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Six Figure Notary: The Beginner’s Launch Formula For Your Notary Public and Loan Signing Agent Business. Success Secrets to Build From Side Hustle to Financial Freedom and Leave Your 9-5 Behind!
Six Figure Notary: The Beginner’s Launch Formula For Your Notary Public and Loan Signing Agent Business. Success Secrets to Build From Side Hustle to Financial Freedom and Leave Your 9-5 Behind!
Six Figure Notary: The Beginner’s Launch Formula For Your Notary Public and Loan Signing Agent Business. Success Secrets to Build From Side Hustle to Financial Freedom and Leave Your 9-5 Behind!
Ebook191 pages3 hours

Six Figure Notary: The Beginner’s Launch Formula For Your Notary Public and Loan Signing Agent Business. Success Secrets to Build From Side Hustle to Financial Freedom and Leave Your 9-5 Behind!

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About this ebook

It's time you ditch the 9-5 grind and see how becoming a notary can transform your life.


Are you fed up with the same old, never-ending cycle of your day job?


Being stuck in traffic jams, clocking in and out, and always waiting for the weekend to come around? 


The daily grind can be exhausting, and the idea of a different, abundant life might seem like a far-off dream. 


But what if it isn't? What if there's a way to revitalize your life while earning six digits?


Did you know the average annual salary for a full-time notary public in the United States is $50,294? 


Even better, the sky's the limit when you add loan signing services to your offerings. 


This isn't some get-rich-quick scheme; it's a proven way to carve your own path, gain financial independence, and actually look forward to Monday mornings.


Picture yourself free from the shackles of the daily grind. 


No boss looking over your shoulder, no rigid schedules, and the freedom to choose who you want to work with.


The role of a notary public and loan signing agent allows you this freedom. 


Not only are you providing an essential service that helps people with significant life events—like buying homes or setting up businesses—but you're also setting your financial terms. 


Your skills will always be in demand. And the best part? You can start this journey ASAP, right now, with just a click.


Inside this must-have guide to starting your own notary public, you will discover:

  • A 101 lesson on what it takes to become a notary public and loan signing agent, and how it's more straightforward than you think.
  • State-specific tips: every state has its quirks. This guide breaks down the rules for all 50 states so you're never left guessing!
  • How to set up a shop you'll be excited to work at  – whether it's a home office or a rented space, we guide you through the set-up process!
  • Killer marketing hacks – don't just be a notary; be the go-to notary in your area! These  marketing tips will make you the obvious choice for anyone in need
  • How to stay ahead and keep your skills fresh and up to date – level up your skills because this industry is always changing!
  • How to expand with loan signing – add more value to your services by learning the ropes of loan signing with an easy-to-follow guide!​​
  • The exact steps to turn this side hustle into your main income – enough with the day job

And much more!


So you're reading this and thinking, "Yeah, this sounds cool, but can I really pull it off?" 


You may be worried about the startup costs or wondering if you've got enough time to get this off the ground. 


Look, every big move comes with questions and doubts. 


But remember, you can start small and build up. 


Think of it this way: you're not spending money; you're planting seeds for your financial freedom. So what are you waiting for?


Take the first step into the liberating and financially rewarding world of notaries and loan signing agents – invest in your success and start building the future you deserve. Scroll up and click "Add to Cart" right now!

PublisherAlec Rowe
Release dateJan 3, 2024
Six Figure Notary: The Beginner’s Launch Formula For Your Notary Public and Loan Signing Agent Business. Success Secrets to Build From Side Hustle to Financial Freedom and Leave Your 9-5 Behind!

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    Book preview

    Six Figure Notary - Alec Rowe


    Becoming your own boss means more than just sacrifice. It means having clarity around who we are, what we want, and where we are going—and then actually creating it. -Michelle Jacobik

    Picture yourself at your desk, eagerly watching the clock, longing for the workday to end. You are searching for a way to escape from your dreary routine and a path to financial independence. Have you ever thought about the potential of a career as a notary public and loan signing agent? In the United States, the notary public field is flourishing, with more than 4.4 million individuals already reaping the benefits of following this path (Fraser, 2022). Many of these professionals are making two to three times what they earned in their previous roles, making it a very attractive option for anyone looking to change their career path. From the above, it should be clear that the opportunities for success in this sector are substantial.

    I understand the frustration you might be feeling with your current job. It is not just about the long hours; it is the sense of being stuck in a cycle that doesn't offer the satisfaction or financial growth you wish for or deserve. You may feel that you are worth more than you are getting paid and are unable to break through that ceiling. This, of course, limits not just your lifestyle but also your ability to plan the future you dream about. You are looking for more than just a paycheck; you also want a career that brings both financial stability and a sense of accomplishment. It is no wonder you yearn for a change that brings new opportunities and challenges. If this is true for you, you have picked up the right book!

    You may have woken up this morning and just knew that you are at a crossroads in your life and that you need to make a change. Maybe it was a particularly hard day at work or a moment of stepping back and thinking about where your current path is leading you. It could have been a conversation with a friend or an article about financial freedom that made you realize you need and want more from your career and life. This book is your beacon of hope and a treasure trove of information about how you can turn your life around. I will not only show you how you can escape the grind of your current job; I will guide you to completely change direction and start a new journey that promises both personal and financial freedom. I understand that you are not just looking for change; you are looking for a meaningful shift toward a fulfilling career that can help you live your dreams.

    In this book, you will find a multitude of resources, insights, and practical strategies to fast-track your journey as a notary public and loan signing agent.

    ●  Step-by-step guidance: It offers a clear, straightforward, and step-by-step path to follow. Simplifying the process of becoming a notary public and loan signing agent. You will also find advice and tips on how to tackle common challenges efficiently, setting you up for success.

    ●  Financial freedom: The book is a guide to transforming this career path into a profitable business venture. It will explore how you can scale your business and steer you towards financial independence.

    ●  Insider tips and tricks: It will unlock industry secrets and best practices that are not widely known, giving you an advantage over your competitors.

    ●  Legal compliance: An in-depth look at pertinent state laws and regulations, ensuring that your operations as a notary public and loan signing agent are always within the legal boundaries.

    ●  Marketing strategies: Discover effective ways to promote your services. The book covers everything from creating a professional online presence to utilizing social media to help in client acquisition and retention.

    ●  Skills development: This book dedicates a section to improve your professional skills, including advice on ongoing education and finding mentorship opportunities.

    ●  Time management: Learn strategies to manage your new business alongside existing commitments. The book provides insights and tips into avoiding overwork and maintaining a healthy work–life balance.

    ●  Real-life case studies and testimonials: Draw inspiration and practical insights from the success stories and experiences of those who have thrived in this industry. These are real-life stories of normal people just like you, who made the jump and now have successful notary businesses. They are relatable and may motivate you to follow in their footsteps.

    Each of the above is meant not only to educate but also to empower you to make informed decisions, and the changes you need to flourish and live your best life.

    Angelina's Story

    ANGELINA STARTED HER notary signing agent career right after turning 18, originally thinking that it would be a side hustle to add to her income as a bank teller. Little did she know that she was starting a career that would not only bring in some serious cash but also deeply impact people's lives. Imagine making $150 in just five minutes—that is Angelina's reality some days!

    As a notary public, Angelina plays an important role in authenticating important documents, like real estate contracts and passport applications. And here is the kicker: Notary signing agents like her can charge more because they specialize in property and loan documents. This specialization has allowed her to earn a substantial income. But for Angelina, it was about more than just the money. She often found herself in the midst of people's most emotional moments, from the joy of buying a new home to the sadness of saying goodbye to a beloved childhood home. It was these moments of connecting with her clients that made her realize that what she does really matters.

    Angelina began notarizing full-time with her company, Team Signings, in San Jose two years ago, spurred on by her dad's advice that college is not the only route to success. And boy, did it pay off! In 2022, she made close to $150,000, and all this without a college degree. Her dad, a real estate agent himself, understood the demand for notaries and encouraged her to pursue this path. Becoming a notary in California, where Angelina lives, is not complicated and only requires a six-hour training course, an exam, and a background check. She completed her training in 2014 and became a specialized signing agent, which required some additional training, in 2021. She also explored other jobs, like real estate and insurance, but nothing beat the joy she found in notarizing.

    Angelina's typical day? Less than six hours of work with flexible hours. She registered Team Signings as a corporation, networked with real estate agencies, and even used TikTok and Instagram to grow her business. She aims for at least two signings a day, charging $75 to $200 or more, depending on the document and travel distance. Her biggest marketing hit? TikTok, where she has grown a following of nearly 30,000 people. It has been a game changer in getting referrals and local service requests.

    Angelina loves the freedom this career gives her—setting her own schedule, being there for her parents, and feeling fulfilled by helping others. Her only wish is that she had started her notary business sooner. So, if you are looking for inspiration to make the change, Angelina Nguyen's story might just be it (Smith, 2023)!

    Andrea’s story

    ANDREA MORGAN'S STORY is just as inspiring and relatable, especially for those juggling studies with work. At 22, she is a college student and a notary-signing agent in California, and her journey into this field is something out of a modern-day fairytale.

    It all began during the pandemic when Andrea stumbled upon a TikTok video of someone claiming to make $150 an hour as a notary signing agent. Intrigued, and with no previous experience, Andrea decided to dive into this unknown world. She found that she could easily balance her studies and her new career, and could earn around $150 per signing.

    She shares some valuable insights for aspiring notary-signing agents. The first step for her was to become a notary public. She then specialized in real estate or loan documents, and could start charging higher fees. This process can differ from state to state. Some states require training, an exam, and a background check, while others have no training or exam requirements. According to Andrea, her startup costs amounted to about $1,600, including a helpful $497 course that she says was worth every penny.

    Most of her signings range between five minutes and an hour and take place at clients' homes or in public places like Starbucks. The paperwork differs based on whether it is a property transaction, mortgage refinance, or more, but Andrea quickly got the hang of what was required. She initially found work through signing services but soon started working with clients directly. As she is highly regarded in the industry, clients often reach out to her directly, making her job even easier.

    But her journey is not just about making money; it also taught her skills in business management and client relations. Andrea emphasized the importance of networking, understanding the job, and gradually increasing fees as confidence grows. She is a testament to the idea that, with the right mindset and approach, turning a side hustle into a successful career is absolutely possible (Cucci, 2023).

    Start Your Journey

    WHEN YOU TURN THE LAST pages of this book, you too can step into a life where financial freedom is not just a pipe dream but your reality. You could walk away from the limitations of your nine-to-five job and have a thriving career as a notary public and loan signing agent, a path that once seemed shrouded in mystery and complexity.

    Before this book, you may have thought that the road to becoming a successful notary public seemed fraught with uncertainty and unknown challenges. Navigating the legalities, understanding the market, and establishing yourself as a trusted professional in a competitive field may have seemed like an uphill battle. The lack of clear, actionable guidance left many would-be notaries unsure of how to practically proceed with starting their business. But this book changes all that. It offers you a key to unlocking a door that many have found closed or too daunting to open. You will gain insights that are not widely shared, learn strategies that are both practical and effective, and understand the nuances of the industry that only a few people have mastered. It is not just about theoretical knowledge; this book provides real, practical steps that you can follow.

    Imagine a life

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