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Archive 99 Volume 1-2
Archive 99 Volume 1-2
Archive 99 Volume 1-2
Ebook150 pages1 hour

Archive 99 Volume 1-2

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About this ebook

"Archive 99" is a collection of compelling and engaging stories that challenge the frontiers of reality as we know it. Each tale is a journey through the infinite possibilities of the universe, exploring distant worlds, confronting the unknown and prompting us to reflect on our position in the immensity of the cosmos.

Volume 1-2

Release dateJan 3, 2024
Archive 99 Volume 1-2

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    Archive 99 Volume 1-2 - James Logan

    A lie is like a snowball; the more it rolls, the more it grows. - Sir Walter Scott.



    1 - The citadel of the dead 2 - The desert

    3  - Evasion

    4  - Falling

    6  - Anomaly

    7  - Abduction

    8  - Captive Fury

    9  - Dark Reflections 10 - Despertar

    11 - A Hero's Awakening 12 - Recovery Mission

    The citadel of the dead


    In the heart of the Swan Nebula, floated the USG Nan- gaa, a behemoth of steel and silicon nearly two kilome- ters long. A clever combination of mechanical enginee- ring, particle physics and computer science had helped make it a PlanetCracker Ship-Drill, the pride of Corpora- tion Concordance Extraction's fleet.

    Dispatched to investigate the disappearance of the Nan- gaa, the USG Kellion, a Valor-class ship, was in the charge of Flight Lieutenant John Carver. Although he was known for his gruff and reserved nature, Carver was respected by his colleagues for his keen insight and per- severance. His training in space engineering and xenoar- chaeology, along with an innate ability to solve pro- blems, had made him a figurehead for his team.


    Carver's team consisted of three space engineering spe- cialists. The communications engineer, Sarah Vasquez, was an expert in cryptography and information theory, with a special talent for deciphering the most intricate

    communication systems. Despite her young age, her ex- pertise and courage were unquestionable.

    Alex Chen, the systems engineer, was known for his calm disposition and endless patience. His ability to ana- lyze and solve complex problems in the shortest possible time was legendary within the team. When he was not solving problems, he loved to study astrophysics and co- smology.

    The last member of the team, Ravi Singh, was the struc- tural engineer. Notoriously stoic, Ravi had an exceptio- nal ability to focus even in the most stressful situations. His understanding of advanced materials and complex structures was crucial to maintaining Kellion's structural integrity.

    As they approached Nangaa's last known position, the tension aboard the Kellion increased. They did not know what awaited them. But they were ready to do every- thing they could to find out and, if possible, rescue their shipmates on the Nangaa. Guided by Carver's determina- tion and backed by their specialized skills, they were ready to face whatever challenges they would encounter.

    Through the Kellion's armored windshield, the Nangaa looked like an inert giant in the darkness of space. The

    PlanetCracker ship lay silent and dark, the only sign of its existence was the shadow it cast on the giant unknown star it was about to pierce.

    Carver watched, his eyes fixed on the dead mass of Nan- gaa. The absence of lights or any sign of activity was troubling. The image contrasted sharply with his pre- vious experiences on operational ships, always bustling with activity.

    Prepare for docking, Carver ordered, trying to keep his voice steady.

    Sarah Vasquez managed to connect to Nangaa's automa- ted docking system. A weak and unstable connection, but enough to ensure a safe docking. The Kellion vibra- ted as the docking arms hooked into its structure. Fee- ling the slight chill through the ship's metal floor brought a shadow of reality to what until then had seemed like a nightmare.

    As Carver and his team prepared to enter the Nangaa, they donned protective space suits. The suits were equip- ped with RCS (Reaction Control System) thrusters for mobility in weightlessness, life support systems to pro- vide oxygen and regulate temperature, and a magnetic energy shield to protect the crew from space radiation.

    The opening of the docking doors seemed to take an eternity. Each metallic squeak amplified by the echo in the empty corridor added to the suspense. The light from the Kellion's corridor slowly penetrated the darkness of the Nangaa, revealing the empty, silent corridors. It was as if the ship was a ghost, a faded memory of what it once was.

    The corridors seemed intact, there were no obvious signs of damage or struggle. But the absence of life, the ab- sence of noise was eerie. Walking through the silent cor- ridors, lit only by the lights of their suits, was like wal- king through a graveyard. A chill ran through Carver de- spite the insulation of his suit.

    With the professionalism that only years of experience can give, Carver and his team split up, trying to cover as much ground as possible. Sarah and Alex headed for the communications room, hoping to reset systems to get more information. Ravi and Carver, on the other hand, headed toward the command deck, hoping to find clues to the situation.

    The suspense increased with each step they took. Every shadow seemed to hide a danger, every silence seemed too heavy. But there was no alternative. They had to keep moving forward, exploring, searching. They did

    not know what awaited them. But they were ready to do everything they could to find out.

    As they advanced through the dark corridors of the Nan- gaa, Carver and Ravi arrived at the bridge deck. The place that had once been the epicenter of the ship's fre- netic activity was now a heap of shadows and silence.

    The bridge's light displays were off, the seats empty, the air heavy with the smell of fear and death.

    Suddenly, a sound jolted them. A human cry, a cry of fear and pain. Carver rushed toward the source of the sound, Ravi in his wake. Arriving in a large cargo room, they found a nightmarish scene. The floor was covered with blood, and in the center, a member of the Nangaa crew lay in agony, his body torn by wounds that did not appear to be of human origin.

    In the shadows, something moved. Carver pointed the flashlight of his suit and revealed a hideous creature, a living nightmare. It had a vaguely human shape, but it was distorted, its limbs were unnaturally elongated, and its body was covered with a yellowish, viscous sub- stance. This was a Mocha.

    As Ravi tried to help the injured crew member, Carver confronted the creature. Using his Plasma Cutter, a high-

    energy tool used to cut metal at the atomic level, he ma- naged to destroy the creature. But the quiet was short-li- ved.

    The radio in his suit came on with a message from Sa- rah. Carver, we have a problem. We have found more, many more. We can't handle them alone. We need...

    The message was interrupted by a cry. Followed by a si- lence. A silence that froze Carver's blood.

    What began as a rescue mission was quickly turning into a nightmare. Carver and his team were now trapped in a ship full of monstrous creatures, far from any help. Their only hope was to regroup, to use their wits and skills to find an escape route.

    But first, they had to survive. They had to face the horror that had awakened inside Nangaa. And they had to do it alone.

    Carver and Ravi rushed toward the communications room, hoping against hope that Sarah and Alex were still alive. As they made their way through the dark and si- lent corridors of the Nangaa, they ran into more Nangaa.

    Each encounter was a test of their skills and determina- tion. Each creature they defeated was a small step to- ward survival.

    When they

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