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The Fulness Of The Gentiles: Mystery Of Lifting The Partial Blindness
The Fulness Of The Gentiles: Mystery Of Lifting The Partial Blindness
The Fulness Of The Gentiles: Mystery Of Lifting The Partial Blindness
Ebook79 pages54 minutes

The Fulness Of The Gentiles: Mystery Of Lifting The Partial Blindness

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With this book, you will know exactly who they are, where they are, and what's about to happen; because their time is almost up!


You'll get into some DEEP and CONTROVERSIAL, but pure truth!!!



Release dateJan 26, 2024
The Fulness Of The Gentiles: Mystery Of Lifting The Partial Blindness

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    The Fulness Of The Gentiles - Collins Wasilwa


    Without the encouragement, the love, the sacrifice and the prayers of my parents, Ken and Eva, this book would not have been written. 


    Who Are The Gentiles & What's Their Role In Bible Prophecy?

    Who Are The Gentiles In The Bible?

    Does the term Gentiles refer to all non Jews or is that just the lie we've been sold to cover up the truth? Who were the Gentiles and where are they now? What role do they play in Bible prophecy and where are we at on the prophetic countdown clock?

    Believe it or not, the Bible tells us exactly who the Gentiles are, where they are, and what's about to happen when their time is up... and unfortunately it is too often ignored because the majority of church doctrine is centered around making one specific group of people feel comfortable, while pushing lies to the rest of the world. We're about to get into some DEEP and CONTROVERSIAL, but pure Biblical truth, in this multi part series.

    Everyone In The Bible Had A Race

    Those in denial of the truth claim it's racist to call white people white and black people black, but the fact of life is that EVERYONE is born into a flesh and blood body that has a race.

    •  If it's not racist for white Bible teachers to falsely teach that Cain was cursed with black skin, then its certainly not racist for black Bible teachers to point out that Gentiles are Europeans in scripture.

    •  If it's not racist for white Christian film companies to cast white people to play roles of people described as looking like Egyptians, then it's not racist to call those choices lies and deception meant to further make white people feel better and deceive everyone else.

    •  The same people that call this study racist are often conservative voters that couldn't see the real racism of the Republican Party in front of their faces. They seem to think it's only racism if people point them as the bad guys and not Arabs, Mexicans, or black people.

    Anyone reading this is free to make any FALSE claim they want, but if they aren't saying the same things when white teachers insert other races WITHOUT a shred of Biblical backing, then what they say to those of us rightly dividing the word of truth is irrelevant.

    Prophecy and The Gentiles

    There were two Bible verses that really inspired me to look into who the Gentiles are, according the Bible. I've heard many people teach on these verses, and I couldn't shake the feeling that the information was just being repeated, but not actually researched (myself included). Here are the verses:

    Verse 1 - The Gentiles and Jerusalem

    And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled. - Luke 21:24

    Verse 2 - The Fullness of The Gentiles

    For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fullness of the Gentiles be come in. - Romans 11:25

    Reading those two verses led to several observations and even more questions:

    •  In verse 1, we see that Jerusalem will be trodden down by Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles is fulfilled or completed. But was the times of the Gentiles really fulfilled in 1967 during the Six Days War, or are we still looking at the Gentile occupation of Jerusalem?

    •  In verse 2 we see that the partial blindness of Israel is only temporary, and will be lifted after the fullness of the Gentiles is come in. What does that really mean, and what specifically would the blindness of Israel encompass?

    Whatever the answers to these questions are, they do seem to be connected. In Luke, Christ connects the fulfillment of the time of the Gentiles to the end of the age. That leads us to the first big question:

    Has the time of the Gentiles been fulfilled?

    Break out your pens, papers, styluses, etc, and let's get down to some good ol' fashioned intense Bible study. In order to answer all of the above questions, we first need to figure out who the Gentiles are.

    The Definition of Gentiles

    •  Gentile: often capitalized : a person of a non-Jewish nation or of non-Jewish faith; especially : a Christian as distinguished from a Jew. - Merriam Webster

    When the subject of Gentiles is brought up, the above definition seems to be everyone's default answer. According to the world, the Gentiles are anyone not

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