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Acts of Some of the Apostles
Acts of Some of the Apostles
Acts of Some of the Apostles
Ebook125 pages1 hour

Acts of Some of the Apostles

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About this ebook

This book is about the history of the first century church and the teachings of the apostles.

It is also about their zeal in spreading the good news of God's saving grace a midst persecution and their perseverance through it all.

As you read this book, the intention is to give, the reader, a clear picture of what really took back then.

For me to do this I ensure to use Strong's Greek lexicon, Thayer, and the Catholic bible. 


Release dateDec 21, 2020
Acts of Some of the Apostles

Claudius Brown

This book is about me and the struggles I go through to survive in this world. I hope that those who read my book will be encouraged to not quit on life due to the struggles they are going through.

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    Acts of Some of the Apostles - Claudius Brown

    Acts of some of the Apostles (messengers)

    Chapter 1

    1. Theophilus, the first narrative I made concerning all the things Yeshua was doing and was teaching,

    2. how that he was doing all those things until the day he through the Holy Spirit had commanded the ones he had commisioned to tell the world about him after he was taken up.

    3. He gave them many proofs that he was alive. He was with them for forty days and was talking to them about his kimgship., after he had called them together, he gave them orders not to separate themselves from Jerusalem but to wait for the father to perform the promise which he had told them about.

    5. He said to them, "John really dip people in water but you on the other hand shall receive the Holy Spirit within few days.

    6. When they had come togerher, they asked him about when the sovereignty of Israel would be restored.

    7. And he said to them, "It is not permitted for you to know when that will take place since the father has decided to keep that to himself.

    8. But the Holy Spirit will enable you to perform miracles. Then you will teach others what I taught you. You must do this where ever you go in Jerusalem, Judah, Samaria, and to the farthest parts of the earth."

    9. After he spoke to them about these things, he was taken up out of their sight on a cloud.

    10. While they were looking up into the sky, two men stood by them in bright shining clothes.

    11. They said, "Galileans, why are you standing here and looking up into the sky? This one who is taken up from you shall return in the same way he has gone into it.

    12. That day when Yeshua was taken up into the sky, they were at the Mount of Olive Grove near Jeruselem. This took place on the Sabbath day. During which they were not to go more than two miles outside the city of Jerusalem.

    13. When they entered Jerusalem, they went up to the third story room where the women resided; and where Peter, James,, John, Andrew, Philip, Thomas, Bartholamew, Matthew, James son of Alphaeus, Simon who believed in fighting against the Romans to free Israel from their oppression, and where Jude the son of James, were staying.

    14. All these agreed to continue to meet together to make request to the Lord with the women and Mary the mother of Yeshua and his brothers.

    15. In those days when they were gathering together, Peter stood up amongst the students and said,

    16.  "Brothers, The writings that spoke about what will happen which the Holy Spirit had said through the mouth of David concerning Judas Iscariot, who became a leader and guide and led the mob that night and had Yeshua arrested.

    17. He was included with us as it was God’s desire for him to serve others.

    18. He,however, decided to get pay from the death of the one God has chosen to give salvation to those who believe in him and bought a field with the money and then fallen headlongand and loudly burst open among the people and his heart, liver, and lungs gushed out.

    19. All those who live in Jerusalem know about this and they called that field, The Field of Blood in their own language.

    20. The Psalmist through the Holy Spirit had predicted that this would happened said, ‘Let no one live on it and let everyone leave it along. And let another man take his place as an elder over the assembly.’

    21. Therefore, it is necessary to chose somenone who acompanied us all the time when Yeshua was coming and going from among us.

    22. He must be one who was from the time when John was dipping people in the water to the day Yeshua our Lord was taken up from us.

    23. So the students all agreed and placed two brothers before the Lord’s messengers: Matthias and Joseph who was called Barnabas, who was also surnamed Justus.

    24. Then they asked the Lord to show them which one he has chosen for the office of an elder saying, "Lord you know our intentions, show us which one of these two you chose,

    25. to recieve this office as an elder and be sent off which Judas went contrary to."

    26. Then they drew bits of wood with their names on them and Matthias’ name was chosen and enrolled with the eleven messengers (at that time there were about 120 meeting together).

    Chapter 2

    1. Ten days later, when the fiftieth day called Pentecost had arived after the Passover, all the students including the Lord’s messengers had agreed to meet together in the same place in the third story room.

    2. When all of a sudden, a sound came from the sky like a forceful wind. Everyone in the house could hear it.

    3.Then they saw tongues of fire that separated and settled above their heads.

    4. Then they became empowered by the Holy Spirit and began to speak clearly in the language of other nations.

    5. There were Jews living at Jerusalem, men who were God fearing or devoted to God, men from every nation under the sky were there.

    6. After the people were told about this sound in the third story room, they all gathered together and heard what was being said by the students and were confused because everyone of them heard them speaking about the Lord’s perfection in the language peculiar to them.

    7. They were astonished and wondered saying to one another, "Aren’t all these who are speaking, Galileans?

    8.Everyone of us hears them speaking our own peculiar language where we were born:

    9.Parthia, Media, Elamite, Mesopotamia, Judea, Cappadocia, Pontus, Asia,

    10. Phrygia, Pamphylia, Egypt, the district of Lybya around Cyrene, visitors from Rome, both Jews and those who were converted to Judaism, those from

    11. Crete and those from Arabia-we heard them speaking clearly in our own language about the wonderful things of God."

    12.  They were in amazement and much doubting saying to one another, How can this be?

    13. Others mocking said, They are drunk from fermented wine.

    14. But Peter stood up with the rest of the messengers of our Lord and said with  a loud voice so that all could hear him, "You men from Judea and all you Jews who live at Jerusalem

    15. listen to what I have to say. These are not drunk seeing it is nine o’clock in the morning.

    16. What you are now seeing was predicted by the prophet Joel which says,

    17.  and it will be in a distant future’ says God, All people will be influenced by me and they shall speak about what will happen in the future. Your sons and your daughters shall do this.

    Your young men who are under 40 shall see an appearance in ecstacy or dream and your senior men who serve as an elder shall dream dreams given by me.

    18. My men-servants and my women servants shall be influenced by me and shall talk about what is to happen in the future.

    19. I will use the sun, moon, and the stars and other elements in the sky and blood, the vulcanos that spit out fire and vapor.

    20. The sun shall be darkened during which the earth will be in darkness, and the moon will be red as blood. All this will take place before the Lord’s return to judge the world.

    21. It shall be that those who do the Lord’s will shall be rescued."

    22. Men, Israelites, hear these words! Yeshua the Nazarene, a man who showed proof by his miracles God did through him among all of you, which you yourselves know.

    23. This man, you handed over to men who cares nothing for God’s laws to be killed on the cross, which God had planned from before.

    24. After all that had happened to him, God saw it fitting to bring him back to life, putting an end to the agony of death, since it was impossible for him to be held in its power.

    25. This is what David says about him, "The Lord is laways there to help me, because he is protecting me from all dangers.

    26.As a result of him helping me, I have nothing to fear, I speak so highly of him. Also, my body can expect nothing but good things from him.

    27. because he will not allow my spirit to go into the abode of the departed spirits which is the underworld. Nor will you allow the body of the one who is dedicated to you to be decayed or rot in the grave.

    28. You had showed me how to live rightly and because I am careful to do what

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