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The Cycles of Creation: A New Testament of Life Cycle 1 The Presence
The Cycles of Creation: A New Testament of Life Cycle 1 The Presence
The Cycles of Creation: A New Testament of Life Cycle 1 The Presence
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The Cycles of Creation: A New Testament of Life Cycle 1 The Presence

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The Cycles of Creation

The Presence

The energies of Creation are cycling once again as our world completes another 26,000 years voyage through the houses of our zodiac.

"The Cycles of Creation" series of 16 books are an outline of what is to come forth now for all of Creation, Mother Earth, and the Children of Light.

These books will energetically assist each reader to expand now to higher levels of consciousness and illumination.

For Those Who Seek ... So Shall Ye Find...

Star of One

Release dateDec 28, 2023
The Cycles of Creation: A New Testament of Life Cycle 1 The Presence

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    Book preview

    The Cycles of Creation - Clif Laplant

    Table of Contents



    Stars of Creation



    Chapter 1: The Present Moment

    Chapter 2: The Call to Self

    Chapter 3: Truth and Judgment

    Chapter 4: Time

    Chapter 5: Energy

    Chapter 6: The Shadow

    Chapter 7: The Future

    The Cycles of Creation


    The Cycles of Creation

    A New Testament of Life Cycle 1 The Presence

    Clif Laplant

    Copyright © 2023 Clif LaPlant

    All rights reserved

    First Edition


    320 Broad Street

    Red Bank, NJ 07701

    First originally published by Newman Springs Publishing 2023

    ISBN 979-8-88763-743-3 (Paperback)

    ISBN 979-8-88763-744-0 (Digital)

    Printed in the United States of America

    To my friends and teachers on this journey of light, James Bradley Hughes and Rosemary Hughes.

    Star of Faith

    Stars of Creation

    These energy stars each bring forth frequencies and light encodement from creation for all in our journey of soul growth and self-empowerment. Each of us is an individual expression of the living light on our journey of energy expansion in form from our core soul level of creation.

    We each have our own energy prism of light, just as each snowflake does, which is unique for everyone.

    I invite everyone to use these Stars of Creation on your journey of expansion. To meditate with and also bathe in their radiance. Color and sound are the essence of energy and light.

    I invite you all to visit the stars generated by Brian Foster Porter and Clif LaPlant at

    PS To meditate and spend time with the stars, and in particular the one in association with each chapter before and after reading, will help expand the energy experience for everyone.

    May the stars be with you.


    This book has been written in an energetic and synergistic fashion of outlines to relay for all an energy association and doorway for our heart, mind, and emotional body to expand together, forming a new energetic alliance of life. The repetitive outlines and associations are for ease of a clear perspective and understanding of very important information, but they are also in reality an energetic frequency release of past profile conditioning to assist all to move forward now as all of our realities begin to change.

    I wish all readers to try to keep an open mind and have faith in themselves with creation as you interface with these books. We all are aspects of our Creator and will eventually become our great godly selves with our Creator's love, light, and perfection guiding each of us on our journey of life, our journey of light.

    I put forth now that I refer to our Creator as a representation of the head of all religions. My personal feeling is that there is only one Creator and that all of humanity is experiencing a spiritual existence from the same source of creation.

    With love, light, and respect for all creation,

    Clifford Kenneth Platt III


    We the People, words our forefathers chose to begin with—and so do I.

    The United States Constitution is written to promote the welfare and sanctity of all individuals regardless. It mandates the highest principles of life, liberty, and justice for all, under creation. This book is designed to assist all people everywhere to now connect at a higher level with the energies of creation within each and every one of us.

    To bring forth the wisdom, love, and light from creation we each have divinely been given on our journey as aspects of creation. To create our own world, as all children are supposed to do, learning, growing, and evolving our power of creation, our power of love, and our power of light.

    To read our Constitution is very empowering to all. I propose that it speaks to all people everywhere now. This is my message for humanity. I will speak openly to all now. We all have had many incarnations on this planet in many cultures. We all have lived and endured many similar conditions of life. All of us, in our judgments, are actually judging ourselves from another time or incarnation. The time for battles will soon be over. All who must still fight will eradicate each other.

    These words are being written now for all of humanity.

    This means everyone. Many will already have this knowledge. I pray this to be true. But also, I meet many who are confused and mislead. I am writing these words for all people everywhere. Even if only one person is affected positively, then I have not wasted my time. By helping even one person, I also help myself.

    The Constitution for the United States, I feel, talks to the world as a whole now. It gives us all clear parameters for the love and respect that all souls deserve. Now as we all begin our new journey of light, humanity will now have the energy tools to move ahead, to manifest and embody these words, and more than just that, to live them now as part of our daily lives. This is not a political statement of power and control. This is a statement of truth, justice, wisdom, love, and grace.

    The new energetic Aquarian frequencies of light coming forward now will demand higher and higher aspirations of us all on this next journey of creation. We are all in a state of transition now. The creative force of our universe is cycling once again. This is affecting all aspects of creation everywhere. For humanity, this will bring forth many changes physically, mentally, emotionally, and most of all, spiritually. This shift of frequency in time and space is galactic. It is the culmination of an energy cycle and a transition onto a new energy cycle period of creation.

    As this occurs, all of the energies of creation expand…

    This book has been written to assist all on their journey of learning, with love, creating light. These words are being written to help everyone with questions find their own answers. I bring these words forth as parameters of thought and feeling to assist all readers to open their minds and their hearts to receive their own truth. To know our truth on whatever level we can and to express and embody it in each and every moment of life with balance is our process of life. My prayer is for all to embody their highest level of truth and love on their journey in life, their journey of light.

    I ask all reading this material to use it to find and open their own mind and heart, as to their own truth, love, and light. This is individual for each and every one of us. Again, my prayer is for each soul to embody as much light as it can and hold this light for all to see, with hope, faith, love, and grace always, in our path forward. To light the way for ourselves and others in our journey of creation.

    The presence of creation is here, with us. Each and every one of us, once again. Our Creator will now hold us all accountable as to who we each are and, in doing so, bring each of us onto our next level of learning. We cannot hide from this fact any longer. Many will try. The governments have built many underground bunkers in anticipation of the changes that are occurring on our planet. Many people have fears associated with wars and destruction of various kinds happening to Mother Earth. And yes, there are many changes coming to all. But I know in my heart that the only safety now is at the soul level of our heart's truth, love, and light.

    Light is the only true form of energy. All other energies are only aspects of light. We will now all end this cycle with our amassed core light field level and move forward on our path of evolution in relation to our level of light embodiment. This embodiment will be our actual core light field essence and will denote our

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