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New Persian Glory: American Novawasp Drone Ends Iranian Terrorism and Enables a new Persia
New Persian Glory: American Novawasp Drone Ends Iranian Terrorism and Enables a new Persia
New Persian Glory: American Novawasp Drone Ends Iranian Terrorism and Enables a new Persia
Ebook106 pages56 minutes

New Persian Glory: American Novawasp Drone Ends Iranian Terrorism and Enables a new Persia

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In this novel an American businessman and his wife apply Artificial Intelligence and the Watson supercomputer to develop a multi-function drone designed to eliminate drug smugglers and terrorists. These NOVAWASPs combine to create intelligent, deadly NOVASWARMs,
The couple designs, builds and tests these man-made insects over Florida’s Everglades. The NOVAWASP is a small 3-foot weapon which carries cameras, sensors and deadly payloads. The swarm is smart enough to let missiles pass by harmlessly.
The DoD’s Advanced Projects Research Agency helps qualify the drone for nationally-important missions. NOVASWASPs are parachuted out of a C-130 aircraft to descend to the required mission altitude. Initial missions destroy Fentanyl laboratories in northern Mexico.
President Aurum is persuaded to use the new weapon to stop Iran from exporting and supporting terrorism in the Middle East. In only one mission, two aircraft drop NOVASWARMs to destroy the country’s warmaking capability. The NOVAWASPs can even crash into jet canopies, explode and render them useless. A swarm destroys the power plant servicing a nuclear bomb development facility.
In the end, an interim President, an Iranian-American, oversees the implementation of a democracy modelled after the U.S. Constitution. A New Persia will build upon its glorious past.
Release dateJan 9, 2024
New Persian Glory: American Novawasp Drone Ends Iranian Terrorism and Enables a new Persia

Jason O’Neil

JASON O’NEIL has published 25 books on subjects as varied as balancing the federal budget to inventing new vehicles to debunking global warming caused by man. A key theme in his works is the elimination of the Slavery of Socialism in America.

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    New Persian Glory - Jason O’Neil

    © 2024 Jason O’Neil. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 01/08/2024

    ISBN: 979-8-8230-2043-5 (sc)

    ISBN: 979-8-8230-2042-8 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2024900392

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    Cast of Characters

    1.   Miami

    2.   Homestead

    3.   Greenville

    4.   Reston

    5.   Yorktown

    6.   Homestead 2

    7.   Ballston

    8.   Little Rock

    9.   White House

    10.  Homestead 3

    11.  Tbilisi

    12.  Qatar

    13.  White House 2

    14.  Operation Persian Glory

    15.  Tehran

    16.  Tehran 2

    17.  Simi


    Bald Eagle Vision

    The Red Box





    New Age Ark


    Mission Embryo



    When Baldie Cries

    A Necessary Coup

    Bald Eagle Vision 2



    Escape from La-La Land



    Tough Sale


    One Sane One


    American Overhaul



    Brendan Flynn


    Son of Former U.S. President

    Age 60

    Married to Katie

    Similar to: Errol Flynn, Actor

    Katie Flynn

    Aeronautical Engineer; Flight Test Director

    Tall, Slender, Red Head

    Age 58; Looks 46

    Similar to: Cintia Dicker, Supermodel

    Malcolm McMullen

    Director, Engineering

    Rolls Royce North America

    Age: 59

    Similar to: Eric Severeid, Journalist

    Chester Buck

    Director, Aeronautical Structures

    ACL Corporation

    Age: 64

    Similar to: Russell Crowe, Actor

    Tom Fenton

    Project Manager, Artificial Intelligence

    IBM Corporation

    Age: 54

    Similar to: Orlando Bloom, Actor

    Dr. Paula Frankel

    Director, DARPA

    Former Air Force Pilot

    Age: 47

    Similar to: Sally Ride, Astronaut

    Tim Welch

    Director, Defense Intelligence Agency

    Age: 60

    Similar to: Harrison Ford, Actor

    General James Russell

    Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff

    USAF Test Pilot

    Age: 65

    Similar to: Burt Lancaster, Actor

    General Reid Burnham

    Commander, Little Rock AFB

    Age: 62

    Similar to: Sean Connery, Actor

    M/Sgt Paul Warren

    USAF C-130 Aircraft Loadmaster

    Age: 42

    Similar to: Richard Gere, Actor

    Adam Aurum

    U.S. President

    Age: 60

    Former Aerospace Executive

    Similar to: Gregory Peck, Actor

    Orin Wright

    White House Chief of Staff

    Private Pilot

    Age: 54

    Similar to: Neil Armstrong, Astronaut

    Colonel Bill Cavanaugh

    Commander, USAF AFB Tbilisi, Georgia

    Age: 46

    Similar to: John Glenn, Astronaut

    Colonel Ben Miles

    Commander, USAF AFB, Qatar

    Age: 48

    Similar to: Liam Neesom, Actor

    Tom Crowley

    U.S. Secretary of State

    Age: 62

    Similar to: Earnest Hemmingway, Author

    Prince Yousif Latif

    Member, Dubai Royal Family

    Age: 52

    Similar to: Omar Shariff, Actor

    Firouz Naderi

    Iranian-American Businessman

    Age: 66

    Similar to: Shaun Toub, Iranian Actor




    In the Flynn family compound in Key Biscayne just east of Miami, Florida, Brendan and Katie Flynn were relaxing by the swimming pool on a lazy Sunday morning. The Flynn family fortune was the result of the anti-gravity device which makes its carrier weightless. This Red Box revolutionized world travel in a thousand ways. Brendan’s father, Matt Flynn, invented the device and later served two terms as President who was best known for his efforts to reverse the Slavery of Socialism in America. Over the last twenty-years, the Flynns have tirelessly supported national efforts to keep China from absorbing the country, the last beacon of Democracy on the planet.

    Brendan put down his laptop, took a sip of breakfast coffee and said, Katie, I’ve been thinking about two of America’s most pressing problems.

    Katie put down her section of the newspaper and asked, O.K., what’s on your mind this time?

    Well, as I see it my dear, the current administration in Washington has been unable to effectively accomplish two missions.

    O.K. What are they?

    The opioid crisis and foreign terrorism.

    Well, my love, what do you propose? And let me guess; it involves the Red Box.


    Yes, it does. It makes what I have in mind so much more effective. And, as I saw in the plant in Homestead last week, our folks have now come up with a micro-Red Box which is only 4-inches by 4-inches by 2-inches in width. It really works. It’s our next big product which could change life everywhere on Earth...pretty damn amazing!

    Honey, that’s awesome. You’re right. It’s a game-changer. But how can it be used to fight the drug smugglers and terrorists?

    Brendan turned his laptop around with the

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