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Rising Shadows
Rising Shadows
Rising Shadows
Ebook111 pages1 hour

Rising Shadows

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Rising Shadows, the 2021 Teen Writers Studio (TWS) chapbook, is a deep-dive exploration on the theme "historical selves," a term derived from Claudia Rankine's Citizen. In this collection, writing takes the form of letters to family members, personal histories, stories of imagined

Release dateNov 7, 2023
Rising Shadows


826CHI is a non-profit writing, tutoring, and publishing center dedicated to amplifying the voices of Chicago youth.

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    Rising Shadows - 826CHI

    Rising Shadows

    Rising Shadows

    Writing by 826CHI’s Teen Writers Studio


    826CHI/826 Books


    Student Foreword

    List of Pandemic Inspirations

    Response to Four Artifacts

    Angeliki V.


    Bella F.

    Celestial Bodies

    Esperanza R.


    Esperanza R.

    Stood Up

    Joia B.


    Antonio P.

    On a Scale from 1 through 10

    Daniela M.


    Daniela M.

    Little Ol’ Me

    Lucia M.

    Little Sadist

    Isabel Izzy R.

    I was born in the spring

    Isabela H.

    finger paintings

    Isabela H.


    Joelle R.

    Letter To The Sky

    Henry F.

    love letter to jellyfish

    Henry F.

    the moon is trans

    Henry F.


    About 826CHI

    About the Wicker Park Secret Agent Supply Co.

    Our Programs

    Our Staff

    First Edition, 826CHI 2021

    Print ISBN: 978-1-948644-77-8

    Copyright © 2021 by 826CHI

    All rights reserved, including the right of reproduction in whole or in part of any form. This book is a work of nonfiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the authors’ personal experiences. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely intentional and emerges from the minds of these authors as truthfully as memory allows. The views expressed in this book are those of the authors and the authors’ imaginations. We support student publishing and are thrilled you picked up this book! Proceeds from your purchase of this publication support 826CHI, a non-profit creative writing, tutoring, and publishing center.

    Cover art: David Heo

    Layout Designer: Fred Sasaki

    Director of Programs: Asia Calcagno

    Manager of Education: Natasha Mijares

    Publications Program Coordinator: Joshua Bohnsack

    Vellum flower icon Created with Vellum

    Rising Shadows: Writing by 826CHI’s Teen Writers Studio

    You are not immune to your own consciousness.

    —Tyehimba Jess

    Student Foreword

    Teen Writers Studio

    We’re sitting in front of a computer screen, however many miles apart. This might be our tenth hour of zoom meetings. We all have smiles on our faces and engage in animated conversation around a poem. It’s a weird feeling. To have so many deep conversations with people we have not met, and yet hold this hour and a half as a sacred place to gush over writing, our own and other people’s. We want you to know these are the conditions this chapbook came to be under, and that it’s the result of a shared love for writing and appreciation of each other as writers.

    TWS gives us a space where creativity, in all its forms, is celebrated. During workshops, the zoom comments are flooded with compliments and astute feedback on scripts and poetry and comedy writing. We go from analyzing poetry, the kind we'd likely never see in school, to laughing over silly animal pictures. We want to thank Josh and Natasha, who made zoom TWS engaging, and both an intellectual space and one where we could be goofy and have fun.

    Being able to have this writing studio gave us an understanding that people think very differently. And, like most groups that have a history, you feel a sense of estotericness. But, over time, with this studio, we really feel like a genuine community. Especially in these hard times, having the ability to just relax and write down thoughts and express yourself while also having others do the exact same feels very therapeutic in a way. You don’t always have the chance to laugh with people over small little critters.

    Despite Zoom fatigue and loss of motivation, we’ve all managed to somehow get our creative juices flowing and each create pieces that we’re proud of. It has been difficult to get into the headspace of a writer, but 826CHI Chi has made it possible to do so with the space we’ve created.

    Despite raging viruses and variants, racial tension, and pandemic fatigue, we've found it in ourselves to create a space in 826CHI—whether it be virtual or in person—where people can feel safe enough to share and grow into better human beings and writers.

    List of Pandemic Inspirations

    All the pieces in this chapbook came about during a tumultuous & tiring time. In this world we turned to our favorite stories (books, movies, tv shows) and found comfort in sharing our own.

    Here are the things that inspired us…

    The Florida Project

    Surf’s Up

    Dread Nation by Justina Ireland

    Julie and the Phantoms

    Recitatif by Toni Morrison

    The Half of it

    A Constant State of Ohio EP by Lincoln

    Children of the Whales

    The NYT modern love column

    Little Women

    10 Things I Hate About You

    Dreams gives me the answers

    Idea of seasonal emergency

    The Queen’s Gambit

    Archery—trying to shoot through axe handles!

    The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo (lol)

    Tetris 99 in Switch

    Bullet Journaling

    Those lofi hip-hop thumbnails

    When becoming a nerd becomes cool. Oh, also the types of nerds:

    May the force be with you vs.

    may force= mass * accel

    What if blind prosecution causes the people wanted to prosecute

    Questioning if the history we know is the correct one

    Reading more

    Tell Me Who You Are: Sharing Our Stories of Race, Culture, & Identity by Priya Vulchi and Winona Guo

    You’re writing not just because of who you are but because of the people who made you who you are.

    —Allison Cuddy

    Marilynn Thoma Artistic Director,

    Chicago Humanities Fest

    Response to Four Artifacts

    Angeliki V.

    letters written in greek sent from rutherford, new jersey to kalamata, messinia ; 1926

    your name slips neatly over mine the way your bible fits into my palm

    & the way your expression slid onto my face at birth.

    we found the letters you saved. i wonder how it felt to receive them

    from a world away,

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