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Why Do They Hide The Ufos From You?
Why Do They Hide The Ufos From You?
Why Do They Hide The Ufos From You?
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Why Do They Hide The Ufos From You?

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Learn how the dispute for power and money might be behind the systematic concealment of cases involving UFOs. Hiding from the public every occurrence involving UFOs has been a constant practice adopted by authorities all over the world through the last decades. The outcome of this strategy is that many people do not even believe in their existence. What could be the difference of perspective that makes some of the most powerful men in the planet consider this subject as one of the most important, which would justify to bury the cases in secret files, whereas the majority of people see it as a nonsense or a joking? This book intends to offer its readers a new perspective and a more objective look into these cases. The same look and the same seriousness with which some of the most powerful people in the world see them.
Release dateJul 31, 2016
Why Do They Hide The Ufos From You?

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    Why Do They Hide The Ufos From You? - Carlos Mancini


    This book is not aimed only at those already acquainted with its subject, ufology enthusiasts, but it is also a book for those who, despite finding it to be interesting and somewhat intriguing, tackle it with skepticism when meeting with the usual approach of this theme by many other works. For this reason, supplementary to the main topics that comprise this work, the chapters XI, XII and XIII will introduce some of the most common questions about this subject, which are very frequent among those who see it with certain timidness.

    The happenings and supposed happenings accounted in this book are based solely on facts that are either officially recognized by authorities, or that, despite being denied by them, are sufficiently supported by evidence and testimonies, indicating their plausibility – although such evidence is often concealed for reasons which will hopefully be elucidated by this work. Based on these happenings, this book develops a logic integrated with conjectures that are objective, practical and observable, having no relation with fantastic and spectacular conclusions commonly presented in other works about this subject. All evidences, facts, and supposed happenings documented in this book are of public knowledge, and anyone interested enough to deepen into any of the occurrences exposed here will have no trouble finding a vast material available along with discussions about the most polemic and controversial of them. This book hasn’t the intent or pretension to dive into any investigative process about any of those cases; it concentrates on the meaning behind the facts and happenings, lighting the possible bonds and connections between them, which most of the time remain unnoticed by people. My only intent with this work is to demonstrate those connections and present my opinions about what I believe they mean.

    It is important to clarify that I’m not an ufologist, as none of my academic life went to this direction. I consider myself merely as someone interested in this subject, a curious researcher and observer.

    I. The UFO issue may be way more important than we normally presume.

    Talking about UFOs nowadays may bring us a sense of approaching a theme enveloped by fantasy that would hardly be worth the attention of any serious person. But this issue may, perhaps, be directly connected to the daily lives of humanity as a whole, even though the vast people’s majority has no conscience about it.

    Almost all of us have opinions about phenomena of this sort; some may have personally experienced unexplainable things and cultivated their own conclusions, and others prefer to combine this matter with religious or esoteric questions. And these opinions are normally based on the scarce, lacking material available in books and in publications made by the press specialized in this field. Materials that may not be reliable and, in some cases, carry along with them a great deal of sensationalism, be it when interviewing people that claim to have witnessed this kind of event, or in elaborated documentaries made by big television networks that never fully confirm or deny anything. Quite the contrary, these shows generally introduce fantastic and spectacular cinematographic simulations; some of them astoundingly crude, and some of them impolite and even absurd.

    This variety in approaches to the topic results in many people choosing to step aside from it. Although aware that many unexplained things are apparently taking place, people are continuously clouded by the doubt of whether those facts are really related to some kind of extraterrestrial intelligence or not.

    The impression that reaches the public in general is that there are no dedicated and serious enough scientists studying these happenings; therefore, leading to the feeling that so little is known, as it isn’t something to be taken seriously, so the supposed occurrences may in the end be no more than the result of pure invention. The few scientists who occasionally talk about this subject do not dedicate themselves exclusively to it and often seem to appeal to pure speculation, enlarging even more the sense that so little or nothing at all is known about this matter.

    But even though not acknowledged by most people, there is a group of specialists and scientists dedicated exclusively to studies of this sort. They are mostly physicists, biologists and chemists, and many of them represent the most brilliant minds of our time. For some mysterious reason, they never come to public to talk about their experiences and studies or to comment on any of those inexplicable happenings, making them and their work completely unknown.

    Hiding cases related to UFOs from the public has been a constant practice adopted by authorities all over the world through the last decades. All of us are acquainted with cases full of negations and affirmative statements at the same time, leaving behind the impression that there may be more to them than we get to know. Even after thousands of cases being reported across the world, no concrete and irrefutable proof was admitted by any of them to this day; a clear sign that the authorities have been succeeding in this particular matter. As consequence, many prefer to ridicule those interested in ufology, while not few of the most powerful people in the world treat this subject with utmost seriousness.

    This is of such importance to some of them that in the past decades it has been the central topic of numerous meetings involving presidents of the most powerful nations. Not only that; the UFO issue has already been subject of countless espionage operations, mainly during the period of the World War II and the Cold War, between American and Soviet. And it doesn’t stop there – To this day, some nations spend a very significant amount of their annual revenue to attend to this matter.

    Considering some of the most powerful men in the planet recognize this matter to be important, whereas the majority of the population face it as joke material, what could be the reason of such difference in perspective? There is no doubt this divergence is connected to what each of these groups know about the gravity and value of what is in question. As we’ll see further in this book, this knowledge has been expressly omitted from common people.

    Through the last decades, the most usual way employed to omit this kind of information has been the concealment of all existing records in archives restrict to public access. For reasons not yet made clear, most of the core nations keep these files in secrecy, as they bear information about thousands of cases, some of which are quoted in this work.

    These files are handled and controlled primarily by the military forces and intelligence agencies of the countries holding them. Many nations have already publicly admitted the existence of files regarding UFOs and even opened some of them to the public. The fact that these files actually exist, that they are in the hands of these specifically institutions, and the fact these authorities prevent public access to the most of them; induces us to a series of questions for which no convincing and credible answer was ever given by those who are responsible for keeping them.

    What could be the obscure relation between national security affairs of core nations and the cases regarding UFOs?

    What could be the real intent of the authorities, which drove them to create and keep secret files on this specific subject?

    Why are these files among the few kept in such secrecy in some countries, especially the ones that refuse to admit their existence? And why would it be legal to maintain them indefinitely inaccessible?

    Why is it so important to keep the public from acknowledging those cases?

    What is it the world powers have to fear in case those files were opened to the mass public?

    Why is the attitude from authorities all over the world the same when it comes to this subject? Is this just a coincidence?

    Why some American presidents promised, in the middle of their campaigns, that, if elected, they would liberate those files; but after they were elected, they not only didn’t that, but some have never even touched upon this subject again?

    Why could it be that, even after thousands of inexplicable events being registered, the official stance of these authorities continue to be that of denying any possibility whatsoever of the existence and evidence of the presence of extraterrestrial intelligence in our planet?

    Even though we could imagine the elucidation to such questions to be distant from the reach of any common human being, they may be simpler than people think. Many traces, reports and evidences indicates that the main reason causing the characteristic posture of the authorities is the same that drove plenty, if not all, of the most important happenings in our planet over the last millenniums: The struggle for power and money.

    It may, at first glance, not seem like both subjects have a strong relationship, but a profounder and more delicate analysis of them might easily steer to a much more intimate connection than people normally imagine. The fight for power and for money may be behind the systematic concealment of all cases involving unidentified flying objects through the last decades.

    This book bears the chief purpose of offering to its readers a new perspective and a different approach to this subject. This different point of view may take us to new reflections and some of the probable answers to all of the questions exposed above. This different approach could bring us closer to the way of looking that the most powerful people in the globe have regarding the UFOs matter.

    II. Why UFOs may be part of the gold rush of the XX and XXI centuries?

    After thousands of years of human existence, it was only a few decades ago that people would ask a question that would change the world as we knew it until then: What would it represent for any nation to have access to extraterrestrial technology, if it were possible?

    Surely, our visitors bear a technology ages ahead of ours. In case one of their vessels fell in our planet, those who managed to obtain its debris might hold in hands the possibility of unraveling some of their many secrets and advancements. They could study, understand and copy at least part of that technology, opening path to a myriad of new scientific prospects. They would also have access to biological remains, material that would be of utmost relevance in scientific research; that is, granted the crashed vessel brought a crew with it. And even better it would be if they could recover this crew alive; were it possible to do so, besides studying their physiology and biology, it would also be possible to investigate their habits, customs, forms of communication, language, and, who knows, maybe we might even be able to communicate with these beings. If this were feasible, a clearer comprehension of their equipment and the technology of their vessels could be achieved, as well as the elucidation of some of the countless questions about all that remains unknown to us. Definitely the access to this kind of material would allow the abbreviation of decades or even centuries of research if we were to compare with the time that would be needed for the same paths and solutions to be found and thought of, or even for the same results to be achieved, without having as a stepping stone such source of information. Consequently, having available a similar source would fling any state ahead of any competitor or adversary; nations would rise to become protagonists of a huge number of important discoveries over the years. This source of research would surely earn a great number of patents and an incalculable amount of royalties for the nation in possession of it for many years, lifting it to a technologically advanced position unreachable by any other, at least not before decades or centuries passed by. In other words, it would result in the technological and economic hegemony for a long period of time for the ones in contact with this mysterious fountain of information.

    The analysis of a series of reports and events that occurred in the 20th century suggests that some people indeed started asking the questions above some decades ago. It suggests also that similar questions that were once thought to be simple hypothesis and possibilities turned out to be part of the real world, and it’s this reality that may lead to the true reason responsible for the careful concealment of these events from the eyes of the public. To disclose that a nation had access to alien wreckage or biology would force this nation to share with the world all research based on this material. In case they were to partake the research with others, no exclusive benefits would be retained; hence, not allowing them to outrun any commercial competition or rivalry. By analyzing events from our contemporary history, we will be able to find evidence that certain groups of people realized the importance of this line of thought.

    Events and information suggests that the modern history of this subject started being written in the third decade of the last century, and the first ones to put these questions were the Germans apparently. At the moment Hitler became a serious concern for the rest of the world – by initiating the manufacture of mass weaponry and by making clear he could at any time attack other countries –, it didn’t take long for Germany to become the central target of all intelligence agencies from those considered developed countries at that time: among them, the biggest European powers, the United States and the Soviet Union; their main objective being to obtain, through espionage, every possible detail of Nazi activity. Somewhere between the end of the third decade and the beginning of the fourth, information arrived about the intent of Hitler to develop what the Nazis called the Wonder Weapons – or wunderwaffe, in German –, which were regarded to as highly secret projects by them. In the midst of those secret weapons were the flying bombs V1 and V2, the first missiles in history.

    It is hard to specify with precision the moment this happened during those years, but it is certain that the intelligence agencies found evidence that one of the Wonder Weapon projects, in which the Germans had been secretly working on, was about the development of a supposed anti-gravitational propulsion system, which they named The Bell (Die Glocke in German). The name was supposedly given considering the appearance of the device, as it was similar to a big bell. This project was being developed inside an underground facility in West Germany close to a mine named Wenceslaus, near the border with the old Czechoslovakia, now named Czech Republic. They had information that the inspiration for this project could have originated from the research of an extraterrestrial vessel’s debris obtained by the Nazis, and also that this debris was being utilized as base to the development of this supposed Wonder Weapon.

    Although there are few reports about it, not much speculation is necessary to imagine the commotion that this kind of information should have caused. By then, many already had plain consciousness that no matter how absurd any information like that might seem to be, it should never be overlooked. Even the ones disregarding this possibility for its absurdity were alert, compelled to face this issue as a real threat of unprecedented kind. It would culminate in an unthinkable advantage if a technology like this were to be developed by them. And besides, the vision of this technology falling upon the hands of a leader like Hitler rouse dread into the whole scenario.

    It’s likely easy to deduce that, after receiving this information, overflowing interest would rise toward this subject, causing people to immediately start acting. It would be necessary, at any cost, to stop – or at least slow down by any means – the progress of Hitler’s projects; an endeavor done by attempting to intercept and destroy any kind of supply sent to the locations where those projects were developed, and also by trying to identify, locate and neutralize the scientists responsible for them. The lost time would as well need to be recovered by trying to obtain, as much as they could, detailed information about German projects in order to immediately commence the development of similar gadgets, and, if possible, conclude them before the Germans.

    The Germans couldn’t conclude that project before their defeat, and there is no account that any other nation has achieved success in any project similar to that at that time. After the end of the war, albeit Hitler had demanded all remains of highly secret projects to be destroyed before they fell in enemy hands, remnant pieces of them were found at the mentioned underground facilities; however, those who found it kept the fact in secrecy. Today the place where the project Die Glocke was developed is a frequently visited place, although there isn’t much left to see that is directly related to the project.

    This episode seems to have marked the beginning of a towering interest of some countries on this subject at the middle of the last century, and it unfolded a series of other events aiming to place those countries ahead of all enemies when it came to knowledge and development of whatever was possible based on this otherworldly source. Thus, maintaining ahead of the enemies became crucial; marked by this episode, this subject became secret, to

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