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Calm Effects: The Ultimate Cannabis Cookbook
Calm Effects: The Ultimate Cannabis Cookbook
Calm Effects: The Ultimate Cannabis Cookbook
Ebook185 pages1 hour

Calm Effects: The Ultimate Cannabis Cookbook

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About this ebook

Immerse yourself in a world of culinary delights with "Calm Effects is the ultimate cannabis cookbook." This comprehensive collection of recipes infused with cannabis is a must-have for anyone looking to elevate their cooking skills. From irresistible desserts to mouthwatering appetizers and sauces, this cookbook offers it all. What sets "Calm Effects" apart is its detailed guide to incorporating cannabis into your dishes. Whether you're a seasoned chef or a beginner, this cookbook will walk you through each step to achieve the perfect balance of flavor and relaxation.

"Calm Effects: The Ultimate Cannabis Cookbook" offers a comprehensive collection of cannabis-infused recipes, ranging from delectable sweets and treats to flavorful appetizers and sauces. This cookbook provides a detailed guide on incorporating cannabis into various dishes, ensuring a delightful culinary experience with a touch of relaxation. Explore the world of infused cuisine and discover new ways to enjoy cannabis in your favorite meals.

PublisherBryan Johnson
Release dateJan 9, 2024
Calm Effects: The Ultimate Cannabis Cookbook

Bryan Johnson

Bryan Johnson Bio: ----- I am a multi-talented individual with a passion for culinary arts and craftsmanship. My journey in the world of food and design has been a diverse and fulfilling one.  Culinary Arts: --------------- My love for cooking began at an early age, as I was drawn to the art of transforming simple ingredients into delectable dishes. I pursued my culinary dreams by honing my skills through formal training and hands-on experience. As a culinary arts cook, I have had the privilege of crafting exquisite meals that tantalize the taste buds and bring people together over shared culinary experiences. Children's Furniture Design: --------------------------- In addition to my culinary pursuits, I have a unique and creative talent for designing and building children's furniture. This passion led me to create beautiful, functional, and whimsical furniture pieces that capture the imagination of young minds. I believe that well-designed furniture can enhance a child's environment and contribute to their growth and development. Cookbook Authorship: --------------------- In 2011, my wife Maria Hartman and I embarked on an exciting culinary adventure together. We co-authored our first cookbook, a labor of love that showcased our culinary expertise and passion for cooking. Our cookbook not only featured delicious recipes but also reflected our shared experiences and the joy of cooking as a couple. It was a meaningful project that allowed us to share our culinary journey with others. Today, I continue to explore the realms of culinary arts and design, constantly seeking new ways to inspire and delight others with my creations. Whether I'm in the kitchen, crafting furniture, or sharing my knowledge through writing, my goal is to bring joy, creativity, and a touch of magic to the world around me.

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    Book preview

    Calm Effects - Bryan Johnson


    Copyright © 2023 by Bryan Johnson All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means – electronic or mechanical, including photocopying or recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without written permission from the author.


    In the pages of life, a tale unfolds,

    A dedication profound, a story told.

    To Maria, a love so true,

    My wife, my friend, in skies so blue.

    In the tapestry of time, your love does gleam,

    A guiding light, a radiant beam.

    Through life’s challenges, you stood by my side,

    In your love’s embrace, I found my guide.

    Now, in the garden where memories bloom,

    Your spirit dances, dispelling gloom.

    Rest in peace, my love, in eternity’s embrace,

    Your love, my solace, a saving grace.

    Cherished forever, in the heart’s sweet rhyme,

    Maria, my love, transcending space and time.

    Maria with our niece Dakota. She loved her more than words can describe. Love you Dakota


    Butter Infusion 11

    Canna Butter 12

    Canna Cream 13

    Canna Milk 13

    Canna oil 14

    Sweets and Treats 15

    Cakes 17

    Candy 30

    Cookies 42

    Ice Cream 56

    Muffins And Breads 67

    Old Time Favorites 80

    Pie 88

    Appetizers 100

    Cold Appetizers 102

    Dips 126

    Hot Appetizers 137

    Sauces, Dressings, Gravy 171

    Mother Sauces 173

    Bechamel Sauce 173

    Espagnole Sauce 174

    Hollandaise Sauce 175

    Tomato Sauce 176

    Veloute Sauce 177

    Desert Sauces 178

    Dressing 185

    Gravy 195

    Marinades 202

    Sauces 212


    Immerse yourself in a world of culinary delights with Calm Effects is the ultimate cannabis cookbook. This comprehensive collection of recipes infused with cannabis is a must-have for anyone looking to elevate their cooking skills. From irresistible desserts to mouthwatering appetizers and sauces, this cookbook offers it all.

    What sets Calm Effects apart is its detailed guide to incorporating cannabis into your dishes. Whether you’re a seasoned chef or a beginner, this cookbook will walk you through each step to achieve the perfect balance of flavor and relaxation.

    Say goodbye to solely smoking or vaping cannabis. With Calm Effects, you can explore a whole new realm of infused cuisine. Whether you desire a subtle hint of cannabis or a full-blown cannabis-infused feast, this cookbook has recipes to suit every palate and occasion. So why not spice up your cooking routine and indulge in the delightful combination of cannabis and gastronomy?

    Calm Effects: The Ultimate Cannabis Cookbook is your ticket to an unforgettable culinary experience. Experience a sensory journey like no other as you prepare to tantalize your palate and uncover innovative ways to indulge in cannabis. Brace yourself for a delightful exploration of flavors, aromas, and textures that will leave your taste buds craving for more.

    Imagine the exquisite and intricate dance of flavors as you savor a meticulously crafted cannabis-infused dish. From delectable bites to delightful desserts, every mouthful will transport you to a realm where culinary experts push the boundaries of their craft.

    Brace yourself for the seamless fusion of cannabis into gourmet cuisine, resulting in a symphony of tastes that will ignite your senses. However, it’s not just the flavors that will captivate you; the physical effects of cannabis will elevate your indulgence to a whole new level. As the cannabinoids interact with your body, a gentle relaxation will envelop you, melting away tension and stress.

    Experience the comforting embrace of cannabis as it soothes your muscles, allowing you to sink deeper into blissful relaxation.

    Allow your mind to wander as the gentle buzz takes hold, unlocking new realms of imagination and inspiration. The innovative ways to

    consume cannabis will leave you in awe, whether you’re a seasoned connoisseur or a curious newcomer. Prepare to embark on a journey of discovery as you uncover the vast array of cannabis-infused products that go beyond traditional joints and edibles. So, prepare to excite your taste buds and experience cannabis in a completely new way. Open your mind to the innovative and exciting ways in which we can incorporate this plant into your life. Whether you seek relaxation, inspiration, or simply a new culinary adventure, let Calm Effects be your guide on a sensory exploration that will leave you craving for more.

    Calm Effects

    Maria Hartman and Bryan Johnson

    Like a fine wine or a craft beer, marijuana is a complex and nuanced experience, to be enjoyed responsibly and in moderation, enhancing life's flavors and elevating the senses.

    Bryan Johnson

    Butter Infusion

    This chapter is crucial as it contains the most important recipes in the book. You should try experimenting with these recipes to make them work for you. These are just guidelines to help you get started with this type of cooking. Some people prefer stronger flavors, while others do not. If you desire to enhance their potency, change the trim content. Weakening the product’s effectiveness follows the same rule. The successful completion of the first four recipes is vital as it sets the stage for all subsequent recipes in this book. The quality of your butter, cream, milk, or oil depends on the quality of the trim you use. Butter is effective in extracting THC. The higher the fat content, the better the extraction qualities. Remember this when adjusting the amount of trim in your product. Also, keep in mind that cannabutter improves with time, just like wine.

    Canna Butter

    This recipe effectively uses water to remove any debris from the butter, resulting in a more concentrated final product. The longer you cook the recipe, the higher the quality will be, with a maximum cooking time of 18 hours. The quality of the trimmings used will

    directly impact the quality of your butter.


    1lb unsalted butter water

    1oz good trimmings


    Grind trim in a coffee grinder.

    In a heavy sauce pot put in your trimmings and cover with water about 4 cups.

    Bring to a boil then reduce heat to poaching temperature of about

    160. Just to a very slow roll.

    Add butter, cover and cook for 5 hours or longer stirring occasionally.

    Let cool for about 20 minutes and strain into airtight container. Use a wooden spoon to mash trim and get as much of the butter as possible. Place in refrigerator overnight for butter and water to separate.

    Remove butter and clean bottom of debris with butter knife, put in new airtight container.

    Throw out water.

    Canna Cream


    2 cups heavy cream

    1/2 cup canna butter


    Heat cream and infuse butter. Whisking continually to combine. Do not boil

    Canna Milk


    2 cups whole milk

    1/2 cup canna butter


    Heat cream and infuse butter. Whisking continually to combine. Do not boil

    Canna oil


    2 cups oil of choice

    1oz fine trim


    Grind trim in coffee grinder.

    In a saucepan heat oil to a very low temperature, about 160°. Do not allow to boil or over heat. Add your trim stirring every 10 minutes cooking for 2 hours. Cool and strain into airtight container.

    Refrigerate until ready to use.

    Sweets and Treats


    The history of sweets and treats is a rich and varied one, with a timeline that spans centuries and cultures. The love for sweet foods is a universal human trait, and the methods of preparing and enjoying sweets have

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