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The Misadventures of a Cat Detective: The Misadventures of a Cat Detective
The Misadventures of a Cat Detective: The Misadventures of a Cat Detective
The Misadventures of a Cat Detective: The Misadventures of a Cat Detective
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The Misadventures of a Cat Detective: The Misadventures of a Cat Detective

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Enjoy your stay in Picklesquare, an enchanted small town full of magic and murder… 


Claws and Conundrums:

Little did I know that a mischievous tabby cat would become my ticket to freedom, using his uncanny ability to grant me visions and help me solve a perplexing murder where I'm the prime suspect!

Chaos erupts when I stumble upon the lifeless body of Anna, the estate's lawyer, the morning after I arrive to dispute my mysterious inheritance. Faced with suspicion by the cute Detective Grey, the stoic cat leads me to the clues that will hopefully clear my name…


Unraveling Threads of Magic:

After inheriting Mr. Livingston's mansion and solving the death of his estate lawyer, I've settled in Picklesquare quite nicely as Detective Grey's partner against crime.

However, the tragic death of a town ruffian shatters my short-lived tranquility in this usually sleepy town. Danger escalates and the clock ticks, drawing Detective Grey and me closer together to solve the murder.

A tapestry of magic woven with lies threatens life as we know it. If we don't catch the killer in time, we might not escape the intricate web before we're caught in its threads forever…


Chronicles of the Cozy Museum Murder:

I thought my days of unraveling mysteries were behind me, but when the Mayor of Picklesquare calls me in the dead of night, I'm plunged into a new enigma that sends chills down my spine.

A murder has tainted the hallowed halls of the Picklesquare Museum of History, and a priceless artifact has vanished without a trace.

As we race against time to unmask the shapeshifter and retrieve the stolen artifact, I realize that this case is more dangerous than anything I've encountered before. I must embrace the magic coursing through my veins to solve a case that grows more perilous with each passing moment.

Will I unmask the shapeshifter murderer in time, or will they disappear into the shadows, leaving this historic mystery forever unsolved?..



3 books. Over 500 pages. All in one box set! Get your copy today!

PublisherAlice Stone
Release dateJan 12, 2024
The Misadventures of a Cat Detective: The Misadventures of a Cat Detective

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Reviews for The Misadventures of a Cat Detective

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This box set is just the ticket for cosy reading mystery with brilliant quirky characters . Here’s my reviews of them all:- Claws & Conundrums:- Brilliant short Mystery that has the reader gripped and compelled to read . Full of intrigue and suspense and a nice romance blossoming too. Cosy Mystery that is very well written and good plot scenario. Unraveling Threads of Magic:- Charlotte Millers and Detective George Grey are crime solver extraordinaries. Not forgetting Pearl the cat who likes to tease them.A Tapestry indeed ! When Charlotte happens upon a stranger on a bridge it sets off a series of events that need to be seen to be believed and it seems he’s no stranger to her partner , just estranged…The detectives must travel via a hidden passage to the ghost realm and seek help to find an ancient artefact called the ghost eater and return it to put the world and the immortal realm back on an even keel …Great series , a little different to the first but just as enjoyable. Great characters , plots and scene descriptions. Well written and compellingly immersive . Chronicles of the Cosy Museum:- The Mayor calls upon Charlotte to help , her and Detective Grey Thompson investigate when there’s a murder and an artefact that is priceless has gone missing , it’s the third instalment of this brilliant Cosy Mystery series set in Picklesquare , this time in the Museum of History. He knows he can count on her as he knows of her powers and she’s helped him out previously. The perpetrator has used magic of the shape shifting kind to infiltrate the Museum. This a most serious and most dangerous than all her other cases put together and has personal repercussions of her own identity, more secrets and revelations to uncover and she needs to fully embrace the magic coursing through her veins to thwart this one…This is truly a puzzling, rollercoaster ride of clues and misdirection and a little affection. Great! As usual this mighty pen of Alice Stone strikes again with wondrous prose to set the pulses racing as you read this edge of your seat , immersive masterpiece. Bravo ! I was forward these books and I’m leaving my review voluntarily in my own words

Book preview

The Misadventures of a Cat Detective - Alice Stone

The Misadventures of a Cat Detective

Books 1-3

Claws and Conundrums

Unraveling Threads of Magic

Chronicles of the Cozy Museum Murder

Alice Stone

MM Innovative Creations

Copyright © 2023 by Alice Stone

All rights reserved.

No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher or author, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law.


Claws and Conundrums

Unraveling Threads of Magic

Chronicles of the Cozy Museum Murder

Claws and Conundrums

The Misadventures of a Cat Detective Series
Alice Stone

MM Innovative Creations

Copyright © 2023 by Alice Stone

All rights reserved.

No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher or author, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law.


1. The Letter to No One

2. Murder At Dawn

3. The Headsman

4. Mr. Livingstone

5. The Room of Many Doors

6. Animorpher 

7. M-E-L-I-N-D-A

8. The Dance

9. Potions and Death

10. Bloodline

Chapter one

The Letter to No One

I’ve died and gone to heaven.

My mind is reeling from the notion that I just became the owner of a historic mansion overnight. This cannot be real.

I’m very certain that I’m not related to the owner of a mansion in a town I’ve never visited. 

I mean, I don’t think I’ve ever even met the guy! This must be a joke!

But two days after receiving a thick, official-looking envelope, I find myself driving to the small town where my sudden good fortune came from. 

Picklesquare? Who names a town Picklesquare? Why don’t people answer phones here?

Ugh. I can smell the cabbie’s breath from here. He’s nice enough, but a shower would do him a world of good.

He suddenly slams on the brakes.

What? Is something wrong? I ask in alarm.

Nothing ma’am. Just don’t want to run over anyone.

Huh? It takes a second to register, but when I look out the car window, all I see are flashes of bright colors.

The town is buzzing with excitement, full of vibrant colors, loud noises, and yummy smells. 

Impatiently, I silently wish the cab had a siren. I could check out the festival after getting to Mr. Livingstone's mansion. The town is as interesting as it is peculiar, but I need to get to him to get the answer to my seemingly random inheritance. 

Wha—? Something catches my eye, and I turn my gaze to it.

A bunch of teenagers nearby are throwing rotten oranges at a black Ford in the opposite lane. They look mischievous and are laughing like it is the funniest thing ever to pelt a car with a rotten orange. 

Boys. Who’s driving that car? How enraged are they that they will now need to clean rotten fruit off their car?

I turn to look at the cabbie, David. He doesn’t even seem fazed. He just chuckles and looks at me through the rearview mirror. He leans back. People only throw rotten things at you if they hate you, you know. 

I don’t even like cleaning the dust or dew off my car. 

I squint at the vehicle. Who’s in the car? The devil? Hitler incarnate?

I have no idea. The crowd finally thins out and he lurches the cab forward, jolting me back against my seat. 

As the cab eases its way through the fading chaos of what I think is a Rotten Fruit Festival, my mind shifts to the task awaiting me at Mr. Livingstone's mansion. Two days ago, that unexpected letter arrived at my doorstep without an addressee.

Inside, I found a stack of documents bearing my name—titles to a grand estate just a few hours from my apartment. The top letter was odd and rubbed me the wrong way.

I hope this meets you in peace.

I am writing to you with a proposition of utmost significance. Enclosed within this envelope, you will find legal documents pertaining to the magnificent mansion of Mr. Livingstone. It may come as a surprise, but destiny has chosen you as the rightful heir to this grand estate.

You see, Mr. Livingstone has no immediate family. In his final moments of mental clarity, he entrusted me with the responsibility of locating the deserving owner of his beloved mansion. Through an extensive search and meticulous considerations, fate has guided me to you.

The moment I laid eyes on your name, I knew you were the one meant to inherit this glorious property. Your reputation as a person of integrity, wisdom, and compassion has reached far and wide, aligning perfectly with the values cherished by Mr. Livingstone throughout his life.

By signing the enclosed documents now, you will not only assume ownership of the mansion but also become the steward of its history and the legacy it holds.

Yours Faithfully,

Anna Butler

The Estate’s Lawyer

As the cab jolts along the bumpy road, my mind wanders from Where in the heck my reputation was the topic of conversation to the serene view out of the cab window. I watch the scenery change from the chaos of the fruit festival to a serene and quiet atmosphere. David slows to a stop opposite the town center, and I peer out the window, my eyes widening at the sight before me.

A lofty double gate with an inscription mounted at the top and written in bold letters LIVINGSTONE ESTATE stares back at me. The grounds alone are magnificent. A spiraling wonder of bushes across the open gate makes me realize how poor I am living in the confines of my shabby two-bedroom flat in New York City. A straight cobblestone road lined with trees, their branches reaching out to form a natural canopy overhead, leads to the front view of the estate. Here, green ferns and plants line the area, adding to the jaw-dropping sight of the mansion further back on the estate.

This place is amazing, I think to myself as I gaze at the perfectly planted array. My eye catches a young man with heavily sun-kissed skin, tending to the garden on one side. He is tall with a muscled body that makes him look like a heavyweight champion. He waves at our cab and flashes me a friendly smile. Does he wave at every single person who passes by the garden?

The trees that line the road filter the sunlight, casting shadows on the ground as we move. There are also occasional benches and picnic tables inviting travelers to stop and take a break outside of the gate.

Here we are. David makes an abrupt stop in front of the mansion.

I reach into my purse and pull out some money to pay. David chuckles again. You don’t have to worry about that. I’m glad you’re in Picklesquare and I hope you enjoy your time here.

Well, that’s very nice of you. Grateful, I slide my last few dollars back into my wallet.

But be very careful in this part of town. Mr. Livingstone’s mansion is the last place anyone visits in Picklesquare. His face darkens and his eyes no longer glisten. 

I frown at his statement. What do you mean by that?

But before he can answer, a car drives into the compound and stops directly beside the cab. A black Ford with bits of fruit on its windshield. The car at the festival!

Out steps a young woman with fiery red hair. Her face is scrunched up in a deep frown as though she has been forced to gulp something bitter. She mumbles some words to herself and backs away from the car as if it were a piece of trash.

Excuse me, I call out to her, hoping to find out how to avoid such a fiasco myself. Are you alright? 

The woman turns to face me, her eyes narrowing in annoyance. I'm fine. Just another day in Picklesquare where kids love to throw rotten fruit at my car. Well, I guess I’m glad it didn’t end up like the last time…

The last time was worse than this?

The red-haired woman must have seen the look on my face, urging her to tell me what had happened the last time. Her face breaks into a tired smile. I don’t think you need to know about that now. I’m Anna Butler, by the way. You seem to be from out of town. What’s your name?


Here is the estate’s lawyer, the same person who sent the letter to me. Surely, she knows what’s going on!

Charlotte Miller, I reply, returning the smile and trying to hide my anxiety.

Her eyes grow to the size of saucers, recognizing my name. Charlotte, huh? You're the one who inherited Mr. Livingstone's mansion, right?

I feel the scrutiny of her gaze as she takes in my petite frame, from the dark brown curls that fall across my face to the tennies shoes that adorn my feet. Yes, but I believe there's been a mistake. I'm not related to Mr. Livingstone or…

Anna interrupts me. Let’s go in, shall we?

Unable to interject, I follow her up the stairs as David sets my luggage just inside the door. He vanishes without saying goodbye.

As soon as I enter the huge doors to the mansion, I feel like I've time-traveled to a fancy 18th-century plantation! The entrance hall has a cool wooden staircase and fancy designs on the ceiling that look like they are from a fairy tale. Sunlight peeks in through pretty stained-glass windows, making the rugs on the floor bask in a rainbow explosion. 

The drawing room is all vintage vibes, with cozy velvet couches, fancy tables, and chandeliers that scream upscale party. And the dining room? Oh boy! It has a massive wooden table that has probably seen more food than a buffet line.

And Mr. Livingstone wants to give me all this?

It couldn’t be worse than a nightmare. I wouldn’t know how to preserve the rugs from the dust of my shoes nor would I know how to save the velvet couches from being stained with my breakfast or lunch.

This has to be a mistake, I whisper, taking in the magnificence of the room again and again.

Anna raises an eyebrow, placing her jacket carefully on the back of the couch. An amused smile plays on her lips now. You think it's a mistake? I've been waiting for you. Did you bring the signed documents? 

I frown, trying to make sense of her words. But why would I inherit anything from someone I'm not related to? I don’t even know what he looks like! 

Ah, that's the million-dollar question though, isn't it? You signed the documents though, right? It’s important that you signed them, Anna says with a forced smile. 

No, I haven’t. I want to meet Mr. Livingstone because I do not intend to sign them. I still believe it is a mistake. I try not to shake.

Anna sighs, and I can see a frown returning to her face. She is probably wishing the teenagers were still throwing rotten fruit at her. It would be better than facing an obstinate stranger who was rejecting a mansion!

Unfortunately, it's late now, and he doesn't receive visitors after sundown. You'll have to wait until morning. But I’ll set you up in a room for the night.

Very well. I suppose I understand. But I want to see Mr. Livingstone first thing tomorrow morning. 

That will not be a problem, Anna answers.

A sound soon echoes into the room where we are standing. I hear from the upper floor a "tap tap that keeps on moving above us. I raise my head, What’s that?"

Nothing, Anna quickly whispers, but I can tell from her voice that she is scared.

David’s words ring in my head again. "Mr. Livingstone’s mansion is the last place anyone visits in Picklesquare."

The sound soon stops, again immersing us in the deep silence of the mansion’s living room. I look at Anna but this time, her friendly smile is back on her face.

Let me show you to your room. Anna walks out of the room.

We walk through a long passage that leads into the innermost part of the mansion. On each side of us, white stone walls adorned with intricate carvings line the passageway. The huge windows in the mansion go from the floor all the way up to the ceiling. 

They must let in a lot of light during the day, offering a beautiful view of the outside scenery. It must make the rooms feel connected to nature.

Here you go, Anna says as we get to a door in one of the hallways.

She opens it for me and steps aside while gesturing to me to go inside. Greeted by the warmth of a big room that could comfortably take in my entire one-bedroom flat, my eyes feel permanently stuck open now. The furniture is antique but well-maintained and retains its original beauty. 

The walls are adorned with beautiful paintings and intricate tapestries, and the floors are made of polished wood that gleams in the light from the lamp. The room is glorious, a reminder of a bygone era, a time when elegance and refinement were prized above all else. The big bed in the room is large enough for five people to fit across it, but still, the room looks spacious.

As welcoming as the room feels, something seems a bit off. I shake off that feeling and continue touring the room with my eyes until Anna calls my name. 

Oh! Thanks, I reply as she opens the bathroom door on the left wall. 

The chef is running a warm bath for you. She wanted to welcome you to your new home. Also, tell her what you would like to eat for dinner. 

I walk to the bed, running my hand over the comfy bedsheets. Thank you. I sit down on the bed, barely knowing what to do with myself.

After a few minutes, a young lady in a white uniform and hair packed in a bun knocks quietly on the bathroom door. 

Your bath is ready, Miss Miller, she announces, a polite smile stretching across her face.

Just like the gardener, she has no problem beaming at me as though we’ve been friends since forever. Maybe this place isn’t bad after all.

It’s Charlotte. Are you the chef?

Yes’m, Diana Milligan, the chef of the Livingstone estate.

Diana leads me into the bathroom where a tub filled with water is waiting for me. The water is steaming and the bubbles smell like roses. Diana leaves after I give a lofty dinner idea and I hurriedly get into the water. I take a breath and try to relax, letting the water wash away my stress from the journey. It is so quiet in the bathroom that I can even hear myself breathing.

The bubbles feel really nice against my skin, like a soft massage tending to the knots in my muscles. I sink into the water and sigh. 

Slipping into a ratty band shirt and shorts from high school, I feel completely underdressed standing in front of the mirror at the sink. I don’t think these could be real gold faucets, but the vanity could certainly be real marble.  

I don’t want to leave, but I guess I’d have to buy a new wardrobe if I wanted to stay…

I must have spent almost an eternity in the tub because Diana has set out my evening meal on the table already by the time I get back into the room.

How did she already make this? I really thought she was bluffing when she said she could make my favorite meal.

I lift the plate cover to reveal a tender, juicy steak with a thick mushroom sauce. Roasted garlic mashed potatoes and a blend of seasonal vegetables are on another plate, with a chocolate lava cake on another.

It is the meal of royals, and today, I’m definitely living like one!

One bite and my taste buds are immediately awakened by the explosion of flavors. The food is expertly seasoned, with just the right amount of spices and herbs. I can tell that the ingredients are fresh and high-quality and that the dish has been prepared with care and attention to detail.

Perfection! I could get used to this… 

As I dig into the food, I question why the mansion still seems off, despite its friendly inhabitants. I can’t wait to meet Mr. Livingstone and hand over the documents and be free from this whole mansion debacle. 

Even if I were the rightful heir, how am I supposed to keep this place up?

As I eat, I think about every possible reason that made Mr. Livingstone choose me to inherit his mansion. Nothing comes to my head as a possible link to Picklesquare. Only my grandmother, who lived in this same town before her mysterious disappearance seventy years ago, could be a possibility. But my mom was taken to live with my aunt in Upstate New York shortly afterward, and we never came to visit this town after she had me. 

Should I find Anna to say good night? She probably still hates me…

Thinking back to her car, I figure she might still be busy. 

I’ll just wait till morning to see her and Mr. Livingstone.

As I lay on my bed, my mind drifts to the life I have in New York City. I run a small bookstore, my sanctuary in the heart of a busy city. It is my haven filled with the amazing scent of old books and the soft rustle of pages turning. The cozy store is always adorned with stacks of novels, memoirs, and poetry collections, whispering tales of distant lands and captivating characters. 

But it wasn't just the books that made the bookstore special. My cat, Clara, always lit up the place with her vibrant presence. Clara and I were like two peas in a pod, her furry paws always tagging along behind me.

This was until she died five months ago. Her death was a huge blow to me, and I haven’t recovered from it. I miss stroking Clara’s fur and hearing her purr at the sight of me.

But maybe things happen for a reason. Maybe fate has brought me to Mr. Livingstone’s mansion for something I’ve yet to uncover.

Chapter two

Murder At Dawn

W hat—?

I wake up to the gentle rays of sunlight filtering through the lace curtains of my room.

Stretching my limbs, I yawn and sit up in bed. It takes me a few seconds to realize that I’m not in my apartment but in one of the large rooms in Mr. Livingstone’s mansion.

The events of the previous day race into my head as I remember the encounter with Anna Butler, Mr. Livingstone's lawyer. I recall my warm bath and the meal Diana, the chef, graced my tastebuds with.

Great! It all ends today. Hopefully, it’s time to meet Mr. Livingstone.

As I make my way down the stairs, my footsteps echo through the empty corridors of the mansion. The grandeur of the place seems even more pronounced in the morning light, but an air of stillness and silence unsettles me.

Hello? I call out, my voice echoing through the empty corridor.

No response. 

Were all those people I met last night a figment of my imagination? Am I somehow locked in an old mansion in the middle of nowhere?

As I venture through the hallways, I notice a tabby cat wearing a collar adorned with small gemstones. It reminds me of Clara, but there is something strange about the way it looks at me, its blue mysterious orbs fixate on me.

It seems to be watching me intently as if beckoning me to follow. Intrigued, I follow the weird cat, its tail swaying back and forth as it leads me through a maze of corridors until we reach a study. 

Pushing the heavy oak door open, I step into the room and gasp! There, sitting motionless in a padded seat behind a desk with her head lolling to one side, is Anna Butler. Immediately, I know that she is not faking it. 

Horror and disbelief wash over me as I take in the scene before me. There is foam dripping from her mouth and the room itself is filled with a sickly-sweet smell that makes me nauseous. I feel a lump forming in my throat as I struggle to comprehend what is before me. 

Before panic can fully set in, I notice the tabby cat perching on the edge of the desk, seemingly undisturbed by the grisly sight. It stares at me with piercing eyes, almost accusingly. Has this cat led me to the study on purpose? Is it trying to tell me something? 

My mind races, trying to piece together the events that had led to Anna's untimely demise. But nothing seems to click. She was full of life some hours ago. Now, she is an empty body long gone in death. I know I have to act quickly and find help. 

Rushing out of the study, I make my way to the estate's kitchen, where Diana is already preparing breakfast. Diana turns to face me, ready to break into her polite smile, but I can’t wait. It’s Anna! Something has happened to her!

What? Diana exclaims and follows me out of the kitchen.

I lead her to the study, where Anna’s body is sitting on the chair. Diana lets out a painful cry and walks backward to the wall of the room, covering her eyes with her hands as though she doesn’t want to look at the scene. The tabby cat has now vanished out of sight, and I wonder where it has gone.

Is there anyone we can call?

Yes, Diana replies after a few seconds of hesitation. Detective Grey. He will want to see this.


Detective Grey arrives fifteen minutes later.

He is a tall man with frizzy brown hair, a pair of sharp blue eyes that seem to observe more than the ordinary, and a prominent jawline that complements his attractive face.

To be honest, when Diana spoke about Detective Grey, I was expecting to meet an old man with thinning gray hair and a pair of keen eyes known for fishing out clues at crime scenes. I wasn’t expecting to meet a breathtakingly handsome man whose presence is exciting enough that I almost forget I should be sad that Anna Butler is dead.

If sexy characters from romance novels could become detectives in the real world, then Detective Grey must’ve walked out of the pages of one of them.

He is insanely handsome. I guess he must get compliments from a lot of women. He arrives at the estate swiftly, his presence commanding attention as he surveys the scene. When we lock eyes, his mesmerizing eyes capture me for seconds that seem like a thrilling eternity. Then, he clears his throat. Who are you?

Startled awake, I stutter out, Charlotte Miller.

He fishes out a notepad from the jacket of his tailored suit and begins to write something down. Oh no, does he consider me a suspect? I only arrived here yesterday!

Though I find the detective undeniably attractive, I fear what he thinks of me now. 

As if reading my thoughts, Detective Grey looks back up at me. Miss Miller, do not leave town. You are a suspect in this case.

Why? I cry out.

Well, it’s only logical? His eyes observe me again, though I can’t make out whether he was being sarcastic or not. "You arrived at the mansion yesterday, a complete stranger who has no ties with Mr. Livingstone. You had a private conversation with Miss Butler, who welcomed you into the mansion last night and you were the first person to stumble upon her body this morning."

But it was the cat, the cat led me here! That sounds reasonable in my head because it is the truth. How unreasonable would that sound to the detective? He would probably take a long look at me and conclude that I need a psychiatric exam.

My eyes widen in disbelief. But I had nothing to do with this! I stumbled on Anna's body when I came in here to meet Mr. Livingstone like we had planned.

I’m not saying you’re the culprit. He smiles at me, the first time he has done so since he walked into the mansion. It melts my heart. However, until we gather more evidence, I must explore all possibilities. Please cooperate with the investigation. Stay around the mansion. I’ll have to come back and ask you more questions.


Even after proclaiming me to be a suspect, I still find myself admiring the detective’s aura, but being a suspect in a murder case isn’t exactly the way I had hoped to catch his attention. 

I need to focus on proving my innocence and get out of this mess pronto. 

The detective heads back to the crime scene and signals to his team to secure the area, preserving the scene as they collect evidence. He wears a pair of gloves, taking care not to disturb any potential clues. I watch him pick up a mug on the desk. He brings it to his nose and sniffs it. 

Coffee, I hear him whisper. The victim had just finished drinking coffee. Then, he turns to another police officer and says, Put this in the evidence bag. I want the contents of the cup examined.

Why would anyone want to kill Anna?

Detective Grey turns his attention to me. He raises an eyebrow at me. Miss Miller, why don’t you go back to your room? My team and I have this handled.

He clearly doesn’t want me here.

You told me to stay close. I shrug. Without waiting for a reply, I turn around and leave the study, darting through the corridors of the grand mansion, my feet sinking into the plush carpets. Panic courses through my veins, my mind spinning with the weight of the murder investigation that looms over me.

I need to calm down. They’ve got this handled!

Then, a second thought pops into my mind. What if I’m the next victim?

The mansion seems like a maze now, its lavish rooms and winding hallways a haunting reminder of the murder that has just occurred within its walls. The sunlight filters through the windows, casting weird shadows that dance along the walls. Every creak of the floorboards sends shivers down my spine as if the very house conspires against my determination to stop thinking about the murder. 

But just as I think I have eluded the prying eyes of the investigators, a low purr echoes through the silence. My heart skips a beat as I turn a corner, only to find the tabby cat blocking my path. Its fur is standing on end, and its amber eyes gleam with an unsettling intelligence. I freeze, my breath catching in my throat. 

Move it! Suddenly upset at the cat that started this business, I feel uneasy trying to get around it.

The cat's gaze bores into mine as if it can see through my desperate zeal to escape my present situation. It moves with an unnatural speed toward me, each step calculated and deliberate. And then, without warning, it lunges with its claws and scratches my face. 

Why would a cat that looked so cute do that? 

I stumble backward, clutching my wounded face, the warm trickle of blood staining my trembling hands. The tabby cat watches me intently, its tail flicking back and forth in satisfaction.

Immediately, I feel very dizzy, and my sight gets blurry. All I can hear are the light echoes of the investigators back in the study before passing out…

Chapter three

The Headsman

Only silence.

I panic, opening my eyes, expecting to be dead. When I finally regain my senses, I find myself lying in bed, a dull throbbing sensation radiating from my scratched face. 

I’m back in my room in the mansion? 

Confusion washes over me as I try to piece together what has transpired. How had I ended up here? And where was the tabby cat that had attacked me? 

As my vision adjusts, I notice a figure sitting across the room. It’s a tall man, his face partially hidden by the shadows. His presence emits an air of mystery, an aura that commands both respect and fear. 

Welcome back, Miss Miller.

His voice is familiar, but it is only when he leans forward in his seat that I see his face. It’s Detective Grey!

Do you remember who I am? he asks, his brows creasing into a frown. I am Alexander Grey, the detective who arrived at the scene earlier and…

I know who you are, I cut in, sitting up and placing a hand on my forehead. The throb in my head appears to have subsided. What happened? How did I end up here? 

One of the police officers saw you on the floor in a room. You weren’t moving, which was why we brought you here. Do you have any idea what happened?

It hits me! As I sit nursing the scratch on my face, the vision that took hold of my mind like a fever dream comes back to my memory. 

Standing before me is Anna Butler, her spectral form flickering with urgency. 

Escape! she whispers urgently, her voice echoing in the recesses of my mind. "The Headsman is coming for Picklesquare. You must leave the mansion and flee this town before

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