroys them, at least for a generation.

    Acknowledgments: sincere gratitude

    Writing this book was a difficult experience, especially since it coincided with the Simchat Torah war, which originated from the abhorrent and monstrous acts carried out by the Hamas-ISIS terrorist group. I am immensely grateful to the following people and organizations who have played a crucial role in the creation of this book:



    I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the following people and organizations who have played a vital role in the creation of this book. Their support, guidance and contributions have been invaluable in shaping its content and bringing it to life.

    Bar Ilan University:

    - Professor Michael Ehrlich: I am deeply grateful for your unwavering support and guidance throughout the entire writing process. Their experience and knowledge have greatly enriched this book.

    The Jewish Agency:

    - Revitale Einstein, Natalia Sidon and Ella Mirzaib: I extend my sincere gratitude to each of you for your valuable contributions and assistance. Their diverse perspectives and understandings have been indispensable in providing a comprehensive vision.

    Directors of the Jewish Community of Chile:

    - Ariela Agosin, Daphne Englander, Gabriel Silber and Grace Agosin: I express my gratitude for your role in providing knowledge and perspectives of the Jewish community of Chile. Their support and collaboration have been essential to capturing the essence of their experiences.

    Community of Chileans in Israel:

    - Gabriel Colodro, Hernán López, Daniel Weinstein and Sivan Gobrin: I want to extend my deep gratitude to each of you from the community of Chileans in Israel. Their unwavering support and encouragement have been invaluable in shedding light on the experiences of Chileans living in Israel.

    My wife, Pamela Werbin:

    - I would like to acknowledge the incredible support and assistance provided by my wife, Pamela Werbin, throughout the entire process. Their unwavering dedication and faith in this project have been a constant source of motivation and inspiration.

    Denise Mahías:

    - I express my most sincere gratitude to Denise Mahias for her invaluable help in editing the book and in shaping its content. His keen eye for detail and insightful suggestions have contributed significantly to its overall quality.

    Dariela Farcas:

    - I would like to extend my thanks to Dariela Farcas, the talented designer behind the captivating book cover design. Their creativity and attention to detail have brought the vision of the book to life.

    My mother, Clara Guendelman:

    - I would like to express my gratitude to my mother, Clara Guendelman, for her help with the translation and her continued support. Their unwavering faith in this project has been a guiding force.

    The Farcas Guendelman family

    - I extend my sincere thanks and gratitude to my parents, Alberto and Clara, and my siblings, David, Alan and Claudia. His unwavering commitment to Israel and his support of this project have been a constant source of inspiration.

    Individuals and organizations promoting Israel:

    - Ron Brumner: Thank you for your leadership in the fight against the new anti-Semitism and the BDS movement.

    - Miriam Feinberg: I ​​express my sincere gratitude to you for your steadfast defense of Israel's right to exist and live in peace.

    - MK Shareen Haskel: I am grateful for your tireless efforts to promote a better understanding of Israel's actions and strengthen relations with the world.

    - Rony Kaplan and Gabriel Chocron: Thank you for providing visitors with invaluable information about the complex situation on the ground, helping to show the real Israel.

    - Gabriel Zaliasnik: I would like to express my deep gratitude to you for your invaluable contributions as one of the most talented Jewish leaders.

    - Sergio Herzcovich: We greatly appreciate your commitment to Jewish education as a means to meet the challenge of explaining the truth about Israel.

    - Claudio Epelman: Thank you for your constant presence and contributions to the cause of Israel as leader of the Latin American Jewish Congress.

    Academic collaborators:

    - Lesley Klaff: I am grateful for your excellent work, particularly in the fight against anti-Semitism. Their dedication and experience have been invaluable in shaping the narrative of this book.

    Media contributors:

    - Miguel Steuerman: Thank you for your efforts on Argentine radio Jai to explain Israel's positions and combat anti-Semitism.

    - Federico Treguer: I recognize your leadership in the newspaper Aurora de México and your commitment to combat prejudices and promote understanding.

    Non-Jewish advocates:

    - Pilar Rahola and Luciano Mondino: I would like to recognize their unwavering commitment in Spain to combat an increasingly anti-Semitic environment. Their dedication to combating prejudice and promoting understanding is truly commendable.

    In conclusion, I extend my sincere thanks to each and every one mentioned in this book. Your support, guidance and contributions have been invaluable. This book would not have been possible without their dedication and belief in its importance. I am truly grateful for everything you have done.

    Chapter 1: Anti-Semitism in history: the terrible and painful past of the Jewish people

    Anti-Semitism has been a sad reality, which has marked an important part of the history of the Jewish people.

    Analyzing and understanding the roots, manifestations and consequences of this form of discrimination, as well as highlighting the importance of eradicating it in today's society, is a moral imperative.

    Anti-Semitism has its roots in ancient times and peaked during the Middle Ages and World War II. During the Middle Ages, Jews were subject to persecution and expulsions in Europe, being accused of being responsible for the death of Jesus and of conspiring against Christians. These unfounded accusations led to the creation of Jewish ghettos and the enactment of discriminatory laws.

    The constant persecutions and expulsions were a long and terrible experience. The darkest points in the history of anti-Semitism are found in the Inquisition and, in the last century, in the Holocaust, in which six million Jews were murdered by the Nazi regime. This genocide left an indelible mark on the history and collective memory of the Jewish people. The Holocaust is irrefutable proof of the cruelty and hatred that can arise when anti-Semitism is allowed to take root in a society.

    Anti-Semitism has not only manifested itself in acts of physical violence, but also in social, economic and political discrimination. Over the centuries, Jews have been excluded from certain jobs, denied access to education, and unfairly blamed for economic and political problems. These discriminatory attitudes have perpetuated negative stereotypes and generated a climate of hatred and distrust towards the Jewish people.

    From ancient times to the Holocaust, Jews have been victims of discrimination, persecution and genocide.

    The truth is that every crisis in the Middle East proves him right. According to Bernard Henry Levy, "Anti-Semitism is a poison that spreads through different contexts and justifications, but which always has the same result: the demonization and persecution of Jews. To deny this is not only ignorant, but also dangerous. (72)

    Richard L. Rubinstein argues that anti-Semitism has its roots in human history and has manifested itself in different ways over the centuries. Rubinstein argues that hostility toward Jews is based on a combination of religious, economic and political factors, and has resurfaced in times of geopolitical upheaval, such as conflicts in the Middle East.

    And by the way, it should be remembered, a powerful voice in the fight against anti-Semitism. Elie Wiesel, Holocaust survivor and Nobel Peace Prize winner, dedicated his

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