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Slice: A Girl-Girl Wrestling Story
Slice: A Girl-Girl Wrestling Story
Slice: A Girl-Girl Wrestling Story
Ebook60 pages47 minutes

Slice: A Girl-Girl Wrestling Story

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Buy this book and follow the splendidly gorgeous Jackie through a series of erotic wrestling bouts with several extremely sexy women.

First up is Alexa, a feisty redhead, who goes the entire five rounds. To find out what happens after the fight, well, you’ll have to read the story.

Next is Kenzie, a small crackerjack who insists on something special at the end of the fight.

Last, but not least, is Riley who reveals secret delight after secret delight when Jackie renders her immobile by wrapping her legs around her belly.

Release dateJan 6, 2024
Slice: A Girl-Girl Wrestling Story

Jason Pinaster

If you would like to be on my mailing list, sign up here: will receive prompt notification ofmy new publications and special offers.I have been writing fiction for several years but in 2015 I started to concentrate on erotica.My first series featured lawyer Christopher Carter. Carter doesn't have to abide by law society rules. A little fun, lots of sex, a little adventure, and Carter's special brand of justice.Then I moved on to Lusty Lee, a private investigator. My current dominatrix series, which is nearing the end of its cycle, features specific fetishes—some outlandish—serviced by Mistress Megan.Along the way, I have written individual stories featuring wrestling, food fetishism, tickling, sex games and BDSM. I have published one novella set in Hedonism II, the notorious Jamaican resort and am presently revising a second. My current novel features a sex robot.ExperienceCourt Clerk, 2000 to date in Ontario, CanadaWriting: since Grade 3 (1983)Skills and ExpertiseWritingEditingResearchEducationB.A. (English Lit.) 1992-1995, Augustana University CollegeDiploma in Court Procedure, 1996-1998, Everest College

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    Book preview

    Slice - Jason Pinaster

    Slice:  A Girl-Girl Wrestling Story  © 2024 Jason Pinaster

    Introduction: This story was originally published on my Deviant Art subscription service (both story tiers) where each chapter is illustrated with drawings of the characters.

    Table of Contents


    Other Erotic Combat Stories

    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Back Notes (includes an excerpt from the Sequel)

    Copyright Notice

    Work of Fiction Notice

    Cover Credits: Many thanks to FightPulse


    Some of Jason Pinaster’s Other Erotic Combat stories:

    Number One!

    Jobber Flip

    Camera One


    In That Corner Sequel available on Deviant Art

    Pinning Pete

    Playing Possum

    Red Rope Rumble

    Right Hand Ready


    Seeking Sarah

    Sex Wrestler

    The Custom


    Oya’s Run

    Willpower Sequel available on Deviant Art

    And for exclusive erotic combat content, please follow me at This story, along with accompanying drawings was originally published on my subscription tiers on Deviant Art where it continues to be available: New content, which now includes a sequel to this story, is published several times a month.

    Copyright 2024 by Jason Pinaster. This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people outside your household. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your enjoyment only, then please return to your favorite retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Fiction: This story is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely and entirely coincidental and not intended by the author. In short: this story is not about you, anyone you know, or about the acts or omissions of anyone living or dead. This story is not about the model(s) photographed on the cover but represents a fictional fantasy created by Jason Pinaster. The acts, actions and attitudes in this story are the completely fictionalized results of my imagination.

    Cover credits: Many thanks to for its kind permission to use the cover photo. The entire photoset and video are available at    This image was used pursuant to direct, not to mention generous, permission of All photoshopping was done by me.

    Acknowledgement: Many thanks for the suggestions from and proofreading by SuperDeadlyHamAttack. All errors remain mine. Author's note: All characters depicted in this work of fiction are 18 years of age or older.

    Jason Pinaster has published numerous other stories. His favorite themes center around erotic wrestling, tickling, wet & messy, and BDSM. For a full list of his stories, please see his author profile or check out

    Slice:  A Girl-Girl Wrestling Story

    Chapter One

    I’d gotten hooked on erotic wrestling several years previously when Alexa had invited me to a workout at the FightPulse gym.

    After she had led me through a vigorous set of stretches and an even more vigorous set of calisthenics, Alexa led me over to the water cooler and we chatted as we sipped.  Halfway into a bottle of ice-cold water, she asked me if I was ready to wrestle.

    Sure, I said. 

    We spent the rest of the water break sizing each other up.  At five-foot seven-inches, I was a couple of inches taller than Alexa, but she had a substantial weight advantage.  Some of that advantage was a thin layer of soft flab, not so thin on her breasts, but I suspected that at least some of her added weight was muscle.  Our hair was wavy, not curly.  Her russet red hair ended at the top of her shoulders while mine went down

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