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Soldier’s Sanctuary: Honor Valley Romances, #9
Soldier’s Sanctuary: Honor Valley Romances, #9
Soldier’s Sanctuary: Honor Valley Romances, #9
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Soldier’s Sanctuary: Honor Valley Romances, #9

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In a world of duty and promises, can love be the strongest vow?


Retired JAG officer, Zander Newman finds his orderly world turned upside down when he promises his dying business partner to care for the child he never knew about. But when Zander meets the kid, he'll find that she's a full grown woman who makes his hardened heart skip beats. 


Bridget Holton, raised by a single mother and battling the challenges of an autoimmune disease. When she arrives in Honor Valley seeking answers about her past, she'll find her life irrevocably intertwined with her late-father's business partner whose heated touch makes her want to grasp for a future she never imagined possible.


As Zander and Bridget enter into a marriage of convenience to fulfill Jay's dying wish, their arrangement begins as a mere formality. But as they navigate the complexities of small-town life and the intricacies of Bridget's illness, a deeper connection blossoms. Can Zander and Bridget overcome the ghosts of their pasts and the obstacles in their present to build a future together? Or will their relationship crumble under the weight of unspoken promises and hidden truths?

Soldier's Sanctuary is a heartwarming small town military romance that explores the power of love, growth, and healing. With the age gap, office romance, and marriage of convenience tropes at its core, this story will sweep you away and leave you rooting for Bridget and Zander's happily ever after.

Release dateFeb 6, 2024
Soldier’s Sanctuary: Honor Valley Romances, #9

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    Book preview

    Soldier’s Sanctuary - Shanae Johnson


    Zander Newman stood in his office, the room buzzing with the subdued excitement of a hard-won victory. The walls, painted a calming shade of blue, were adorned with his law degrees and various accolades. But today, his accomplishments receded into the background, overshadowed by the promise of a new beginning. He extended his hand across the polished mahogany desk. His grip was firm as he shook hands with Mrs. Elkins, the matriarch of a prominent local family.

    Thank you, Mrs. Elkins. I assure you, entrusting your estate planning to Newman & Stanton Law is a decision you won't regret.

    Mrs. Elkins, her hair a silver halo around a face lined with the wisdom of years, smiled warmly. "I've heard nothing but good things about you, Mr. Newman. My Harold always said, That Zander, he's going places. I trust you'll handle everything with the discretion and expertise we need."

    This case was more than just a lucrative opportunity; it was a validation of his decision to return to Honor Valley, to give back to the community that had shaped him. As well as to pay homage to the mentor who had been instrumental in changing his life.

    Discretion and expertise are the cornerstones of our practice, Mrs. Elkins. Zander winced after realizing he'd once again said our. It was now just him. But that pill still wasn't easy to swallow. You can rest easy knowing your affairs are in good hands.

    The bell above the office door jingled softly as she departed, leaving Zander alone in the quiet aftermath. He nearly stumbled over a stack of papers on the floor. His last assistant had taken on a new position in the next town over. He'd need to fill that vacancy soon.

    He walked back to his desk, his footsteps echoing slightly on the hardwood floor. The office, usually a place of constant movement and legal jargon, was momentarily still, almost reverent.

    Zander’s gaze wandered to the window, where the quaint streets of Honor Valley lay basking in the golden hues of late afternoon. The town was a tapestry of memories, each corner holding a story from his youth. But it was in this office, among the legal tomes and files, that his future was being written.

    His eyes drifted to a picture on the wall. It was Jay Stanton, his mentor and former business partner. There were a number of pictures of the firm's founder on the wall. Jay in his uniform as a JAG. A younger version of Jay smiling broadly after getting his law degree. Even in the younger photograph, Jay's smile was as reassuring as ever, capturing that moment of triumph. Zander felt a lump form in his throat as he remembered Jay's unwavering belief in him, even in the most challenging times.

    Zander knew his mentor would be proud of his latest accomplishment. The legacy he'd left behind, this firm he'd built from the ground up, was going places. Zander had plans to expand.

    The room felt charged with Jay's presence, as if he were standing there, nodding in approval. Zander knew that every step he took from here on out was not just for himself but also in honor of the man who had helped shape his path.

    A mix of sadness and resolve settled in Zander's heart. Yes, he would expand the firm, take on bigger cases, and make a name for himself. But more than that, he would uphold the values Jay had instilled in him—integrity, compassion, and a relentless pursuit of justice.

    Zander's eyes lingered on the last picture taken of Jay. It had been of the two of them together, the day Zander came onboard as a partner in the law firm. The image of himself standing beside his late partner and mentor evoked both respect and melancholy. Shifting his gaze, Zander focused on the edge of his desk where a thin folder lay—a symbol of a promise yet to be fulfilled.

    The folder, handed over by the private investigator he'd hired, contained a sparse collection of documents. He opened it, revealing a few faded photographs, a handful of notes scrawled in hurried handwriting, and a list of potential leads that seemed more like dead ends. The photos were mostly of Jay in his younger years, some with unnamed friends at various gatherings, none providing any clear link to the child Jay had never known he had.

    As Zander rifled through the papers, the rustle of the pages echoed in the now-empty office. The setting sun cast a warm glow that illuminated specks of dust dancing in the air, a silent reminder of the passage of time. He felt the weight of responsibility heavy in his hands; each document was a piece of the puzzle he was desperately trying to solve.

    He would not let Jay down. He'd promised the dying man that he'd win this last case. He would keep that promise. He would find and take care of Jay's unknown child.

    Lost in thought, Zander barely heard the click

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