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Two Spirit Warrior
Two Spirit Warrior
Two Spirit Warrior
Ebook177 pages4 hours

Two Spirit Warrior

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About this ebook

Sonta has fulfilled her commitment to the army. Now it’s time to follow her dreams of striking out on her own in the wilderness of Utah. Her dreams appeared to be cut short when she was attacked and left for dead.
Takina, a shapeshifter, finds the wounded Sonta and teaches her to heal herself. Together, they travel to a new destination, forging a deep friendship along the way. On their travels they meet people who enrich their lives in ways they never knew possible.
Will this friendship lead to more, or will their paths go in separate directions when Sonta reaches her dream destination?

Release dateDec 31, 2023
Two Spirit Warrior

Ali Spooner

Ali Spooner is a native of Florida. She enjoys photography and most outdoor activities. Ali most enjoys writing about characters and settings that portray her love of the South.

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    Two Spirit Warrior - Ali Spooner

    Two Spirit Warrior

    Ali Spooner


    Back of the Book

    Sonta has fulfilled her commitment to the army. Now it’s time to follow her dreams of striking out on her own in the wilderness of Utah. Her dreams appeared to be cut short when she was attacked and left for dead.

    Takina, a shapeshifter, finds the wounded Sonta and teaches her to heal herself. Together, they travel to a new destination, forging a deep friendship along the way. On their travels they meet people who enrich their lives in ways they never knew possible.

    Will this friendship lead to more, or will their paths go in separate directions when Sonta reaches her dream destination?

    This novella focuses on the rich relationships that can be nurtured in an era when it was challenging to be a woman and indigenous with unique gifts from the creator.

    Two Spirit Warrior

    © 2024 by Ali Spooner

    Affinity E-Book Press NZ LTD.

    Canterbury, New Zealand

    First (1st) Edition


    ISBN: 978-1-99-104042-8 (EPUB)

    ISBN: 978-1-99-104043-5 (PDF)

    ISBN: 978-1-99-104044-2 (KINDLE)

    All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without the express permission of the author and publisher. Please note that piracy of copyrighted materials violates the author’s rights and is illegal.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, businesses, companies, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Editor: A Koenig

    Proof Editor: Lisa M

    Cover Photo: R MacKenzie

    Cover Design: Irish Dragon Designs

    Production Design: Affinity Publication Services


    I thank my fans for following my stories and providing great feedback and encouragement. Writing wouldn’t be so much fun without you. Thanks to Affinity, Irish Dragon, for the cover art and the team of editors, readers, and publishers who continue to help me grow as a writer.


    This book is dedicated to the readers who enjoy some shapeshifting in their romances.

    Also by Ali Spooner

    Single Books

    From the Cradle to the Stone

    Holy Water and Whiskey Scars

    The Ghost of East Texas

    The Trophy Wives Club

    The Bee Charmer

    Forever Home


    Back in the Saddle

    Open Your Heart

    South of Heaven

    Shotgun Rider

    The Settlement

    Love’s Playlist

    Cowgirl Up

    Twisted Lives

    The Epitaph

    Terminal Event

    Bailey’s Run


    The Island Series

    Neptune’s Ring

    Venus Rising

    The Hunter Series

    The Devil’s Tree


    Sasha Thibodaux Series


    Bayou Justice

    Line of Sight

    Strong Southern Women Series

    Diamond Dreams

    Gator Girlz

    True North


    Cast Iron Farm Series

    The Mountain Whispers

    The Star Child

    Soul on Fire

    Songwriters Series

    Six Strings and a Dream

    Midnight in Nashville

    Out and Loud

    Co-authored with Annette Mori

    Heart Strings Attached

    Free to Love

    Trouble in Paradise

    Co-Authored with K.L. Gallagher

    Hat Trick

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    Table of Contents

    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Chapter Eleven

    About the Author

    Other Books from Affinity

    Chapter One

    A soft, warm tongue against her face edged Sonta toward consciousness. Her head throbbed in pain as she attempted to remember how she came to be in this state. Sonta’s eyes began to creep open, but they refused to focus on the massive, dark figure beside her. She wasn’t conscious enough yet to move her limbs, but she felt something in her head, like a knocking on a door, different from the painful throbbing. It was familiar, but she hadn’t felt that sensation in years.

    You need to shift to heal, little sister. She heard the voice in her head. You’ve been shot. The speaker was female. But not one she recognized. The voice repeated. You need to shift to heal.

    For the last three years, Sonta had been employed by the United States Army as a tracker and scout. When her enlistment ended, Sonta was determined to find a place for a fresh start. She no longer felt at home with her tribe in North Dakota and was traveling to Utah. Her Army unit had tracked a band of outlaws into the deep canyons, and Sonta had fallen in love with the landscape. This would be her new home if she could find the right spot. She had used the bonus she received at the end of her duty to purchase a Henry repeater rifle. The modernized gun would serve her well and give her the advantage while hunting over her flintlock musket. It was a blessing but also the cause of her current predicament.

    Shift or die, the voice commanded.

    Sonta’s eyes finally focused on the figure. It was a large, female gray wolf staring down at her.

    Sonta understood what she needed to do to survive. She willed her body to start the painful transition into wolf form. From fear of being exposed to the army, it had been years since she had last shifted. She felt her bones crack and stretch as her human form slowly disappeared. The pain was excruciating, especially since she was out of practice, but once the transformation was complete, Sonta felt a rush of adrenaline course through her body. Her body would heal much faster as a wolf than a human. She took a tentative step on wobbly legs. Her head turned, and she gazed into the amber eyes of the wolf beside her.

    I am Takina. The voice spoke inside her head.

    Sonta squeezed her eyes closed. I am Sonta, she answered.

    The bullet only grazed your head, but you’ve lost a lot of blood. You need to hunt and eat.

    Sonta’s eyes shifted toward the fire where she had been cooking the rabbit she had killed. The blackened carcass was evidence of how long she had remained unconscious.

    That is not an option. Come, we will hunt and catch another. Takina trotted away from the campsite and turned her head to ensure Sonta was following.

    With each step, Sonta felt her strength returning, and within a few minutes, she ran beside Takina. She had long forgotten the freedom of running through the wind, her powerful body racing through the desert in search of prey.

    Takina picked up the scent of a rabbit but waited for Sonta to begin tracking the animal. Once Sonta’s keen sense of smell targeted the scent, she raced forward after the animal. Takina followed closely in support.

    Sonta spotted the terrified rabbit who had seen her and bolted for cover. She knew she would have to catch the animal before it reached the briar thicket ahead and dove into a burrow, so she increased speed.

    Sonta pounced. Her strong jaws clamped on her prey within a foot of the thicket. The coppery smell and taste of the fresh blood bombarded her senses. As a human, Sonta would have moaned with intense pleasure. Instead, a loud grunt issued from her muzzle. She bit a large bite and turned to look at Takina, watching over her. Sonta felt the strength returning to her body, and the throbbing in her head ceased.

    Water, Takina said and turned, trotting away. Sonta followed, eager for a cool drink. Takina led her to a small pool, and Sonta drank her fill before following Takina back to the campsite. Sonta saw the air around Takina begin to shimmer as they both began transitioning to human forms.

    Takina smiled when Sonta looked into her eyes. I am Takina of the high desert Apache.

    Sonta returned her warm smile. I am Sonta of the high plains Lakota.

    You are a long way from home. How did you find yourself here?

    I served as a scout and tracker for the army for several years, and now I am searching for a new home.

    Takina cocked her head with curiosity. Not returning to your tribe?

    Sonta lowered her gaze. I no longer feel a part of my tribe. I wish to make a clean start in Utah.

    Do you remember what happened tonight? Takina asked.

    I was cooking the rabbit I had hunted for dinner. I was leaning back against my saddle, gazing at the beautiful stars, when I heard horses approach. I vaguely remember two men and a woman. The man in the front shot me when I started toward my rifle. I went down in a pile. The men laughed as they admired my rifle and took my horse. I’m not sure what frightened them, but they rushed away at full gallop before confirming I was dead. Sonta looked at the large stain in the sand that her blood had soaked. She looked back at Takina. How did you find me?

    I have been tracking them for a day. I ran across a burnt-out wagon and decided to follow. Two tracks led in, and three left, so I assume they took someone by force.

    I remember seeing a woman on horseback, but I can’t say if she was a captive. Given the men’s behavior, I would assume you are right. So, it was you that scared them off?

    Takina simply nodded. Are you feeling well enough to travel?

    Yes, I believe so. Sonta looked at her meager belongings.

    If we catch them soon, we can come back for your gear, Takina said as if reading her mind. We can travel faster on four legs. Takina didn’t wait for a reply and began to shift.

    Sonta braced herself against the pain and transformed beside Takina. They left the camp, noses to the ground, and their eyes and ears sharp for the sound of their prey.

    Several hours had passed when they smelled the smoke of a campfire. Moments later, Sonta saw the fire glowing against the night sky. Do we stay in wolf form to attack? Sonta asked.

    It will prove more terrifying than two native women, Takina replied. Let’s move closer and develop our plan.

    The horses tethered away from camp picked up their scent and sounded off nervously.

    We need to approach from another angle.

    Sonta saw a blond woman with her hands tied and a cloth tied over her eyes and mouth. An obvious captive of the despicable men. At least her eyes would not witness the attack. The men were stretched out by the fire, and a nearly empty whiskey bottle sat between them.

    Sonta searched to make sure there were only the two men present. She didn’t want to be surprised by others. When she was confident they were alone, she looked at Takina. We creep in, and I’ll take the one on the left. I’m sure I don’t have to remind you to go for the throat. We can’t afford either of them reaching for a weapon.

    Sonta stalked slowly next to Takina until they parted. Just let me know when.

    Takina nodded, and when they were close, she spoke, Now.

    They lunged for the two sleeping

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