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About this ebook

Kai is certain he is meant for better things. When Destiny does tap him, he finds that being a Hero isn't at all like he dreamed it would be and he has to find the Hero within.

Elese, a no-nonsense wizard, doesn't care for all this soul-searching, touchy feeling nonsense. She just wants to get on with saving the world already.

The unlikely pair have to find a way to work together before time runs out.


Release dateJan 12, 2024

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    Rising - S. Stieglitz

    Chapter One

    It was a beautiful morning. The sky was clear and the faint aroma of freshly baked bread wafted through the air. Kai took a deep breath and relaxed back against his chair before exhaling a loud sigh of contentment.

    He knew he needed to be inside setting up for the day’s work or at his workstation finalizing the design of his master project. He was a senior journeyman smith and only needed to complete his master’s piece to earn his rank of master. Kai yawned and stretched until he felt his spine pop; no need to rush, he had time.

    Kai! Where are you?

    He jumped like an apprentice at the sound of his master’s bellow. The sun was now warm on his face. He must have fallen asleep.

    Get in here, you lazy good-for-nothing! Jaafan shouted with irritation.

    I’m here! I’m coming, Kai shouted back, standing up. He tried to keep the irritation out of his voice. What was the emergency? Jaafan was a master smith and a good enough man to work for but, he could always find something to complain about.

    Kai entered the smithy and greeted both Jaafan and his fellow journeyman, Kevin.

    There you are, growled Jaafan. Right. Kevin, I want you to finish those beer mugs today. Kai, you can run up to the Order and deliver their candlesticks.

    Kai looked from his master to Kevin and back, thinking he should have been chosen to do the finishing work on the mugs. He was every bit as good a craftsman as Kevin, yet he was the one running errands like an apprentice.

    Seeing his hesitation, Jaafan said, Kevin has already gotten his hands dirty with his morning’s work. You are clean and presentable enough for those priestesses up at the Order.

    Kai nodded in agreement. That was true; Kevin looked a sad sight. He was never clean from always doing something around the smithy.

    He turned away to walk to the other side of the shop where the candlesticks were already neatly packed in a large crate. Behind his back, Kevin and Jaafan exchanged looks and Kevin rolled his eyes. Jaafan mutely shook his head and pointed at Kevin’s workstation. Taking the hint, Kevin said nothing and returned to his work.

    Kai carried the crate outside and put it into a handcart. Pushing the cart in front of him, he began his way up the hill to the Order. It wasn’t long before his mind started drifting.

    The Order of Healing was a clerical sect whose priestesses and priests devoted themselves to the god Dian Cecht. Their purpose was to maintain the Waters said to be blessed by the gods. The Waters were believed to flow underground from the Red Dragon Mountains until it surfaced in a cenote here in the city of Manesse.

    What a boring name, Kai thought to himself. The mountain range was named after the red dragon said to live there, though he had never seen it. It was also believed to be the protector of the surrounding region. If he was the dragon, he would have made them use a much more interesting name.

    Manesse was due south of the realm also named for the red dragon. Despite his option of the name, Kai knew the Realm of the Red Dragon to be one of the three most influential regions in the world with an elite military force.

    Manesse’s Baron was selected from the Red Dragon’s military by the Realm’s ruler. The Baron’s sworn duty was to protect the Waters and the Order.

    Kai’s eyes lost focus as he pictured himself as a noble, daring soldier. A Lieutenant, at least; maybe even a Major. He could see himself catching the eye of a beautiful priestess.

    Grunting a little as he pushed the cart, his thoughts turned to the current Baron Tybalt and High Priestess Gemma. From early on, Gemma had been a favorite of Dian Cecht. When she was still a young priestess, Gemma fell in love with a man, a mercenary it was said, who had come to be healed by the Waters. Rumor was that more than his body had been healed because he gave up roaming and settled down with Gemma. They had a daughter and at some point, Kai couldn’t recall when, Gemma was granted the rank of High Priestess.

    Kai stopped walking as he tried to remember the rest of the rumors. He knew the man was no longer in Manesse, but he couldn’t quite recall when he had left. Was it before or after Tybalt took the position of Baron?

    Catching the quizzical look of a passerby, Kai pulled his mind back to the present. He stared hard back at the person and resumed walking.

    Kai didn’t like Baron Tybalt and he was certain few others did. How Tybalt earned his position as Baron, Kai didn’t know but, he wouldn’t be surprised if it was by less than honorable means. When Manesse needed a new Baron, the Realm was in flux because the King had died with no clear successor. Times had been tense as several claimants made their petition for the throne.

    Tybalt took advantage of the power void to come to Manesse and coerce Gemma into marrying him. Word was, Tybalt believed this would secure his position as Baron and ruler of the Waters. Tybalt and Gemma also had a child together.

    Neither Kai nor anyone else knew what this meant for the elder sibling. She hadn’t been seen in years.

    Kai accidentally pushed his cart into the corner of a market stall as he attempted to work out how old the daughter would be now. Ignoring the black look from its owner, he corrected the cart and kept moving.

    A rumbling underfoot snapped him out of his musings. Riders were approaching. Frantically, he pulled the cart out of their path and half crouched behind it, watching as they thundered past.

    The riders bore the Realm’s Red Dragon insignia. Kai estimated at least fifty light cavalry. His heart was beating with excitement at the thought that something was about to happen. Whispers erupted from others crouched nearby.

    Why did the King send soldiers here? whined one.

    Dolt, the King is dead. Queen Isylte is our ruler now answered another, angrily.

    Is she going to do something about the Baron? the first one asked hopefully.

    May the gods save us! cried yet another.

    Chapter Two

    Kai watched the riders enter the Order grounds by the main gate. Breathing fast, he abandoned the cart and ran for the Order’s tradesman’s entrance. Distracted by the riders, the gateman let him pass without.

    Once inside, he looked around. Everyone seemed to be heading in the same general direction. Running with them, he found himself in the quadrangle of the Order grounds. The riders were lining up in some sort of formation as they entered. On the other side, the Baron’s armored soldiers, on foot, were also lining up.

    Kai’s excitement drained as his stomach knotted in fear. This was not an exercise. He shouldered his way through the crowd until he reached the front. He knew Baron Tybalt and High Priestess Gemma by their garb. There was another man, dressed well and in similar colors to Tybalt. A second in command? he wondered.

    Gemma was comforting a small child who was scared, but not actually crying. Tybalt hissed at her to ‘get that brat out of here.’

    She glared at him a moment before her expression relaxed. Yes, perhaps it is best if I send our daughter to her quarters. She doesn’t need to be present for this.

    Kai was taken aback by her tone. Despite being calm and steady, something about it sent a chill down his spine. Tybalt seemed to have heard it, too. He stared at her as she calmly gave the girl to an acolyte and instructed her to keep the child well away.

    Tybalt turned to face the leader of the cavalry, who had dismounted and stood next to his horse, silently waiting. Tensions rose as the two men faced each across the quadrangle.

    Captain, what is the meaning of this unexpected visit? Tybalt called out, loud enough to be heard by all.

    As the leader stepped forward, Kai could see his uniform and insignia clearly; he was not just a Captain of any cavalry unit.

    Baron Tybalt, I am Captain Evander, Provost Marshal for this region. I have been sent by our Queen to investigate complaints of your misconduct.

    The man Kai didn’t know immediately stepped up close to Tybalt, as if ready to defend him from attack.

    Tybalt’s face was hard as he answered, I am Tybalt, ruler of Manesse and the Order of Healing. I no longer answer to any ruler.

    This announcement triggered gasps that rippled through the crowd. Kai’s knot in his stomach twisted tighter as tensions increased.

    Evander called back in a hard voice, The purpose of the Baron is to protect the Waters and the Order; not rule them.

    His voice dropped ominously as he continued, "Your position as Baron is at the grace of her Highness. What has been granted most certainly can be withdrawn.

    You will cease your posturing and stand to the charges like an honorable man, he demanded.

    The Queen can do as she pleases. I will not stand. And you will not do battle here on such holy grounds, Tybalt answered.

    As Evander hesitated, Tybalt laughed softly, sneering quietly to those near him, Check-mate.

    Gentlemen, may I speak?

    Everyone turned toward the new voice. A young woman stepped forward, remaining equidistant between Tybalt and Evander.

    Kai inhaled in surprise and awe. The woman, presumably a priestess, was beautiful. Smaller in stature than the two men, Kai thought she stood just as tall.

    "And you are? Evander inquired formally.

    I am Elese. I live at the Order and am a former servant of Dian Cecht. I am a witness to Tybalt’s corruption of the Waters.

    Pausing to take a deep breath, she continued, I am the one who requested our Queen remove Tybalt from his office.

    Eyes blazing, Tybalt turned to Gemma and hissed, I told you to keep your bastard quiet! Reaching for his sword he said, I will silence her myself.

    Tybalt, you must not, the toady second in command said anxiously. Her complaint has reached the Queen and a formal inquiry has been initiated. Maneuvering our majesty’s Provost Marshall into stalemate is one thing. Defy the laws of the Realm and we will have no supporters, in or out of our ranks.

    Justus, you speak wisely, Tybalt growled. I will be patient.

    He glared so menacingly at Gemma that Kai feared for her safety the next time they were alone. She steadily returned his gaze and said, You do that. I have been patient long enough.

    Kai’s jaw dropped as the same chill ran down his spine once more. Tybalt’s head jerked up and he looked around quickly, sensing a trap. He turned first towards Evander and then to Elese. Seeing the expression on her face, a mixture of resolve and anger, he knew the trap had been sprung.

    Laughing, he said, I don’t fear you or what she may have said about me. The words of a bastard mean nothing to me.

    Our Queen hears all, Evander said. Do I take it that you agree to stand to the charges against you?

    Tybalt looked at Justus, who nodded. Yes, Captain, he sneered, I will stand.

    Very well, let us begin, said Evander. Madame, speak. We are listening.

    In a loud, clear voice, she began, I am Elese, daughter of the High Priestess Gemma and the wizard Timothy.

    Tybalt snorted in amusement at the mention of the name. Justus was less restrained. In a mocking tone, he said, A wizard called Tim? Does he do battle with rabbits? He is a man to be feared, for sure!

    Elese said nothing. Justus was about to go on when Evander intervened.

    Mock these proceedings and you mock the Queen. Do you think Tybalt will protect you from her? Even if he were to successfully argue against the charges, are you so sure he wouldn’t give you to us to keep peace with the Red Dragon?

    Justus’s cocky confidence deserted him as he saw Tybalt’s warning expression. Saying nothing, he gave Evander and Elese a deferential bow.

    Elese continued, "I ask our Queen to hear my claims against the one now bearing the title of Baron.

    "I was born on these grounds and raised here by my parents. Before I showed an aptitude for magic, I was trained to serve Dian Cecht just as any priestess. I say Tybalt is corrupting the sacred Waters and by so doing, has brought disgrace upon his office.

    "At first, he started drinking the Waters at his dinner table like it was wine. Then he ordered the acolytes bottle the Waters for sale. The Order has never accepted coin for the healing the Waters provides. When they refused, he had them beaten.

    "Tybalt does not object when his soldiers bathe in the pool and pollute the Waters with their filth. When not polluting the Waters his soldiers badger and harass Dian Cecht’s servants.

    From the day he arrived in Manesse, he has censored all communications to and from the Order. It has taken years for our pleas to be heard. Elese paused; her eyes bright from emotion.

    Tybalt is no protector. His actions are those of a despot. He does not deserve the title of Baron. I beg the Queen to help us, she concluded in a tight voice.

    After a moment, Evander asked, Is that all?

    Elese only nodded. Evander’s expression made Kai wonder if he hoped there were more substantial charges.

    In a rhetorical tone, Evander called to Tybalt, Baron Tybalt, how do you answer these charges?

    They are true, Tybalt answered calmly.

    Shocked by the frank admission, Evander said nothing.

    Are you surprised? Tybalt went on. The world is dying! What does it matter now? You all should drink the Waters and seize life by the throat. Live while you can. We will die; if not tomorrow, then soon.

    The people in the quadrangle were stunned by his words. Kai had never heard anyone of rank talk so openly about the world’s end. He had heard there was a Call to Action, like everyone else. Just like he had heard that many had answered the Call. He hadn’t really thought there was any real danger, certainly not that their world was really going to die. How could their world die? Such a thing was absurd.

    Justus stepped forward, "What does it all matter now? Our ancestors forewarned us. Our clerics have been shouting until they were hoarse. We knew there would be a time when we could be called to bring forth the rebirth of our world. Many have quested over the years; none has prevailed.

    "We have heard the same news as you. Magics wane in some regions and have gone wild in others. There is talk of war with our dwarven brothers in the Braeriach region. Then there are rumors of a fierce, hungry horde decimating the flatlands to their west.

    We are done for. Why not wring every drop of life we have left while we can?

    Elese inhaled as if to answer, but Gemma burst out first. You utter fools! You baseless, vile... asses! Gemma sputtered in rage.

    Now is our time of trial. It is in the darkest time; when we have little reason to believe, that we must try our hardest and believe with all our hearts. We must never give up; our faith must not waver.

    Do you speak as a priestess or a lover? Tybalt asked her. Didn’t your Tim leave you to quest? Your hero, out to save the world. But he failed, didn’t he? That or he just chose not to come back.

    Gemma shrieked in pain and anger as she slapped Tybalt and tried to scratch his face. Without thinking, Kai leapt forward and caught her. He pulled her away from Tybalt and held her as she struggled.

    Pale with shock at her mother’s outburst, Elese said nothing. Tybalt stood calmly watching, obviously enjoying the scene.

    Justus seized the opportunity to go on, And if it was so wrong, why hasn’t the gods struck us down? I don’t see where they have indicated that they are even displeased.

    Incensed at his blasphemy, the gathered priests and priestesses started shouting angrily. Kai, still holding Gemma, feared they would riot.

    Evander, possibly thinking the same thing, started shouting, trying to be heard above the noise.

    SILENCE! Elese bellowed, her command resounding over the din. Remember your vocation! Remember that you serve Dian Cecht, god of healing! It is not for you to do battle.

    The crowd quieted at her words but remained angry. Evander attempting to regain control called out, Tybalt, by your own admission you are unworthy of the rank and title of Baron. You are hereby stripped of your office!

    Tybalt laughed. I have control of the High Priestess; she is my wife and will do as I say, he said, briefly glaring at Gemma. You cannot attack on sacred ground and even if you did, you are surrounded by my archers. What wounds we take will be healed by the Waters as we drink to your death.

    Evander clenched his hands into fists with frustration, knowing Tybalt was right.

    Tybalt, you have heard my claims. The last desecration you will ever inflict against the Order will be to stain these grounds with your blood! Elese snarled. I challenge you to trial by combat!

    Kai wasn’t the only one to gasp at her words. Gemma stopped struggling and asked him to let her go.

    Evander eyed Elese. Smaller than Tybalt, she was fit but not overly muscled. She was dressed in trousers and a tunic, which was better than priestess robes, but she had no armor. She had a small blade, maybe a hunting knife, on one hip.

    Do you mean what you say, Elese? Do you understand that a trial by combat does not end until one of you is dead?

    Yes, I understand. I must kill him. There is no other way to save the Waters. A contradiction I can only hope the gods will forgive, she answered.

    Evander looked thoughtful as he weighed his options. Finally, he turned to Tybalt and asked, Tybalt, do you agree to a trial by combat? Should you win, the Queen will consider the charges answered and we will depart. Should you lose, your soldiers will stand down and yield the Barony.

    Tybalt replied, Oh I agree. To Elese, he said, I am going to kill you, wizard bastard. He turned to share a smirk with Justus.

    Evander inhaled as if about to speak but stopped as Elese shook her head quickly. He paused briefly before saying, Prepare yourselves.

    Kai wondered what she didn’t want Evander to say. Also, somehow it was that neither Justus nor Tybalt seemed to notice or maybe they didn’t care. Certainly, no one else was going to speak against Elese.

    Tybalt was already wearing a breast plate over a

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