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Woman of God: The Inspired Story of Betty Keyes
Woman of God: The Inspired Story of Betty Keyes
Woman of God: The Inspired Story of Betty Keyes
Ebook157 pages2 hours

Woman of God: The Inspired Story of Betty Keyes

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Woman of God, The Inspired Story of Betty Keyes is a Christian-based inspirational story of how God moved in the main character Betty Keyes's life. Her life was ordained from the beginning by God to do his work and preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. Her story starts from her childhood growing up with her family as a little country girl to now being called a Prophet of God. The story includes multiple short stories of how God orchestrated her life and walked with her from shyness to holly boldness. It includes scriptures throughout the book showing God’s promise and how they work in her life and how they can work in the lives of those who read this book and believe on the word of God. 

Woman of God also includes the inspired story of how Betty’s walk with God impacted her niece Michelle who is going through challenges in her personal life. We all go through challenges in our lives, sometimes they make us want to give up. But having God in our lives can make a difference in how we go through these challenges.  This book will help those who read to be inspired and know that God was there all the time.

Release dateDec 13, 2023
Woman of God: The Inspired Story of Betty Keyes

Prophetess Betty Keyes

Betty Grimes Keyes is married to Bishop Carlton Earl Keyes Sr. She has a passion for helping people see the importance of Christ in their lives. This ties into her hobbies of crafting spiritual literature as mentioned in the book. Betty accepted her call into the ministry in 2017 and is now ordained Prophetess Betty Keyes. Author of Bishop Carlton and Betty Keyes Story, God’s Perfect Plan, 2020 Visions and Carl’s Calling. 

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    Woman of God - Prophetess Betty Keyes


    Prophetic Word

    AROUND THE MATURE age of 27, our church had a visitor, a male preacher. We often had visiting ministers, but this visit was a god-sent to me. The sermon he shared blessed everyone’s souls. However, after the service, God was not done with me. He laid a message on the minister’s heart for me. The man came to me and told me outright, You are going to be a preacher.

    I was speechless. I had no words, but I had some thoughts.

    No, can’t be, since I am way too shy to speak in front of people. I thought the minister had this one wrong. He had never even seen me stand up to do a short testimony; therefore, I had no idea how the man even came up with this thought. I would later find out it was more than a thought, but a prophecy from God. Even after preaching an entire sermon to the congregation, God sent me a personal message even though I didn’t believe it then.


    Stepping Out on Faith

    WHEN IT CAME to church, I sat still for many years. I attended faithfully, but I didn’t say a word during services. Afterward, I started merging gently from my silence; I gradually started testifying boldly and even accepted the calling to read scriptures when asked. I would also speak on short topics and perform other church duties. When others saw me more active in church, they told me I was called to preach. Some people thought that I was already a preacher.

    I wasn’t sure if it was because they knew my husband, whom we call Hamma, was a preacher or if it was just something that came to their head. It was never easy to grasp the concept of being called a preacher. Because to me, being called a preacher meant that I would be behind a pulpit speaking to a crowd of people. And it didn’t take a crowd to make me feel uneasy; just speaking in front of two or three people would do it.

    That was enough for me to deny the call right there. I never enjoyed being around a crowd, let alone speaking in front of a crowd for any reason at all. Some older saints would say, You are running from your calling. But that wasn’t the case; everything had to be done in God’s timing. Nevertheless, I said I had to wait to hear from Him.

    For many are called, but few are chosen, Matthew 22:14.


    The Calling

    MY CALL TO the ministry finally came. God began tugging on my Spirit to preach His word, spreading the good news about Jesus. Even though others told me I was called to preach, I couldn’t just go on their calling. I finally stepped out because I wanted to do the right thing in the eyes of God.

    "Let all things be done decently and in order." 1 Corinthians 14:40

    Before I accepted my call, a young lady sent an invitation through Hamma to ask me to minister at her church. I accepted the invitation thinking I would be one of many speakers. However, when I arrived, I soon realized I spoke only as The preacher of the hour. It was a surprise to me, and now I could not shadow behind the other great women of God who I thought would be speaking the same night. Instead, all eyes were on me. When the time came for me to speak, they called me to the pulpit. She must have thought that I was a licensed Minister. But, knowing that I wasn’t, I told her that I was not comfortable up there.

    Little did I know that God was leading me to accept His calling without realizing it. Even though I was nervous, I didn’t hesitate to say yes when asked to share the word of God at her church. But I found a little comfort in knowing I didn’t have a title to stand behind, so there was no expectation for me to deliver the word of God. At the time, I was not Bishop Betty, Pastor, Elder, Evangelist, Minister, or Prophet Betty, nor did I have any other title of a preacher. I thought I was accepting an invitation to a platform with other women of God. But what was a surprise to me was not a surprise to Hamma? I was the only guest speaker for that night.

    Hamma told me to be prepared for more. Although he had told me to be prepared to be the only speaker, I hoped he misunderstood the lady. The service proceeded with worship and all praise to God the highest. Everything seemed to be in place, and it was confirmed that it was just me, the speaker of the hour. Oh my, it’s too late to turn back now." All I could do was be happy and give the word that God had given me to the people of God. Praise God: if I didn’t know, I quickly learned I wasn’t alone.

    And the Lord, he it is that doth go before thee; he will be with thee, he will not fail thee, neither forsake thee: fear not, neither be dismayed. Deuteronomy 31:8

    When I stepped out that night to preach, I discovered that God was not short on His word. God showed up, and I knew then that it was time to step out on faith into my calling. It was time to let the church know that I was ready to do the work of God. I didn’t necessarily want a title, but I did want God to know I was not ashamed to be called whomever he wanted me to become. I believe this was God’s way of getting me to come forward. What I thought was accepting an appointment to minister along with other ministers became my acceptance of God’s calling me into ministry.

    This was the same night I told Hamma, who also became my pastor in 1998. I got to go forth and follow my calling. I am sure that God will be there with me. I found comfort in His word.

    "I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt


    Trial Sermon 8/13/2017

    BETTY, ARE YOU ready to bring the word tomorrow? I know you are ready. Everybody’s looking forward to you coming forth with the word. You have been bootlegging for a long time, Hamma said, coaching his wife. He was Hamma to his family and wife, but to the Church community, he was Bishop Keyes. I don’t know if I’m ready, but I know that God is," Betty said as she got things together.

    She took time to prepare her clothes, a white dress. It was her initial sermon. That’s a name the Baptist church used to describe a person’s first sermon in the house of God. Not only that, it was also a statement of accepting a calling from God. Many people were expected to come, looking to hear a message from God. She invited her family and friends.

    With Hamma being the Pastor of the church. His family would also be there, seeing the speaker of the hour was his wife, his first lady, and his only lady. Hamma and Betty were like glue; their spiritual bond drew the attention of all those around them. And with Betty always willing to give encouraging words, it seemed preaching would be easy.

    I am a little nervous, but I’m still ready.

    Listen, honey, just pretend you are at your family’s house. You know you always do a short sermon at your mom’s house. This will be no different, He reassured her.

    But that’s family; I’m comfortable around family.

    "Well, this is family too.

    God will be with you. Remember, many are called, but few are chosen. And I am sure that you were chosen, so try not to worry about it. You are ready. Hamma reassured his wife.

    I wonder if Bam is coming to support me tomorrow, Betty asked. It would be nice to get him in the house of the Lord to hear the word of God."

    All you can do is put the invite out there; it’s up to him to accept the calling of God, Hamma assured his wife.

    I know, and it’s not just for me, but it’s because I want so much better for him than the way he is living now. There is so much more he can be doing with his life right now, Betty added.

    I agree, and he is so popular he could easily be pastoring his church. Lots of people love him, including the kids. And not just children in our family but kids I don’t even know.

    It would be nice to see him there, but if not, I want you to preach anyway and let God use you, He encouraged her.

    As they were talking, a young lady knocked on the door. Who is it? Hamma Asked. Betty never had to worry about answering the door while Hamma was home. He didn’t let anyone in without making sure they were good. His family’s safety came first.

    But while he was asking, he was also looking out the window. A few church members came by to encourage the woman of God before she had to preach. They also brought her all kinds of gifts. She had so many gifts that she could not use them all for the next day’s service. Some would have to be saved for later. They brought multiple dresses, purses, shoes, and other gifts. But there was only one Betty.

    Betty was filled with excitement because of all the love they showed her. Even though she was not expecting gifts, she was touched because it showed how much they cared about her. Thank y’all, thank y’all, so much, she said excitedly.


    Sunday Morning

    THE TIME TO preach came up soon, and the time for preparation was over. This was the official answer to the calling sermon. Sunday morning came soon, and nobody could tell if Betty was not ready. Her hair was conservatively done. As far as appearances go, Betty looked ready to preach.

    The Lord is in His holy temple; let all the earth be silent before him. The choir will now sing a song to usher in the Spirit of the Lord. Bishop Keyes said, ushering everyone to stand before the presence of God.

    It was then that Betty saw different people in the audience. Not everyone who was invited attended the service, but some of her siblings did come to support her along with other family and friends. But at this time, it didn’t matter; she just reminded herself that the entire service was about God and not about her. This was

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