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Wendy Witchspell and The Furious Fairies: Wendy Witchspell, #3
Wendy Witchspell and The Furious Fairies: Wendy Witchspell, #3
Wendy Witchspell and The Furious Fairies: Wendy Witchspell, #3
Ebook56 pages41 minutes

Wendy Witchspell and The Furious Fairies: Wendy Witchspell, #3

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Wendy arrives at Witchspell Manor for the summer holidays only to discover the fairies are waiting for the Witchspell family book of spells and incantations. What do the fairies want with it and who will Wendy encounter next? 

Publisherkelly Hambly
Release dateDec 30, 2023
Wendy Witchspell and The Furious Fairies: Wendy Witchspell, #3

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    Book preview

    Wendy Witchspell and The Furious Fairies - kelly Hambly

    Chapter One

    Today’s the start of the summer holidays and I’m off to my aunts for the entire six weeks. She says she has new ghosts that have settled in the attic and I’m not sure I want to share a room with them. Apparently, they arrived with a new set of wooden antique furniture she bought from a charity shop in town, and they’ve been causing all sorts of bother to the paranormal investigators. One even went as far as saying she has something ‘he has never sensed before’ in the cellar on his YouTube video and I’m dreading to find out what it is. What I’m dreading even more is facing the pesky fairies from my last visit. I didn’t tell Auntie I made a bargain with them to get the Bigfoot back home and I conveniently left without loaning them the Witchspell family book of spells and incantations. Hopefully, they’ll have forgotten. Fingers crossed.

    For summer it’s pretty miserable out. I arrive at Witchspell Manor to a downpour of rain and a carpark full of cars. It seems Auntie’s ghost hunting business is still doing well, perhaps even more so thanks to our second investigation into Bigfoot. Most of the footage was hazy, and we barely caught a glimpse of the Bigfoot to show anyone (Elijah had told us they affect electrical equipment) but that didn’t bother anyone and seems to have brought in a whole new clientele for her as people from all over the world are now taking hiking holidays in the Black Mountains searching for Bigfoot! I dare not tell them it’s very unlikely now as they’ve all been returned to where they come from, but there are other things still roaming the place and I often wonder what we’ll bump into next. Just as long as it isn’t more fairies!

    Upon walking into the manor, I’m greeted with the hustle and bustle of visitors going about their business. I’m glad at this point they’re human and not the dead kind. Hauling my case and Saturn, my cat, into the hallway I see Auntie coming down the spiral staircase, all dressed in black as usual but with a distressed look upon her face.

    ‘Glad you’re here, Wend,’ she says rushing up to me. I dread to think what has happened now, but nothing she could tell me would surprise me about this place. I often wonder if I’ve heard and seen it all already, but this place seems to have an element of surprise to it whenever I visit. She ushers me into the library feigning a smile and saying a ‘hello’ to people as she passed. Whatever was wrong she didn’t want anyone else to know about it.

    ‘What is it?’ I ask, putting Saturn down on the sofa. I sniff at this point detecting the whiff of polish. Finally, she’s cleaned the place, I think. I used to feel sorry for the books that were in bookshelves all around the room. Some going back as far as the thirteenth century!

    ‘It’s missing!’  She gets very animated and waves her hands around as if I’m supposed to know what she’s talking about.

    ‘Does anyone in the family have telepathy?’ I ask. ‘Because if so, it may have skipped a generation – jeez, what are you talking about. I can’t read minds!’

    ‘The Witchspell Book of Spells and Incantations. It’s missing!’

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