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Kangaroo and Jumping Stilts
Kangaroo and Jumping Stilts
Kangaroo and Jumping Stilts
Ebook71 pages10 minutes

Kangaroo and Jumping Stilts

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This captivating children's fairy tale follows the heartwarming journey of Dandy, a kangaroo who escapes from an American zoo, and Eric, a young boy with a dream of mastering jumping stilts.

When Dandy escapes the confines of the zoo one fateful night, he encounters Eric, a boy filled with determination but struggling to succeed in his passion for jumping stilts. Recognizing Eric's love for jumping and seeing the unique opportunity to lend a helping paw, Dandy decides to become Eric's mentor and teach him the secrets of successful jumping.

As Dandy shares his incredible jumping abilities with Eric, the young boy discovers newfound confidence and begins to realize his dream of becoming a professional jumper. With Dandy's guidance, Eric learns to embrace the thrill of jumping and develops a deep trust in his instincts.

But their journey doesn't end there. Using their remarkable jumping skills, Dandy and Eric rally together to rescue a group of trapped animals from a flooded animal shelter, showcasing the power of teamwork, compassion, and using their abilities for the greater good.


PublisherMax Marshall
Release dateDec 23, 2023
Kangaroo and Jumping Stilts

Max Marshall

Max Marshall creates stories that transport readers to far-off lands, immersing them in rich cultures and inviting them to experience the full spectrum of human emotion. Nestled within the pages of countless masterpieces lies a writer whose name evokes thoughts of passion, creativity, and boundless imagination. With an elegant command of language and a deep understanding of the human soul, this writer creates characters whose triumphs and struggles resonate deeply with readers of all ages.

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    Book preview

    Kangaroo and Jumping Stilts - Max Marshall


    This captivating children's fairy tale follows the heartwarming journey of Dandy, a kangaroo who escapes from an American zoo, and Eric, a young boy with a dream of mastering jumping stilts.

    When Dandy escapes the confines of the zoo one fateful night, he encounters Eric, a boy filled with determination but struggling to succeed in his passion for jumping stilts. Recognizing Eric's love for jumping and seeing the unique opportunity to lend a helping paw, Dandy decides to become Eric's mentor and teach him the secrets of successful jumping.

    As Dandy shares his incredible jumping abilities with Eric, the young boy discovers newfound confidence and begins to realize his dream of becoming a professional jumper. With Dandy's guidance, Eric learns to embrace the thrill of jumping and develops a deep trust in his instincts.

    But their journey doesn't end there. Using their remarkable jumping skills, Dandy and Eric rally together to rescue a group of trapped animals from a flooded animal shelter, showcasing the power of teamwork, compassion, and using their abilities for the greater good.

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